Ctrl+f 'drugfeel' , no results

ctrl+f 'drugfeel' , no results

A question: cocaine doesn't gives you any kind of physical dependence,is it because it's somehow "natural" and made from a plant ? You maybe get a little sad because you don't have more blow or your nose is stuffed but it's not bad at all, for me it's very easy to cope if I don't have anymore cocaine ...
I can do a lot of blow without having withdrawals symptoms next day or months..
Anyway: meth, speed, heroin and opiates users, what the fuck are you guys doing man?
> Specify age or scary (near death) experiences please
And also, FUCK PSYCHEDELICS, this includes weed, schrooms,LSD, 2-CB or whatever the fuck you "enlighted" faggot do, sorry I have no respect for you

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Other urls found in this thread:


psychedelics are the only non retard drugs fuck YOU

This but still wonder what coke is like

Coke is pretty fun in a party setting but it's way overhyped. It's alright but for the price there is much better things you could do and have way more fun.

cocaine lasts like what ? 25 minutes? and it's fucking expensive. it also doesnt even feel as good as meth.

meth lasts hours and it feels godlike. you have the energy to write two novels in one night on it

you sound like a pretentious insecure drug user, anyway coke is not so good, I had fun 3 months doing it, then it became a big nono for me

not really, meth burns you down easily than coke, you end up being a zombie in no time

not in my experience not at all.

coke mood crashes after half an hour and leaves you feeling like dog shit

coke high is shit for the price. would rather just roll md or take morphine pills

that's weird, your coke dealer was trustworthy? I've done meth a couple of times, but seeing my buddies get fucking zombified and dumb made me quit.

>tfw developing tolerance to edibles
>tfw have to buy twice the amount at the weed store now

Shrooms are a lot of fun

> all these faggots against cocaine when it's the only stim drug that lets you rest at night after doing it
Yeah bro,you do what you want, keep enjoying smoking meth and destroying/frying your dopamine receptors. Nah I'm good thanks, bumping a little bit of coke from time to time,maybe with some rum to intensify the high, and going to sleep 3 hours later because I can (I'm not even going to mention the fact that if you have some benzos for the coke comedown you're practically a genius)

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I was a coke head way before psychedelics. Still do it from time to time but really try not to. It attacks your soul man, it really does. Psychedelics are better. Hell just do molly; molly blows coke out of the water although it is pretty neurotoxic and should not be done often.

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>It attacks your soul man
Are you talking about the fact that after you get hooked you'll do anything to get your fix? Like selling shit or steal just so you can get your high? Or do you mean It becomes part of who you are really fast?

Stims bad. I have a bunch of fentanyl presses that I've been enjoying.

Does anybody have experience with Glaucine?
It's apparently a mild psychedelic drug found in a type of poppy plant and it sounds very interesting.

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I tried a syrup that had glaucine and pseudoephedrine, didnt exactly measure out how much I drank but glaucine was a lot more sedative, content, disassociative and overall more of a hedonistic substance than traditional psychedelics

its like u just came on here to shit on ppls drug choice like urs is any better and helps u achieve in life


>glaucine and pseudoephedrine
Was it (pic related)? You Russian? Is it sold OTC there?

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Yup, thats the one, though we got updated packaging (I'm from latvia btw)

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It sounds interesting, I might give it a try when I'm in those regions again.

Stimulants in general don't have very much withdrawal. The only reason meth and amphetamine have any sort of mild "withdrawal" (depression, extreme fatigue) is because of how long it lasts. Cocaine will desensitize your receptors in a similar way to meth and amphetamine, but it only lasts for like an hour at most. Because of this, even the biggest coke binges are only equivalent to like maybe 2 days of a speed or meth bender (lots of speeders stay up for way more than two days).
In short, it's not that cocaine is necessarily any less toxic, but it's just that users are typically under the influence of it for a much shorter amount of time.

Fugg i just remembered it's no longer otc here, goddamn juvenile retards always overdosing on everything thats somewhat cool and making it illegal, sorry bro D:

Opioids are a different game than uppers. I've done coke, speed, and meth... Yet I always prefer heroin over any of them. I like coke slightly more than other uppers, but it's still pretty low on my drug preferences list.

sheeit. Latvia sounds retarded with it's drug laws, just like Russia is.
I presume DXM is also banned?

Yup, they banned dxm as well, the only half decent buys nowadays are Actifed (8,53eur- 60mg pseudoephedrine, 2,5mg triprolidine hcl), Pini Compositus (3,74eur- syrup bottle that has about 90mg codeine in total) and other more or less wack stuff

>Pini Compositus (3,74eur- syrup bottle that has about 90mg codeine in total)
Wait, so they made DXM illegal but you can still get OTC codeine?

does anyone microdose psilocybin? what effects have you experienced if so? finally have a new plug to buy shrooms and im considering grinding them up and making some .1g capsules instead of just eating them and tripping like usual

>believing that psychedelics are spiritual
Lol go back to your hippie channels on youtube that think theyve figured out life yet they have no children, they just travel around world smoking weed contributing to nothing
Psychedelic hippies are retarded, fucking braindead.

I really have no fkin idea, on top of that they made co-codamol illegal so it only would have made sense. Also the fact that a lot of nootropics like phenibut and piracetam are prescription even though you can ship them here from clear web stores by the kilo's just goes to show that they really are fucking retarded

>Psychedelic hippies are retarded, fucking braindead.
This. Fuck those faggots. I can't even convince my friends to do shrooms with me because they're associated with hippies and that gay shit.

>did Ritalin for few days
>It doesnt work, only makes me nervous

What the fuck is wrong with my organism

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They lack curiosity. I love psychedelics but at least im self aware unlike braindead hindu converted hippies
Maybe benzos is what you should take or just combine them both for best effect.

ketamine best party drug no doubt, fuck coke

agree on the 'enlighted' part about psychedelics, I only do lsd to enjoy the effects

Every single time I did cocaine I was left at the end of the night thinking "Why the fuck did I spend this much money on this?"

The drug I miss most is Mephedrone (Not methadone you junkies), but MCAT, MEOW, Dolly, Cat piss, whatever local names arose for it.

It was like the best parts of cocaine and MDMA mixed together with an instant onset if snorted but a horrific comedown.
The best part is it used to be legal, you used to be able to walk into a shop that sold birthday cards and buy 2g of "Wildcat Mephedrone" that was sold as a bathroom invigorating mixture, or as plant food.
God I miss it.
I still carry one of the cardboard clips it came in in my wallet, I'll send a pic but I'll have to move to my phone for that.

Isn't it still common on the DN though?


A question to anyone that can be arsed to answer:
How the fuck does one find a reliable dealer in a big industrial europoor city?
I've never tried shit but I'm interested in doing weed and anything that can be considered to be mildly-to-strongly hallucinogenic
help a dumbass out if you can, cheers

In short, I'd say dark net is currently your best bet. Wide selection of drugs you couldn't even find on the streets, or maybe in questionable quality

My personal dealer is actually my friend from high school, he used to smoke (and still does) a lot of weed since like 15. I was a nerd in high school so we didn't talk much, but after I became a bartender and started partying more, we reacquited ourselves at the bar I worked at by chance. Since then we tried a lot of very good and exotic stuff through his connections. However, he also got most of his stuff from dark net at one point.

Basically I think that you either already know them by chance, or you can start making friends at raves and bars, and through these people you meet them.

I'd say doing this takes time and dedication though, trying to become a friend with someone just to get drugs will get boring real fast I'd imagine and it would be a toxic relationship.

If you can't be asked, look into dark net, I haven't tried it, but the slight control you have over the quality of drugs you're getting is a BIG PLUS. Everybody on the street says their shit is the best, but of course it turns out to be utter trash, especially if you're some random guy. You will probably get a lot of mixed bad stuff in that situation.

Basically whatsaid. You probably already know a couple people who deal/have become dealers. Just get into a conversation and then drop "Shit, I really want some weed".
The Darknet is easy to use once you understand how it works, but getting BTC (depending on the country) can be a pain in the ass, the rest is easy.
In the meantime, you can try out legal highs. Don't mistake a drug being legal for it being weak/shitty. For example, some over-the-counter cough products (require no recipe from doctor) contain Dextromethorphan, which binds the same receptors as Ketamine in the brain, making it a Dissociative Hallucinogen.
There are also Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds, which contain an alkaloid that are structurally similar to LSD. THough the other non-Lysergic alkaloids make you nauseaus, it's still a very euphoric and enjoyable experience if you're ready for it.

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I have a question: If I go to a park and stare at the birds I just see a bunch of retarded chicken screaming and flying around for no reason. But when Im stoned suddenly I can understand what is happening. Which birds are communiccating, that once starts to fly the other birds follow him, how they are waiting for a cat to leave so they can change to another tree, that they want to eat the bread I left but they want to be sure the rival birds feel threatened...It's like I realize these birds are just like you and me

Is this reality I get to see once I am high the real "animal instinct" we humans have but going to school and technology has made us lose? Is weed the key to see true reality??

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try eating 5g of shrooms and doing the same thing
not saying it means anything but it's a fun as thing to do while tripping

have you ever tried metaphedrone (3-mmc)?
if so does it compare to Mephedrone

>just got 1/2 oz of tuna
Fuck yeah bois this shit smells stanky. It's that sticky icky shit bois. That sticky shit that makes you icky and sicky.
I'm so fuckin happy

Why is it called robotripping? Aren't you already feeling like a robot? Asking for a friend.

Because there is a disconnect between your nervous system and physical body, makes movement feel manual, like you are driving your body rather than it being part of you.

It's probably called robotripping because of Robitussin.
However, there's also the fact that aquiring DXM does not require any social contact. It's also a very antisocial drug that one more than often enjoys alone than with other people.
This translates to DXM being the perfect drug for robots.
There are also a couple robotic aspects of robotripping, such as the dissociation and the robowalk.

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i got extremely high on it and weed in high school and could only move very rigidly like a robot, then i burst out laughing because i thought i understood that robotripping was because of this effect that i was currently feeling as the common thing to experience. actually it's because the best stuff to use was robitussin

This, psicodelics and molly are the perfect combo

The robowalk is truly strange. I remember robowalking in school, and tt was almost like my body was moving by itself without me commanding it to.

What ketamine feels like?

i definitely feel more robot like on dex than other dissos tho for some reason
meth, in my mind i've been able to function for as long as i'm smoking it, although towards the end life comes back into my face as the warmth leaves.
coke it comes sooner, a few hours in i can't talk anymore, it's like having to choke out words.

All recreational drugs are psychedelics in some sense or another

I feel like just because coke is natural doesn't mean it doesn't cause dependence. I've been a long time cocaine addict, I used for about four years straight and after stopping my body wasn't really able to produce the energy or happiness that I could have before using. So you may not have the addict Gene like I do though

>Also the fact that a lot of nootropics like phenibut and piracetam are prescription even though you can ship them here from clear web stores by the kilo's just goes to show that they really are fucking retarded
We have something similar to that in the States, there are certain substances that can only be bought with prescription from a doctor but are legal to possess without said prescription, so there are sites that sell them, such as Memantine and Gabapentin.

>I feel like just because coke is natural doesn't mean it doesn't cause dependence.
Well yea duhh. Anyone who believes that just because a substance so happens to be produced naturally in nature it's safe to use is retarded.

because of robitussin. although it's a fitting definition considering when you're on dissos, you feel like a robot if you try to walk around or anything

So are any DNMs still trustworthy? All of my RC vendors are either getting siezed, lost in the mail, or something...
I guess I need to find someone that still does tracked shipping to the US, because most of them don't do it anymore, but all I want is some fucking ketamine bro, or tramadol or O-DSMT or at least an analogue and some etizolam, and I DON'T want any spiked shit.

Can you direct me to a place that does pregabalin?

Idk, I just know it exists out there. Maybe you can find some on the DN, but typically canadian sites like these have them:

wasn't expecting the first post to be this perfect.
enjoy your heart complications OP, my bros and i'll be trippin into the next century

Yeah, I just can't be chugging robitussin at 27, makes me nauseous af and feel a serotonin depletion similar to molly

I'm 24 and realizing that robotripping isn't safe, at least not without benzos to counteract the high blood pressure.

Was taking phenibut again the past 2 weeks but it pretty much stopped working

Took 15 grams on tuesday and 15 grams yesterday and it barely does anything now

I hope the WDs aren't too terrible this time, other times I was taking pheni I was using it for a much longer period than 2 weeks but also, I've never had tolerance accumulate this fast

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At 15 grams you're going to have bad withdrawals. I hope you have enough to taper.

>ordered robocough last week
>was supposed to arrive on wednesday
>still hasn't
>usps tracking removed the expected delivery date and says it's still in texas
fuckin corona screwing up the mail. had planned to take some tomorrow but I guess that's not happening

you fuckers are all pillheads eh? explains a lot

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Yeah I had the same issue. When I click on the link in my email it doesn't even show up, just 404s.

well that's just an issue with their website, that doesn't affect the mail at all
you can go directly to the tracking on the usps website with the tracking number

yeah I got little under half of my 100g jar left...worst WDs I ever had from pheni was just insomnia for like a week but other times I had next to no WDs at all, just an urge to use other drugs

Atleast you have tracking dude. I've ordered RC's and I don't know if they will ever come at all

You must be lucky. I've never been off of phenibut long enough to get WDs but I had some very bad WDs from GHB. Blood pressure spiked to dangerous levels, and on the milder end I was sweating and impulsive for a week.
Luckily I have tons and I'm currently only at 2g per day right now.

I've spent so much money on RCs that never come that I'm just switching to DNMs except I don't know who the most markets are.

>I've spent so much money on RCs that never come that I'm just switching to DNMs
This. I'm doing this too, wish I had hopped onto DN's earlier. Empire's the most popular and biggest right now, they've also gotten rid of those retarded DDOS attacks

>Luckily I have tons and I'm currently only at 2g per day right now.

yikes, how long have you been using daily? In the past when I used pheni it was only once every 2 or 3 days, the 1 time I used it every day for like 2 months was when I had the worst WDs trying to get off

Maybe you should skip doing it every day and just try every other day for a while instead...I cant imagine it's even doing anything for you if you take the same dose every single day

Can someone tell me if the phenibut high is worth it? I've heard from a lot of people that it's shit and weak. Then I've heard from people that it can cause blackouts.
So, can it get you more fucked up than alcohol or not? How does it's intensity compare to alk?

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It's kind of like alcohol that doesn't get you drunk...closer to taking a valium or benzo but not quite as good

it'll remove a lot of anxiety and inhibitions if you have anxiety in the first place

Probably been using it for about half a year now, with dose increasing and decreasing. To be honest 2g is more of a sleeping dose for me right now. I only take it a few hours before bed. I could probably go to 1g or even 500mg daily then start a regular taper from there.

Well personally its more euphoric than a benzo for me but I prefer real benzos for bringing my blood pressure down when using dissociatives.

Do I have to get the runaround to find a legitimate Empire link? I checked Dread and there's a bunch of comments talking about how that link might be invalid or exit scamming or something.

well if you're expecting to use it as a drug to "get high" and sit around doing nothing on it, it'll be pretty disappointing. also any drug can have nasty effects if you take way too much of it.
phenibut's good to take while going about your normal daily routine, going into a social setting if you have social anxiety, or for combining with other drugs (phenibut makes pretty much any drug better)

I'd seriously break the cycle of doing it every day though...I always found that even though the "high" is gone, pheni usually keeps you pretty relaxed the next day and WDs don't really kick in till like 3 days

Yeah I suppose you're right, I just get a ton of benefit from it.

You made it sound like you use it as a sleep-aid though and I can see that, as that's the worst of the WDs I ever got from it. It's more prone to keeping me awake though, I've had many allnighters / awake the whole day from taking pheni. I know it's claimed to be a "smart drug" by many and I can see that too, it just makes my mind less cloudy

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I think it's a smart drug for autistic people like me because it makes that annoying internal voice of mine SHUT THE FUCK UP.

I think the reason you have moderate withdrawals is only because you do it for 2 weeks at a time, though.

well I've done it for much longer periods in the past, just this time it's only been 2 weeks and the benefits aren't really showing up any more...Other time's I'd taken high dose 15-20g in a day I'd get incredibly fucked up but the past few days it didn't really feel like I did anything. I really wish I could get ahold of tianeptine sodium again, that shit was the best nootropic I'd ever found

How fucking hard is it to get ketamine in the US? All the US-US vendors charge insane prices and Netherlands is too suspicious to get through customs.

Just snorted 2 lines of amphetamine. Feeling good.

>2-CB or whatever
You even tried that one? Probably the most mellow one. You don't just go fuckin insane for 12 hours like lsd.

I've had successful orders to canada. Depends on how well it's packaged. If you're in the US you should just get 2fdck from china since it's still legal and only slightly more expensive.

2f-dck is stupid expensive though. Originally I just wanted DCK but all the vendors I buy from are in the Netherlands and the Netherlands I guess gets flagged.

>2f-dck is stupid expensive though.
make a bigger order. 25g is 450-610usd. 20/g.
anyway the mail system right now is right fucked so gl getting anything.

Guess I'm not sleeping today cuz it's 6am and I'm fucking stimmed af.

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Unironically this. The emotional backlash of coke and it's short acting high makes it really undesirable.


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I seriously cannot get anything except DXM and phenibut, this is getting bad. I can't tell if the mail is just getting fucked or everything is being seized by customs, but I really, really want my DCK and O-DSMT and Etizolam.

Found a plug for PCP, is it worth trying? I can buy it literally any minute right now. I've done DXM and K but stopped after one particularly bad trip, he told me only a couple of hits of it is intense and the dude that was experimenting with him bailed because of said unexpected intensity. Additional backround information I feel I should add is I'm recovering from a mild benzo addiction and have some psychological issues (including slight psychosis).

get fucked druggo lmao

Don't bother ordering internationally right now. Because of the whole pandemic thing international mail is being looked at more thoroughly, a lot more seizures.

What the fuck am I supposed to order then? All the ketamine out there is S isomer and not racemic.

just pay the $60 a gram? it's not that bad?

i keep getting addicted to kratom. its not even that good and i get sick half of the time bc i take too much. but i still feel the overwhelming urge to take it.

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kratom's kind of a bummer, you can only take it like once or twice a week for decent results

ive taken it for months straight and while you never get that long break type of high you can get yourself feeling pretty damn good if you hit the right dose

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there were points where I'd take like 40-50 grams a day and just feel decent, tolerance builds so fast with it

I never tried kratom extracts but I do really want to, slamming down all that powder is a fucking hassle and vomit inducing

Which requires finding a trustworthy dealer.

yea ive been there too, i always just kept shoveling it in until i felt something. i honestly would avoid extracts. i know this powder fucking blows but extracts are no bueno. i took a lil less than 1/4th tsp a couple times day for 2 weeks and had the worst withdrawals of my life. fever, crazy cold sweats whole thing. the balance of alkaloids are probably fucked with them

do they at least feel good though, or similar to normal powdered shit?

Theres bunch of shit cut with coke like levamisole. Fucking retard

Does anyone have any experience with Chemical Collective? Is it safe? I was thinking of buying acid and DMT off of them.

Should I robotrip? I avoided cough syrup because I heard that the trip is all shadow people, spiders, and general discomfort. However, I've been smoking a lot of weed since quarantine started and I'm looking for something with stronger psychoactive properties. Will this do the trick?

kinda but it was different. its been a while so i cant really explain how

From everything I've heard they are legit. But know ordering internationally is more risky right now due to covid. More attention is being paid to international orders currently so more seizures of goodies.

Risky in the sense of wasting money, right? Besides, I thought part of the appeal of Chemical Collective was that they use a lot of chemicals that metabolise the same as "actual" LSD or whatever, but that they're not technically LSD and thus not punishable legally. So if you're referring to risk as in legal risk, then you're telling me news, pal.

And with seizures, is that the end of it? They just randomly seize your purchase and whatever you bought and that's it?

went to buy an ounce from my friends trustworthy dealer. We scale it up at a nearby house and it was half, my friend was pissed. Called the dude from 2 different numbers, he finally answers and claims he got it mixed up but my friend saw thru his shit and realized he was trying to take that big sum of money to go buy more weed or something, anyway shits done with that dude. Got home, smoked a ton, laughed my ass off at pic related and posted this.
I'm sorry for the blog, I iust never go out the house or do anything, so a mild story like that seems interesting to me

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If you think customs are not gonna seize your "legal" LSD or whatever drug then you are very new to the whole RC scene.

They can. You probably won't get in trouble for it if it did, no. 99% don't when their shit gets seized. In the rare circumstance that they tried to charge you or whatever all you have to do is claim complete ignorance of what it is and that it was sent to you. If you admit to ordering it or try to argue that its "muh legal analog" then you absolutely will be charged lol.

If it gets seized take the loss and don't respond to any mail the gov sends to you about it.

Stay safe frens

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So I got turned onto a little legal high called Benzedrex a little while ago and have come to find it's perhaps one of the best and easiest to acquire OTC drugs in the US.

Thing is it is absolutely life-draining. You take 2 of those suckers back to back in an 8 hour period (each stick last roughly 4 hours) and you'll have bloodshot eyes, won't be sleeping for another 16 hours, and a bunch of other downsides. Anyone have any expierence or stories you wanna share?

>cocaine doesnt give you any kind of physical dependence
>is this because its natural and made from a plant
holy shit cokeheads are now using pothead coping methods LOLLLLLLLL
appreciate every drug user

Waiting for a batch of poppers to come. Shipping is fucked atm aaaaaaaaaaa

>makes it really undesirable
I think the opposite really, it's a blessing. Because meth is so cheap and lasts so long and the high is so good it's very dangerous, only 1 in 20 people don't become hooked on it. Blow can get out of hand too but since it's expensive and short-lived it's more manageable.

>Lol go back to your hippie channels on youtube that think theyve figured out life yet they have no children
>Lol go back to your hippie channels on youtube that think theyve figured out life

>yet they have no children

I think I'm gunna throw up

dont take ritalin then LOL that shit just gives me anxiety and kills my libido

children aren't an accomplishment and having children isn't neccesary
>they're happy and feel accomplished in life! f-f-fucking cucks!!!

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To say I'm very new is an understatement. I'd appreciate any advice. Hell, I'm not even sure what RC means. Research chemicals?

Have you had someone contact you about a seizure?

Chemical Collective is legit. So is Smokey's Chem Site and any of the other approved vendors on Lizard Labs' site. Problem is they're all from the Netherlands and Netherlands packages get extra scrutiny because they know most drugs come from there. Because of the hoaxvirus even more scrutiny is being paid attention to international packages as well.

A trend I've noticed is that whenever I either change addresses or vendors I seem to get my drugs no problem, but any orders after that, customs sees a pattern and seizes my shit.
I'm resorting to DNMs now but its sketchier and the prices suck way worse.

>under 1g of 3fpm left

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Being some trendy vegetarian failure who smokes pot all day is not an accomplishment. People look down on them for a good reason. No one likes a junkie.

Had so much energy, felt like a superhuman

like the feeling when you wake up from a surgery, except you have a shit ton of energy

I once was in the habit of doing loads of amphetamine paste and wanking to porn

Anyway, I thought Id try meth and do it. Forgetting that the dosages are WAY different. I did like 500mg or meth or something within an hour with no meth tolerance

I spent like 30 hours pacing around with my heart being VERY irregular heartbeat. Like every 5th beat itd make a bang pound in my chest. I thought I was a goner. Went to the emergency room 30 hours after ingestion and my blood pressure was still in hypertension.

Never tried Mephedrone so can't compare but 3-mmc is the shit. I always snort that stuff while going on an LSD trip and just love it.

Fellow GHB bro. Damn why are we so rare on this thread? 2g a day is little tho I don't even feel that even without tolerance. I'm 5-6g every time or it just isn't worth it. I could wake up and go to bed for weeks just drinking that G but quit because it's way too addictive. Do you have any idea how Phenibut compares because it works also on the GABA receptors?

Also GHB is just a better version of alcohol, prove me wrong.

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IMO for me GHB and phenibut are identical, just phenibut is the "twice as long, half as bright" format. I prefer it to GHB because I like the therapeutic effects but it doesn't wash down as easily or work as fast so its inferior to GHB for making my step-sister pass out so I can fondle her tits

my experience with legal highs in US:

Phenibut: does not get you high/drunk. great if you have anxiety and nervousness, it will definitely calm it and make you more sociable. useless if you already drink alcohol, there is a cross tolerance and Phenibut will have no effects. POTENTIALLY, can be okay for quitting alcohol addiction if you use it very carefully.

Kratom: can definitley get you high. good kratom is almost as strong as oxycontin. addiction withdrawal is very possible, with the classic "sickness" that will make people think you have coronavirus. but you can't really die from overdose the way you can with regular opioids. that can actually be a problem, because you'll feel like there's no problem taking it often and you'll end up "sick" all the time.

DXM: the high is amazing, you either go to a different world or the world becomes different. tolerance builds fast though even with breaks, you can permanently "lose the magic". i.e. if you use frequently for a while, take a long break, and try again "clean" then it just won't be as good. also it can make you retarded, drifting off into space cadet daydreams while trying to drive a car months after your last use if you were using heavily before.

i wake up feeling like i got hit by a train day after. it's that sore feel you get after working out, but less satisfying because it's not doing anything beneficial for you. propylhexedrine is a unique stimulant. it gives off this constant warm buzz in the back of my head in waves while increasing in intensity until i peak.
when i peaked during one experience with 2 carts wort of powder, i was hit with a rush of pure exhilarating euphoria that hit me suddenly and unexpectedly. i was as helpless to this experience as i am when i slightly lose control of my body when i stand up too quickly and all the blood rushes to my head. it was a dramatic leap in intensity from the comfy buzz to the peak. my vision faded as my eyes literally rolled into the back of my head. shimmers of prismatic light stood out in stark contrast to my sight, now filtered through a grey lense, as if everything appeared to have a soft shadow cast over it. i sat in awe of what had just happened, as the intensity of the peak faded, and the warm buzz in the back of my head welcomed me back from such an intense experience, like a faithful companion. these peaks would return, but with a lower intensity and frequency each time.
i am not trying to glorify/romanticize the abuse of this substance. i am trying to relay what was merely my subjective experience with this substance in hopes to provide a resource for others to make educated decisions regarding their substance abuse, and i'm not just saying this to be on my snooping fbi agent's good side. this drug, in high dosages, is a unique experience not to be replicated every other weekend. yes it is otc, but it is not to be treated with any less respect than something like mdma in my opinion. in lower doses, however, it's pretty comfy coomer pilled since it's a stimulant.

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alcohol has its place. i take a ghb prodrug, 1, 4 butanediol since it's a grey market rc. i get really intense vasodilation with alcohol, strong enough to give me headaches, but only a warm feeling on bdo. i don't like drinking bdo, however. it's flavourless drain cleaner that doesn't go down easily, even when mixed with a drink. it has a tendency to linger in the mouth and make you cringe just from the aftertaste. i do, however, like drinking alcohol. such a delight to consume a glass of wine. even better when home brewed and fine tuned to your tastes. in fact, i'm about to enjoy me a cup at 2:50 am lmao God i'm lonely

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Can someone explain why weed (edible, to be exact) affects me like this?

When masturbating I'm way more horny than usual and enjoy the session more (increased dopamine?), but it's extremely hard to cum and when I do it feels very inhibited and not satisfying at all, making it not really worth it. My libido has been really low for a while now and the edible kind of reminded me how it's like to be horny, but well, the end part kind of ruins it. If anyone has an idea of what's wrong with me and how to fix it I'd appreciate it.

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Sounds pretty good you convinced me to get some phenibut bro. I'll give it a try once my salary comes in. Any idea on what form to buy it in? I can buy normal pills of that stuff on fitness sites or is there a better way of getting it in your system? Also why just fondle her tits when you can drill her, out is out. Do it you faggot.

different forms of phenibut don't matter much, as long as they're being truthful about the MG content per capsule or whatever. but getting plain powder with 99% purity can actually be cheaper than fitness capsules or whatever. can't tell you where to get that since the site I used to get it from doesn't have it anymore, they focus only on kratom now because it's the most profitable for them.

Alright I'll do some research on my own and find out where to get it. Thanks for all the help GHB bro. Last question. What is the GHB situation on Empire? I got scammed last time making a big RL purchase of GHB and my one good dealer overcharges a shit ton. I'm from the Netherlands so that shouldn't be an issue.

I don't know but I get an almost same effect. I get horny as fuck and my dick stays rock hard after I cum. I guess weed really is a aphrodisiac for some of us.

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Howdy y'all. I just got my stimulus yesterday and I must say I'm quite happy. Got a super fire ounce and 4 grams of dabs. Also grabbed a couple dark persuasion beers by icicle brewing if you know the company. The ounce I bought had the terp profile printed on it. pic related. I'm so happy, I wish this were required by law.

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Weed is a crazy aphrodisiac for me. I get crazy horny on that stuff and jerk off like a madman.

>I got my stimulus and bought weed dudelmao
Hah look at this faggot.

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High faps have ruined me. Normalfaps don't feel as good anymore compared to when I'm high and jerk off.

>those sour grapes
I'm sorry you can't buy weed with lab tested thc percentages and terp profiles.

I was gonna but then I realized I'm 23 and not 17 and there are tons of more amazing drugs than weed.

But the thing is the orgasm feels terrible and restrained on it for me, even though the buildup feels way better. This contradiction is what's confusing me. You guys don't seem to have that.


I would say the build up feels better than the climax for me. Do your normal faps feel the opposite?

Ah there's you're problem, you're a zoomer. I'm an old burnout, I don't do anything harder than weed or beer anymore. Maybe the occasional salvia trip but that's it.

tried coke at new years once, its like downing 3 cups of coffee
thats it, just an energy boost and hyperactvity

What dealer is most likely to rip you off/give you a bad deal

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It's not just a light "feels better than the other", the climax literally does not release any good feelings and I'm practically emotionless during it. The ejaculate has trouble coming out too. It's really odd.
>Do your normal faps feel the opposite?
Yes, definitely.

Have you tried edging while high?

rum n coke kek

Any dealer that isn't your nationality.

>1 chance to finally get some sex
>couldn't get hard due to booze and coke
>we 69 until the sun starts to come up and I eat her holes whilst she sucking the floppy
>tells me she'd enjoyed the cooming and she'd be interested in returning the favor
>never replied to my inbox

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One of my best dealers at uni was a muzzy, then someone stabbed him multiple times whilst in his car and he sounds like a stroke victim but he was still slinging. I have a feeling it was a family business.

I didn't know about those other sites! Thank you!

Should I use a PO box? Basically my living situation is that I am living with three other women with our landlord and her husband. Packages left on the door are pretty visible.


So in The Netherlands they sell these bottles for 12.50 they just combined some fun RCs in. Which one should I try?

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Yeah I agree some muzzys are God tier and basically have this gene that makes them good drug dealers. Some were great as in no bullshit, just pay and leave and a friendly hello is enough while inexperienced whities just make this whole charade out of buying drugs because they watched too much breaking bad. But I'm a jew and I tend to negotiate always when buying drugs and white Dutch folk tend to be easily persuaded to come down in price while muzzys just say fuck off and if you don't like their prices you can go somewhere else.
So muzzys.
>Pay more. Less hassle.
>Prepare to get annoyed, jew the fuck out of them.

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Right lads, I can get coke and weed easily but struggle to find psychedelics. Any advice?

Just 1P LSD all day long man. Where are you from?

Sunny Scotland...

just show em your quads, they'll be so impressed they'll give you free coke

Yeah you can try buying truffles from a Dutch site which is basically shrooms. Look into the availability of RCs like 1P or 1cP LSD which is basically the same as LSD or darknet. That's about your options without RL connects

Gonna buy the Explosion I think for the MDMA like qualities and the Citrus for the amphetamine ones. Although I wouldn't mind the Supernova just to trip a little.

every drug under the sun except methoxetamine can be found on the internet and they even ship it right to your place of residence

which is a goddamn shame, MXE was fucking ace and those cocksucking retards shouldn't have banned it because it's both safer and better than DXM which any asshole kid can steal from the local grocery store.

forest fruit seems nice
i loved 6-apb

How many hours after the LSD trip starts are you able to go to sleep?

I unironically regret the time I wasted not taking drugs. MXE sounds amazing.
Also dropping molly before 21 might have altered my brain to be less autistic.
Depends on how unlucky you are.
Some are awake for 12 hours after.
Always have benzos at hand.

1 flunitrazepam, 2 iktorivil and you will sleep nice

I absolutely adore that stuff. Binged for 5 days straight on it once (best fap session ever). The first 2 times I tried it it made me nauseous but the third time I experienced the same euphoria and increased libido I get from dexamphetamine. I seem to do well on all stimulants. Even pseudoephedrine makes me feel a bit nice.

>ordered something domestically 1 week ago
>still not here
>ordered something from some other guy one day ago
>came the next day
Either the first guy didn't ship anything or he's lying about shipping domestically and it's coming from some neighbouring country. Fucking hell.

>>came the next day
Youre european, right?

got some sertraline, concerta and melatonin
can I do anything with that? probably not I know

I m glad i realized it's time to stop i was in jail, become homeless, drug addicted, alcoholic for around 15+ years,lost all my possessions, lost family,stole,never had friends so don't lose any but still people ignored me, now im trying to get everything right again, im in search of a job but coronalypse isn't helping, 3 months sober
>inb4 blogger

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Yeah. Is this not normal in murrica?

>tfw I did 2+ years clean in N.A. and now all I do is smoke weed.
I feel you addict user. You can do it, if I could so can you.

You should try abusing the ritalin. If it doesn't work the first couple of times don't give up on it.

O shit lmao

Based stimfapper

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Do you use lube? Cutfag or not i love lubey weedfaps. Remember to slow down and take a deep breath as you feel yourself about to nut, clench your kegels, and focus on the porn.

t.drugbot coomer

my little helpers dulled the pain but killed the joy

>Every time I stand up, my heart "jump starts" and my tongue, fingers and toes go numb and tingle

this is it boys

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Did you do meth again after? And what about the comedown

i pressed the psychosis button
can't unpress this
someone come murder me with a golf club please

Why people become alcoholics. ):
Seems there are way more fun ways to fuck your life up. Also here is a based song about a heroin user.

Willy's song


Ohh shit nigga. You in it now. Good luck mate. I went through two before finding Amisulpride. What are the symptoms? Try to stay aware you're psychotic, use the meds and try to get admitted to a comfy ward.

I'm not a threat to anyone or even myself. I had a really bad freak out on a high dose of psychs and percieved what felt like imminent external attack.

Mind just couldn't cope with it and i paniked, willed myself unconcious. But then it's like a bunch of the nonsense thoughts got left behind because i cut the trip short for my sober mind to deal with which FUCKING SUCKS SUCH FAT FUCKING DONKY SCHLONG WHY AM I SCARED OF THIS WHY CAN'T I RECOGNISE IT AS AN EMENATION FROM MY OWN MIND AND NOT AN ACTUAL EXTERNAL THREAT FUCKFUCKFUCK

Lie. Lie about being a threat to yourself to get admitted, sorry bro but sometimes you have to up the ante to get mental health. Once you're in the system they have your back. Psych ward is the best place to be trust me. Trust me it's gonna blend in more every day, every day it will feel more like reality. Get treatment asap

>Do I have to get the runaround to find a legitimate Empire link?

how is psychosis real like just stop believing in ghosts haha

It seems to be sorting itself out though. The episodes are getting further apart and much less intense. Meditations appears to have taken alot of the stress away from it. Like I get the thoughts but they no longer make me panic.

Don't want no drugs. Don't want no fucking psych ward. I'v quit all drugs. I think my mind is just natually compartmentalising the experience in a way that doesn't make it flip shit.

10th day of no real drugs anons.
Just some prescription benzos and beers now on a Friday eve. I'm doing well, in a month or two I am going to try phenibut for a while and get some more MDMA, LSD, Ketamine. Then have a good trip to welcome myself in my new home. Then who knows. Who else 'sober' right now?

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Is kratom good for a stim comedown? It usually makes me Euphoric if I take it whilst sober, will it have the same effect as during a stim comedown?

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made me grin slightly

As long as it is in remission psychosis can sort itself out with meditation and generally getting a grip on paranoid thoughts and anxiety. Stay sober fren and good luck. Just make sure to hit that panic button when you need to. Trust ya champ

instead of ordering from the netherlands, order from the uk

>cocaine doesn't gives you any kind of physical dependence

Thank you that is very kind of you to say and I wish the best for you too

Where the fucking fuck is my fucking mail?!?!?!?!?!?
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh fuck!!!!!!!!!

I really want to try DOB or a DOx. It sounds fucking amazing; a combination of amphetamines and psychs that last a whole fucking day. Whilst y'all would be arguing about Stims vs Psychs I would be doing best of both worlds at the same time.
What are stimfag's opinions on Psychedelic Amphetamines?
What are psychfag's opinions on Psychedelic Amphetamines?

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>Where the fucking fuck is my fucking mail?!?!?!?!?!?
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh fuck!!!!!!!!!
Lol this is me like a month ago. I ordered a lot of shit before the corona shit started, and none of it arrived because of covid.

Pretty similiar expierences to yours desu. I love those head tingles you get. It feels a lot more like mdma than meth but has that 12 hour fap fiending in there too. Idk how anyone does anything productive on it cause I'm constantly busting fat nuts on it.

For 5 bucks a pop it should be on top of your "Drugs you can and likely will get addicted to" because it sneaks up on you with the ease of getting one. I'm down to only doing 1 stick at a time and only 2 for a sesh. Before i was doing 500mg to start and another 3 or 4 to every few hours to keep it going. This will make you fiend

based. fuck OP. psychedelics are the only drugs that should be legalized.

you're aware that benzedrex is worse for your health than meth right? that you'd be safer doing literal meth?

Uhm stimfag recently getting into psychs. I don't see how being on amphetamines while tripping all day is not based. People always overdo the whole. Nooo honor the trip and be in a good mindset nooo don't mix. But the best trips I was always fucked up on some amphetamine and serotonin releaser as well as the psych. LSD plus ketamine is a God combo. If you want to try crazy things try to K hole on LSD. It is amazing.

I did benzedrex first time two weeks ago, and am gonna do it tomorrow again.
>Anyone have any expierence or stories you wanna share?
It was my first real stimulant (unless you count nic). I took 2/3rds of a cotton and then chilled on my bed listening to music whilst I got a steady euphoria. I was surprised I could lay down so quietly, only fidgiting with my hands. I then sipped the rest of it. like two hours afterwards. I liked the high but it also scared me because it was so euphoric it almost threw all the other highs I've had out the window.
The comedown wasn't as bad as I expected it to be, like I got pessimistic thoughts but I knew that it was just because of drugs, and it went away after 2 hours. Trying to sleep on the comedown was a pain in the ass, I think I popped some melatonin and it did it's magic though.

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