/r9gay/ - #1008

Soft cute cowboy bf edition

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Same.. wish they're so perfect irl like we saw in the media..

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What are you anons up to tonight, /r9gay/?

Bros tfw no /k/ bf, I think I just found a very /k/ dude in fb and he's so cute..

Are you going to make him your bf?

I-I don't know, I'm kinda scared to tap that "message" button let alone I don't know if he already had a gf/bf since his profile is mostly private..

Good luck to you getting a /k/ bf either way, user.

anyone else absolutely hate facial hair? I even love manly dudes but hairy faces especially disgust me. Pubes and stuff are gross too if not at least trimmed. I don't want to get hair in my mouth.

Thanks user, I'll just send him a friend request first though..

Why is the thread so slow? It's gonna get deleted.

Dead thread today, that sucks. I wonder where everyone is.

>go on drive like I usually do once a week
>do this because it makes me feel slightly better
>aimlessly driving around like normal
>find myself driving towards a place that gives me pain to think about
>never done that before
It didn't feel good to realize that

its friday night user...

Where the fuck do you think you are, anyone going out on a friday during quarantine is probably some annoying normie

Exactly, most of r9gay are normalfags.

I've been trying to talk to people. Perhaps talking to people related to this has been a mistake, there's a lot of pocket spaghetti in these parts and it's embarrassing.

Do any of you guys like urban exploration? I find industrial areas with those sodium lamps to be comfy.

I've been skating alone and listening to music every since quarantine started, its nice because I dont have to deal with my roommate. Been going out for a bit and just enjoying places that would usually be packed with people

Would anyone date a boy who had 3 freckles on his butt?

I'm too clumsy to skate, but I do take my bike out a lot.

I like biking too. I've been really sick lately (not the rona just bad luck) but I hope to get out there every day I can once I feel better.

>tfw no bf to choke me with his hands during anal intercourse

Skating is pretty easy, could probably learn in a few dedicated hours, plus theres a lot of videos you can watch for basics.

Honestly skating is one of the most free feelings you can have, nothing better than cruising around empty streets

>tfw no bicycle because I'm sure niggers will steal it
at least gas is cheap now

I hope you feel better user. Do you have a favorite place to go?

I just go as far as I can when I feel well. I really wanted to get as athletic as I could so that, hopefully, I can attract more people. The problem is that I'm short and it sadly hasn't seemed to help much. It's also really hard to find other guys to date, unless I'd have to just give up and start wearing a rainbow bracelet. It's really frustrating because I don't want to broadcast that kind of thing, but unless you do there's just no hope.

>tfw no 3 freckles on butt bf

I want a cock inside me where a womens pussy would be on me. Up the ass is weird, it doesn't hit that perfect spot.

why do virgins have the weirdest fucking fantasies?

t. virgin

tfw no bf to teach me how to skate
tfw no bf to go skating at night during lockdown while we chit chat and listen to music

Hey there mister
>tfw no bf to play rdr 2 with

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I think the longer it goes on the weirder your ideas of real life become in isolation. I agree, virgins develop the most bizarre fucking ideas in the absence of physical intimacy. This often creates a lot of sexual anxiety and dysfunction because reality is nothing like what they see in porn, or what they invent in their heads. It's largely for this reason I really try to avoid virgins, they're exceptionally dysfunctional the 2 I tried to date. Super anxious, super inept, and often unwilling to admit they have problems.

>tfw virgin
>tfw no anxious inept bf with problems

Advice on how to get a bf as a virgin sperg? Also, what are relationships like?

My advice would be to do some serious self reflection and maybe look up people talking about real relationships and how they work. They're about compromise, and trusting your partner. If you cannot trust somebody, your relationship will be a catastrophe. Be honest and communicate - I wouldn't mind someone being a virgin but if they have all these weird hangups that causes them to avoid sex it's a complete nonstarter.

Relationships, when they work, still require work. They still require you communicate and listen, still require you cooperate and compromise. Eventually over a few years this becomes somewhat automatic, if it's actually working, but if it becomes one-sided or a dead bedroom (this happens to a lot of gay men) and one or both people refuse to work on it, it'll break apart. Relationships are a continuous process of communication and compromise, and once you foster resentment it's over.

But for everything else? You get to sleep with somebody, tease them, play with them, giving and receiving affection and feeling wanted is amazing. It makes the work and compromise worth it - if and only if you have trust.

Does the bf store restock on the first of the month?

theres no such a thing and never will be

For a lot of virgins here this is actually the end phase of a very long journey they'll follow. Because as you say, a real relationship requires trust. It requires someone to know how to want someone else, and perhaps more importantly how to respond to being wanted. These are things that a lot of people, and I think especially gay people, have problems with. Not even just the virgins.

Frankly, sometimes it's less painful to stay closed off. It's okay to not have a boyfriend. It's okay to be alone. It's okay to just have friends. Friendship can teach you some of the things you need to understand about relationships in general before you even consider entering a romantic relationship.

You have to actually put yourself out there every way possible. Put up pins, list yourself somewhere, it's really hard because gay men don't have some distinctive features innate to them. You have to voluntarily signal that you're gay somehow. Beyond that, you also have to weed out the people just looking for sex, who sadly are most of the men actually listing themselves. But if nobody does, that'll just continue, and tens of thousands of gay men will stay lonely because they give up.

I list myself on things in the hopes of finding someone willing to chat. Among that, what's really important is good health and exercise. If you're fat and slovenly, nobody wants that.

That'd be fine as long as people actually work on themselves, instead of blaming everyone for remaining alone. This is a problem I had with one of my relationships, the guy just wouldn't work on fixing the problems we had and uses that self-masturbatory blame cycle to paralyze himself. So we broke up. The only thing that pisses me off about it is that I'm certain, like every other relationship I've had, the person later fixes their shit and makes somebody else happy. I think I have a lot more reason than virgins do to be rather cautious and untrusting given my experiences.

It's a sort of hedgehog dilemma. If you keep people at a distance, you'll ruin any chance you have of finding something that works.

Contributing to the thread, wishing for a cute bf to love, and are there any r9gay discords out there?

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There's one but it's run by a fatlogic guy who thinks he can be healthy at every size. If you like delusional people I guess give it a shot? Otherwise it seems to be mostly on an individual basis. There's tagmap too, of course.

There are at least 3. Pick your choice between fatlogic guy, normalfag/shitpost central, or orbit central. I got invite links to all three, drop a temp email.

Just out of curiosity, what is fatlogic guy's handle? Don't need the unique numbers just a name.

[email protected]

I love that you know who I mean by fatlogic guy. I am kind of interested in normalfag/shitpost central? I'm not sure about orbit central, insecure men are usually suuuper anxious and won't talk to you. You can pastebin them here? Or perhaps direct us to a relevant /soc/ post? I'm honestly not sure if this breaks the rules or not.

You have a cute boy coming to your house for a dinner date and you need to cook something. What do you cook?

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...Food is food? What does he like? It depends, I've made a lot of different things. Stew, roasts, hamburgers. It isn't a big deal as long as it's not an allergy issue?

Lasagne is a safe bet and one of the few things I can cook consistently well. And I'll bake a cake or something, too.

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something relatively light, not too spicy. Rosemary chicken, roasted potatoes and carrots, and an inoffensive universally acceptable green like green beans. Or fresh spinach. Depends on what I have around really, but that's probably what would happen if he was coming over tomorrow night.

[email protected]

What's the point in being out if I'm not going to have a bf?

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I have no shame in saying that I would give up pretty much everything just to be a very handsome mans plaything, he can do whatever he wants with me and I have to follow all of his orders as long as he loves every part of me, that would be the peak condition for me. Everything else I enjoy is just a distraction from the fact that I dont have an owner

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Friendly Reminder Homosexuality is a Mental Disorder.

1. Evolutionary speaking, serves no purpose socially and reproductively.

2. Religiously, you know exactly what a hypothetical God thinks about it.

Very likely;

a. you have high aromatase activity.

b. you suffered feminization from the womb due to prenatal hormones.

c. you were exposed to excessive endocrine disruptors chemicals.

d. you've persistent organics pollutants.

You defend homosexuality as normal because you don't have an option, you have to to cope for the fact you used your digestive system for homosexual gratification.

You should be angry, you were sickened from birth and it was probably intentional.

Due to how rare gay men are, comparatively, you have to work a lot harder to find other gay men than people normally do. You don't just get to flirt with guys at work or something. And it's especially bad if you're not communist left-wing because college or trans groups ("LGBT" just gets taken over) are rabidly political. Being "out" at least means people might casually recommend you.

>Order sushi, 90% of cute boys love sushi.
>cook italian, carbonara, aglio e olio, cacio e pepe, lasanga, etc. It's simple and hard to fuck up
>cook burger because burg is nice

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suck my dick fag`

0 / 10 troll. Try better retard.

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I can do a couple dishes well
>ribeye steak, broccoli with garlic, white rice
>Jap style chicken curry, but not a katsu. fuck deep frying
>macaroni and cheese feat. special guest leftover pork chops
the only dessert I know is custard pudding, I hope he's not averse to the snot texture

1. Evolution is a happy accident
2. God wants me to be happy

That's the fatlogic server BTW. Owner is super cringe.

It's 4:00 AM and I have no bf

This screams "I'm going to end up in an abusive relationship".

One of the admins literally has the user name coal burning furry. What sort of fresh hell is this place?

[email protected]

It's discord; uou should always expect faggotry going in.

The cringe kind. Don't even bother going there. It's suuuper bad. But if we want someplace to go we really should go find a /soc/ post or relevant place like that, so we don't break the rules like he just did.

Stop the virgin porn fantasies please. No one actually would enjoy this life 24/7. When you're not actually horny but he tells you to turn off the video game and go clean out you'd lose that fantasy in half a second.

I admitted to someone once that they could hurt me to sate their curiosity, if they really wanted to. Do more than that, even. Kill me if they really wanted to, even. I know they would have never done that in a million years, I knew it back then too. But I said they could. I'm actually tearing up just thinking about that. I don't think I could ever give that right to anybody else.

Basically this. Real relationships don't work like BDSM dating sims, and nobody would want them to either. Also, bottoming takes a lot of work, you have to at least eat a good diet to make it less likely to end badly.

People, especially the younger guys, seem to think you're going to end up fucking randomly all the time. Most sex you have is going to be non-penetrative simply because when your horny often won't align with when you're clean. Real life has real life problems, people should approach that with maturity.

Holy shit you need psychological help if you're not trolling.

your idea of a real relationship sounds like two passive aggressive normalfags who only want sex

Not that guy, but I was sort of online flirting with a dude once when he dropped that he got off on holding loaded pistols to people's heads while they sucked his dick. Noped the fuck out fast.

>tfw i think I know u
>tfw ur actually too sweet to hurt
if ur not down under ignore this

Who doesn't Need it?

...Uhhh... my idea of a real relationship is mature people communicating their wants and needs and compromising on them like adults is "passive aggressive" to you? Are you high?

Remember where you are user. If you're not shitting and pissing on people your social skills are too high to be tolerated.

>like adults

why does 99% of the relationship have to be compromise? maybe you're not meant for anyone

Real life isn't a fairytale. Sometimes you meet people you get along with pretty good naturally, other times not so much. But no matter how well you think you get along with somebody, most of the time you have disagreements. Whether it's about who does the dishes or who tops who, doesn't matter.

But I think you're trolling given the snide comment you made just now. So, hopefully non-trolls learn something by this.

No kidding.

I mean...not everyone is exactly the same. Me and my friend are almost exactly alike, but we still have some differences

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>Most sex you have is non penetrative
I'm ok with that, honestly Im kinda fucked in the head and my mouth waters at the thought of fellatio. I got over the weirdness of it and just accepted it.

I'm not trolling. Where does the love come in? WHy are you trying to get with someone you're not compatible with.
Two people can be completely different yet share a intimate connection.

Love is just assumed in that equation. If you think love works like a disney movie, you have problems dude. I've been in a few relationships, some for years, you absolutely do fall in love with people and you still need to learn to cooperate. This isn't a movie, I've no idea why you think things just magic into place simply because you love somebody.

>tfw no bf who can prolapse his asshole

Hey you sent the wrong ones btw. Expired/fatlogic.

In any interaction between two parties there will be compromise. Voiced or unvoiced, the distribution of resources and tasks will have to be determined. If living together, the bill schedule and division will have to be discussed. Love is the impetus for being willing to put up with the hassle of rearranging your entire life to include another person. Before that point, you will have gone through a series of progressive compromises while dating. Who wants to eat where, when, how do work schedules align? How do you split the bill at the restaurant? What vidya do you play together?

Interpersonal relationships are work to maintain. There's a reason there isn't exactly a plethora of long term monogamous gay relationships. It's the same reason there's not a lot of long term monogamous straight marriages which are actually happy arrangements between two people who are happy with their choice in partner and not just stuck together by law and kids. These things are hard sometimes and even the two most in love people won't get along or agree 100% of the time.

Its not a Disney movie but it should feel like one. I won't need to learn how to cooperate. Why do you think its so difficult for a virgin to share chores or try to understand his partners point of view? Maybe you've been in many relationships because you're a normalfag asshole who's given up on true love and are projecting how hard it is to communicate in a relationship onto other people.

Fuck logic and science right?

Wow the hostility. You might think it's all sunshine and roses but it ain't, because if you're a highly agreeable type who overly compromises you'll let those rose tinted goggles breed resentment when your partner isn't psychic. That's why communication and boundaries are important. The fact you reference "true love" really does suggest you have a Disney Princess mindset about relationships, and that's just not how the real world is.

Basically everything said also. The fact you seem to think "true love" means "I don't have to work out anything with my partner" is setting you up for horrible failure.

> the hassle
You're exaggerating greatly.
> series of progressive compromises
If you need to do this then you're not meant to be.

All those other things are not big deals? I would want to eat where my bf wants because I love him so I'll always be happy with any decision of where to eat. whether its where I want or where they do.
> are work t
Not if you're meant to be. Normalfags are retards who get together just to have a relationship over trying to find
the one". After a series of relationships they decide their current partner is "good enough" and thats why down the road the relationship fails.

I miss being in love anons. I had a dream about him again last night ;_;

Nobody cares what you think troll. Buh-bye.

>tfw nobody has ever had a dream about me

I mean, in a way I envy your naivety. But also I know this is going to end poorly eventually. Good luck man.

dont have a bf rn. Maybe if you didn't rush into so many relationships you'd be more optimistic

No kidding. How old are you by the way? In your 30s like me? I like talking to mature people who have some idea of how the real world works. Wanna chat?

Virtually all terrestrial, intelligent animals display homosexuality. Despite not being able to reproduce, they still are able to adopt abandoned children and raise them better than heterosexual counterparts as two males are better able to defend and feed their young.

>irl love is hard work and pain
no thanks normie, you're not fooling me

Making a lot of assumptions. I've had 3 relationships in 15 years. You just want to assume we're doing something wrong so you can maintain your fantasy, and we're telling you that isn't good for you. All you're going to do is sabotage yourself and ensure that, if you do end up in a good relationship, your own narcissism is going to ruin it. This "all or nothing" idea of love is pure fantasy, and it'll bite you in the ass.

>literally everyone who has actually had relationships is telling me one thing but I actually know way more about life even though I've never had one
They always do this, they won't learn until they experience it. Wasting your time.

Do you think going into those relationships was a mistake on your part? mb for only wanting one relationship my whole life. what you're doing wrong is getting with people who arent meant for you

mid 20s. If you'd like to send me an email [email protected] is the best way to go. I probably won't respond for a bit though, I'm about to get some sleep.

No, they weren't mistakes. I learned how to be a good partner and learned how to better identify a good potential partner, as well as what are no-go red flags. For example, your attitude is a no-go red flag I learned from experience. None of my relationships had or ended with anything egregious, you can sometimes just find out you aren't compatible. Sometimes sexually, sometimes socially, and you don't find that out except for the doing of it. Since nobody is psychic there's no way to find out otherwise.

At the very least when reality does come crashing down I would hope these naive people at least take these lessons to heart, however late, so they don't fatally freak out when their Disney paradise shatters.

>all these hand-holders in the thread
>they might even have KISSED someone before

Hey user, this is going to be a really scary thing to hear and I'm sorry I'm the person who tells you this. What you're talking about does not exist. I get that it's really pleasant to think it does but that is going to get you into a really bad spot. I opens you up for an abusive partner, and in the other direction it may ensure you just have no partner at all and one day you'll wake up and realize that it's a problem to have no one. I'm not saying to settle. I'm saying expect to encounter a situation in a relationship that is good where you'll have to settle a dispute between you and your partner in a healthy way. Expect to encounter friction occasionally, and address it, because if you don't resentment will build up.

My man, I've never held hands in a romantic way. Or kissed anyone. I'm just not completely delusional.

Homosexuality is a sin and you are damning yourself to hell.

I wish you the best on that. As long as you have a realistic outlook and beware red flags you should work out okay. Sometimes the problem isn't you, though, the other person just has yet to learn some hard lessons about life.

Don't let the delay get you down, the more of us try to get out there the more we'll meet one another.

jokes on you, I listen to black metal so that means I'll get to meet all my favorite musicians.

But what do you mean by that?
Its not like anyones gonna actually help with that. No one is gonna get that. The people who say you should get help for how you feel don't understand that there is no help for that feeling.
You don't get what its like to have nothing but mindless grinding every day, no one cares about you, everyone youve ever met thinks youre a nuisance. You have so many issues you want to fix but you just cant muster up the effort so it just gets worse and worse until its insurmountable. And someone comes along and makes you forget about it, makes you feel valued. And that kind of love and attention, you dont want to let go of it. You'd do anything for them, you'd let them do anything. I'm ok with that, I really am ok with that, if its the right person. I would be ok with whatever they wanted. I want to please, I really do, sexually, generally. But only to those I really love. I hate doing anything for anyone in a position of authority, its just an instinctual dislike of those types of people. But if I actually love that person, my desire to please them is insatiable, I have to do as they say, it turns me on and it just fills me with butterflies. You cant get help for something like that. You have to accept it

Why? Because one of the 5000 gods said so?

I don't believe in the things you do. The collection of texts you know as the bible is an arbitrary canon determined by ancient social engineers. You're literally getting played in the long game by people who died over a millennia and a half ago.

You really need to work on your troll. So is wearing mixed fibers. Lol nobody cares about a dumb book.

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Calm down mister Shapiro

I've got my own self image issues to work out, and honestly some problems with trust. I understand conceptually what forms a healthy relationship but I know I'm not prepared to have one right now. Thanks though user, I really hope you find somebody because you sound like an alright guy.

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>if you believe in love you're an incel or retarded enough to get in a abusive relationship
Using relationships to learn and acquire experience for next time is fucking disgusting. Even if you think like that for next time. The only lesson should be around how you could have figured out that he wasn't the one for you when you first started dating.

Both of you guys are jaded normalfags. Im done talking about this.

If that were true, I'd rather be in Hell than in the same plane of existence as the people your God considers good.
your Hell would be full of people I can get along with just fine, unlike your heaven, which is full of fucking idiots who got rewarded for being stubborn anti human, anti-logic scumfucks who stuck by the ancient committee reviewed book of fables that told them how to think and act towards life and their fellow man. Instead of, you know, Looking to their fellow man.

Give it about 5 more years, or study family law. That second one will really break any illusions you have about love and relationships.

I really hope you're trolling, because good god damn you're going to be in for some real bad hurt with your narcissistic attitude. There's nothing disgusting about just being people, and committing to something, only to find out you mutually aren't compatible. I'm not "jaded" at all, I've loved each and every one of these people and they've loved me. It just isn't what you think it is.

Aw, that's a shame. I always suggest hitting the gym or whatever equivalent if you can, often trying to be a good person is all any reasonable person will ask. As long as you are genuinely working on yourself people will notice.

You're like some dude fresh out of college who comes onto the job and tells 30 year veterans how they're full of shit and don't know what they're talking about. Please stop, you're embarrassing yourself.

I'm not going to base what I'm going to get over what normalfag do.
You're normalfags who are somehow on r9gay. I imagine you're the old useless guys who never got promoted not vets.

Any plans for this weekend, /r9gay/?

>tfw no japanese music bf

if you've touched another human being in the past 10 years, you're a normalfag!!
lie down in my bed for 23 hours, and spend 1 hour making food.
this x3.

Suuuper ready to go on a long bike ride. It'll be the first though so I'll probably be pretty out of shape. I hadn't been keeping up as best I should due to getting sick. That needs to change badly.

I work just like every weekend from forever until forever. Someone release me from this purgatory of existence.

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Going to be with a few fwbs and have fun. It was special day yesterday so.

If a general has one normalfag, fuck it! Welcome all the normalfags in!

I want my future bf to drink 3 litres of water so I can hear it jostling around in his qt belly

Shitty day.

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haha what if he has to pee a lot

What does it mean if a boy is "boivulating"?

that means he is a discord tranny who needs to get TOPPED

I'm going to be sad and play Squad and be sadder because I'll be shit at it. I'm also going to spend an inordinate amount of time agonizing over whether a new $12 gigabit ethernet PCIe card will solve my problem of only getting 200-300 Mbps down despite the fact that I should be getting 800+, but ultimately I probably won't buy it because I'm an undecisive retard.

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I'll suck your dick if you pat my head and cum on my face

Bad user, have some dignity

Dignity never helped me have a good day

>I'll suck your dick if you pat my head and cum on my face

Oh, and everything else was sounding so good.

Probably stay at home while going through the endless cycle of Zig Forums/youtube

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>tfw no bf to cum on my blushing face

>tfw a certain user already disappeared from these threads
>tfw planned my future with him and how to manipulate him into loving me
now what

Where is he from? I can help you.

Manipulate me instead user

how do you come to terms with the fact that you will never be him?

i dont wanna say specifically but it's not europe or usa

no fun if you're willing

Except for shitposting? Nah, not really, I never have plans. Speaking of shitposting.
>tfw no cool, sweet and kind anthropomorphic wolf adventuring partner to explore a medium-fantasy medieval world with
>ywn get to explore ruins of a old forgotten civilization, looking for clues as to what happened to them and scavenging for artifacts and relics
>ywn get to make and eat fantasy food with him while talking about either what to do in the future or our current situation
>ywn get to be in fierce battles with him where both of your lives are on the line and where a single mistake could cost you your life
>ywn get to get drunk with him in a tavern while reminiscing about our past adventures
>ywn find and try to decipher old ancient scrolls together in hopes of unraveling the mysteries of this world
>ywn train and develop new skills together so you'd have a better time adventuring and a higher chance of surviving encounters with hostiles

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why do you post the same thing over and over

Cause he's a shitposter. Ignore him.

yeah you are desu but this is more like spamming than funposting try something new or write a short story about an adventure with wolf bf

Jeez user, I wonder why. Better than just spewing out effortless >tfw no bf posts, complaining about puddle deep problems or posting normalfagotry like the majority of people here. I also have hope that a specific person will see this post and have a long, detailed conversation with me about some things, doubt that will happen but it doesn't hurt to continue shitposting since meeting such a person is within in the realms of possibility after all.

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Work, work.
Be happy to!

Shut the fuck up nigger my >tfw no bf posts are art.

t. the guy who posts several >tfw no x bf posts every thread

You complain about this of all things as spamming? Are you kidding me? Do you know what spamming even means? I post this once per thread basically and it's always modified unless I'm extremely lazy that day.
>try something new
I do, constantly, but it's not like you'd know I did it, I'm an user after all.
>or write a short story about an adventure with wolf bf
I have and will more in the future, It's not easy for me to put my thought into words user.

ur posts r practiclly >tfw no bf tier tho why not write someting actually fun about it instead of small uninteresting >ywns

I do, but as I said above, It's not easy for me to put my fantasies (that beings thoughts) into exact words. It's like describing your daily life to someone, it's not very interesting or easy now is it? So I have to MAKE it interesting. pomf.
But yeah, my posts are basically >tfw no bf tier but I'm surprised out of all the people here you critique me of making low effort shit (it is low effort but compared to some other shit here, cmon). Try to make some interesting ones yourself and you'll understand that it ain't easy, unless you happen to be a lot more capable than me, which you most likely are.

Let's discuss, r9gay

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That's called the ass of the bread.

It's just te end bit, who needs a word for these things

Can someone be my bf for the day?


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Hows it going this morning friend.

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I'm not gay so maybe opinion is meaningless but that's the heel right?

Sure user, I will now be your bf for today

I hope they will be happy being each other's bfs for today.

Thanks user! I'm warming up the house so we can have some pleasant cuddles.

I missed the post #1000 :[

You're lucky then
It was a shitshow

But a funny shit show?

No just a shitshow

And here I was enjoying my day and reading books then the suicidal thoughts and depression kicked in

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I love pancakes. You can put lots of things on them. I love sugar and cinnamon on mine, and sometimes cream.

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Hope you don't eat that for breakfast user

I only eat it occasionally!

Gotta be careful with eating too much carbs!

Good boy, do you eat it with your boyfriend or fwb?

What matters are calories. Some people do better eating fats or carbs when it comes to moderating satiety. But if he's concerned about weight he only needs to count his calories.

As a reminder, a calorie is a unit of energy. While different foods may have different long term health effects in excess, it remains an absolute fact that if you undercut your BMR you will lose weight. It's just pure thermodynamics. Physics.

Neither. I make and eat them solo.

tfw can't get fat no matter what I eat or do
tfw no bf who also fat-immune

Get a boyfriend or fwbs and have meals together it will be better :3

don't you have somewhere to be that's as far from here as possible?

>calories is all its about
No, we've been over this the body is a lot more complex than that and you're being super disingenuous to pretend "just thermodynamics bro its just energy bro"
If you pour gasoline in a fuckin car with a hole in the engine it's not just "thermodynamics", you're completely ignoring there's a lot more to bodies than just "take energy in, burn it, throw it away"

Why is it wrong? Having a friend you trust and hold dearly you can do lewd with until you find boyfriend, it's more common than you think :3

>Replying to the most obvious bait posted in this whole thread
user are you stupid?

slovak, are u ok?

This and even if he had one or if anyone has it they usually don't talk about it for reasons. Think smart.

A friend who occasionally share lewds is really good to have. I want one :'[

I've met a lot of people from these thread over the years and nah, that kind of deal is really common. What a surprise that a gay community is full of turbosluts. And they love to talk about it.

Stop replying to a shitposter you tourist.

If you're an unistudent try to find some guys from clubs or stuff like that. Like join gay communities.

You fundamentally do not understand what a calorie is. 1000 calories of rice, and 1000 calories of meat, are both 1000 calories. This is literally the "steel is heavier than feathers" equivalent of misunderstanding here.

Yes because bodies are always always using calories exactly the same yes of course you're so smart user

Generally speaking, yes, absent some cause to not digest a given food. However, that reduces the caloric intake (such as in celiac disease), not increases it. However, we're talking about normal people here without digestion problems, so for each caloric unit consumed they will receive... one calorie. If they've a metabolic disorder that reduces BMR, weight loss is still calorie counting.

"But steel is heavier than feathers" - Please stop doing this.

Metabolic syndrome is extremely common due to high carb consumption in most people

I want to have lots of big hugs!

Metabolic syndrome causes a slight reduction in BMR. Do you know what the solution is? Caloric restriction. Do you know what the best preventative measure is? Exercise, because exercise prevents the additive nature of visceral fat that appears to cause metabolic syndrome. Subcutaneous fat does not appear to be as bad, and the primary cause of visceral fat is being sedentary for chronic periods of time for many years.

Preventing metabolic syndrome means exercising regularly regardless of caloric intake. Completely preventing it means reducing your caloric intake to lose weight. Case in point, even thin people who are sedentary still have high rates of metabolic syndrome due to visceral fat deposits.

Yes, chronic overconsumption of sugars leading to insulin resistance also appears to be a contributory factor to visceral fat accumulation IN sedentary people. But we're talking about weight loss - not metabolic syndrome.

>visceral fat causes metabolic syndrome
Wrong, it's the influx of insulin as a result of sustained carb consumption

You literally didn't even read what I wrote. You're either really stupid or a troll. As I wrote - and you ignored - insulin resistance contributed by sedentariness and over consumption of carbohydrates in a caloric surplus (consumption over BMR - gaining weight) does contribute to visceral fat accumulation and metabolic syndrome.

... And all of that is entirely irrelevant to weight loss. Because that is dependent on two things: 1. Being sedentary, and 2. Over-consuming calories (gaining weight). Thin people who exercise regardless of diet almost never develop metabolic syndrome.

...Which is still totally irrelevant to weight loss as it's still under-eating your caloric expenditure.

Can you go on dates with your husband or is that reserved for bfs?

I gone on dates with a few robots from here and a few from tinder/grindr. But I have only had sex with the guys from tinder/grindr since robots weren't so good looking T~T

European pancakes or american pancakes? Or french pancakes?

European. I don't like the american ones much.

Basded. Remember to use lots of butter so the edges get crispy.

Are you going to come cook them with me?

yes, I love pancakes! Can you flip it? I could do it as a kid but i dont know if i still can

I haven't tried before, it looks quite tricky though!

What are you gonna put on your pancakes user?

How to see males as people instead of sex objects? "He's cute" "He's tall" etc is all that goes through my head when I see one.

Hmmm I really should learn to cook or at least cook more often I'd probably make him syrupy crumpets

Why? It's just human to think like that. You will think of them more when they're your. Like when you get a boyfriend or fwb.

How is cute and tall sex objects
If its someone you know instead of someone you dont know then yeah, you can be like "his personality this his personality that" but dont shame yourself for remarking on the features of someone you dont know. THats all you know about them anyways

You can't fuck a personality and a personality isn't the dick or butt -.-

My favorite is usually syrup (the thick dark one from beets not the canadian one). I also like cheese & bacon and powdered sugar.

>You can't fuck a personality
download discord and any server really. The people there will def. fuck with your personality.

tfw no bf to teach me how to dance
I try to dance by myself whenever I listen to music

Bacon is a good addition!
Will we cuddle after?

Bacon goes good with almost anything!
im im full with pancakes lying down and cuddling is the only thing I'd wanna do

Sorry but a real dick from a tall and handsome guy is better than stupid incel roleplayers


go get a room

I meant they fuck with your head and make you want to kill yourself, not sex lol.

>I meant they fuck with your head and make you want to kill yourself, not sex lol.
Who cares lol

I care because you misunderstood my unfunny comment you bitch

>Wanted to buy BotW to switch with dlc
>Literally costs over 90 euros in the nintendo e-store

WTH?!(what the heck?!)?! How am I supposed to afford that

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buy physical you can find it cheaper

Not that much cheaper :( It will still cost me like 70 eurobux if I want the game + dlc, thats just outrageous for a single game

Don't get the DLC!
It sucks!

Okay! I saw a twitch streamer do a 100% complete run speedrun and the game looked so fun I want to try it

It's breddy good yeah
Honestly worth the cost with how many hours youll get from it but trust me dlc sucks
Only good part of it is the motorbike and its not worth 20 buckaroos friend

emulate it on PC and play in 4K

No thanks, I want to use my switch and play it legally!
Nice dubs, I'll buy the base game online then, it only costs like 55-65 euro then

Remember to fix your posture guys!
I was having back pains and had trouble fixing my posture to be correct until I lowered my chair a bit so I sat better

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Ive tried fixing mine to no avail
I think im just fucked

Do you have a good chair to sit on?

I have no chair in my room
I sit on my bed
Its very bad and I usually just lay down instead craning my neck to my tv which fucks my neck

tfw no bf who will sit on my face

Ouch, thats awful for your back probably

How are you gonna solve this situation then? Hmm, you dont want back pains when your grow older user! Its a mess

tfw no bf face that i can sit on

fellow chairless bedsitting user here, fuck chairs and fuck my neck/back!
I want comfy and thus I will have comfy!

For me its not about comfy its about not having the room for a good chair
It was comfy at first but now its painful

I've never had a good posture in my life so I think my back has become accustomed to that, I never get back pains or anything like it while people around seem to complain about it ever so often.


Whats your future boyfriends superpower r9gay?

>tfw no bf to kiss me and grab my butt

>The ability to become the embodiment of loneliness
Lmao fitting

The power to "release/use objects to various attacks"
What? Is my future boyfriend going to be ESL or something?

>Body Storage

>Power/Ability to:
>The power to have compartments in one's body that can store weapons and objects

He can fit the bigu digu inside of him

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This website sucks! Booooo

>thought my parents filed me as dependent so i wouldn't get trumpbux even if I did the non-filer form
>do it anyway
>just got the $1200
fucke yes boys

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>tfw literally nobody will ever find you attractive unless they feel bad

You're in luck, user, I feel bad all the time!

cute /an/imal

but you probably live far away from me and would hate me

>tfw started doing again some autistic things I did as a kid

my future bf will be a cat boy!

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can i get a bf that isnt a creep if I look 17?

for some reason i find this incredibly pathetic

like, to not want to pirate a video game, is to be totally incapable of even the most victimless, risk free, clearly beneficial form of transgression

paypigs are just like that

Think of what that tells us about his personality. Like holy shit, imagine ever having such a bf or even just a friend.

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