Redpill me on RAD140 user, really just test with no side effects and no PCT needed?
I was also curious on RAD140 and any down sides on taking it with Black Maca
Hair loss, acne, and suppression that may permanently weaken your natural test production.
Good dry gains though. One of the few SARMS that are a legit alternative to steroids
did some research on this and u'd definitely need a PCT. not speaking from experience though.
i refuse to believe you can take sarms with no AI or PCT needed
something something no free lunches
>AI after SARMS
Lol you retards realize that 99 percent of sarms are just random powders (ditrac mostly) mixed in with PEG400. Fucking idiots, there is a reason they tell you to just use 20-30mg on "sarms" so you wont notice the damage you retards are doing to yourself, all while convincing yourself that youre making gains.
Decent strength gains, I was moving much more weight on the big lifts from an 8 week cycle after a plateau
Bench 120kg to 145kg
Squats 170kg to 190kg
Diddly 220kg to 250kg
Got a small amount of acne and dick issues but they went away without pct after a couple of weeks.
10/10 would try again because I don't want to pin
I've personally known someone that decided to take 60mg of RAD as a retard tier self-experiment. He no shit vomited out blood and was rushed to the hospital. Turns out there was Brodifacoum in his system. I am telling you, either pin or stay natty.
And he was on this shit at a low dose for 4 weeks prior, he thought all the sides was just a result of having his test levels suppressed, mf even bought Nolva.
I'm on RAD 140 @ 5mg for last 3 weeks. Also taking 15mg of MK 677.
None of the side effects these guys are talking about. I get a great pump from the RAD. These things aren't magic (or like actual roids, I'd imagine)
nice lifts bro
Only take it when you are atleast 80% close to peak natty, stick with Osta first
Sarms do neither raise estrogen or lower LH which are the hormones which signal test production.
AI is for estrogen , it would have 0 effect,PCT(SERMS) would indeed help but you would recover naturally anyways so they will do more harm than good in the long run.
SARMS really aren't as powerful as online communities make out. Even a "high" dosage over a 10-12 week cycle, the effect is marginal. So marginal that if your training is already inconsistent due to an irregular program or poor lifestyle, you may not even notice the difference. I think the reason there are so many rumours online about "bunk" SARMS is because people really overestimate how powerful they actually are. I haven't cycled rad but I have cycled lgd 4033, Ostarine and YK-11 on a number of occasions. Of those YK was the only one that yielded someone impressive results but YK isn't really a true SARM, more of a pseudo steroid. I'd also say a PCT isn't strictly necessary but it can't hurt.
>Look mom i made the sarms thread again!!! hahah I'm so smart!
>really just test with no side effects and no PCT needed?
Lol no, not in the slightest.
>Sarms do neither raise estrogen or lower LH which are the hormones which signal test production.
They do lower lh though, but your right about be e2, if anything your e2 will get uncomfortably low on sarms. It can cause rebound sides when you come off though.
what was your dosage? also bw and bf before and after more or less?
does it give you radiation?
What exactly were the issues with ur pp?
While high doses (15+ mg/day) can really boost strength and gains noticably, I've found the side effects arent worth it for more than 5-6 weeks. But I can take 2-3mg/day and see noticable, steady improvements in strength and muscle gains, better progress. And I can run it much longer before I start to feel the same sides, especially low estro sides. Honestly it's great at low doses for helping to improve recovery when sleep and diet can't be 100%. I think this is similar to how early bb'ers/weighlifters dosed dbol when it first became available. Low doses for long periods of time with good training, food and sleep results in improved gains.
>no side effects
>too scared to pin
Absolute pussy
I’m about to order some of this shit.
It works fine. I've cycled it multiple times with satisfactory results.
Did you need a PCT?
What was your dosage and how long was your cycle?
lmao fuckin pussies up in here.
grow some balls and stick a needle in yourselves fags
Look you fucking nigger, idk where to get that shit. I’m not scared to use it, but it’s illegal and I don’t know a dealer.
>haha my roids are better than your roids pussy
I've done 2 cycles, first at 10mg for 9 weeks, great results and hardly any suppression, insane pumps and strength. Second cycle was 20mg for 8 weeks and i stopped because i was getting way to suppressed. Had to take a pct to feel normal again. I'd recommend staying on a low dose if you ever try it. Who knows what the health ramifications are form these substances are though.
Absolute faggot
>too scared to use a needle that doesnt really hurt.
What exactly consists of a PCT? how does one do it properly
Google, faggot. Helps boost test and stabilize hormones afterwards to get your body back to normal. Take the pills.
RAD - minor difference on a tiny dose. Upping the dose seemed like it was starting to work better but I began having lower back pain, which went away after stopping.
LGD - tiny dose considerably filled me out, but mostly as water weight or maybe just psychological (I liked how I looked in the mirror more, but the numbers on the scale didn’t go up that much). Upping the dose gave me acne or something like rash on the sides of my torso, stopped there.
MK this thing is amazing. Pump, recovery, sleep quality are all through the roof. Hunger is super high too, but that’s a plus for me personally. No sides.