I could be 6 1 with shoe lifts
I could be 6 1 with shoe lifts
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and they only cost 1 dignity
Heavy fucking cope post. Even the faggot tier fit threads don’t deserve dying this easy.
could be 6 1 with high heels too you femboy
Lifts are helpful in the office or if you're trying to pick up drunk women.
Could have 12” dick with a penis extender sheathe
The fit on that first boot is hilarious.
God manlets are such as a joke. Fraud your height all you want when you take your lifts off your hideous short stature will be evident to all
lol literally asking for a sprained ankle
Lmao imagine having to wear these wherever you go or be found out
You can easily tell when someone is wearing these cope blocks inside their shoes. The leg proportions are usually quite alien.
Derek from more plates more dates said it's okay to wear them because women wear heels/makeup etc.
Well if a youtuber said it....
Ahahahahhahaha have some dignity
Womens heels aren't hidden you retard
>Derek from more plates more dates said it's okay to wear them because women wear heels/makeup etc.
>making out with girl on bed
>start undressing eachother
>user what's wrong, don't you want to take off these shoes?
>n-no... I'm fine
>continue making out
>for real, take em off, you're ruining the bed
>no idea what to say, I can't blow my cover
>blurt out the first thing that comes to mind
>th-that's my fetish... *stare blankly*
>she leaves shaking her head and giggling to herself, but at least I am still 6'1 in her mind
don't let this happen to you, son
>tfw could be 12' with stilts
Yeah, with a 5" lift
Does derek also wipe your ass?
>implying lifts could even get me a lay
Fuck you, I am staying alone forever.
Well derek said!!!!!
well it must be true then! some guy on the internet said so!
don't talk shit about derek from moreplatesmoredates he's a fucking alberta puck beauty you dust queen pigion pylon, he's got filthy mitts
just be rich and powerful first. everyone will know you're wearing them, but they won't saying anything to your face
Here's what you're looking for, bruv.
Don't spit on OP, lads. He might be a manlet but he's still one of us.
Maybe one day, OP, you'll realise that height doesn't mean much, and that if you can pull of getting an amazonian gf while being sub 175cm, you will be more of a Chad than 90% of Zig Forums.
We're all gonna make it bros
It's Derek from more plates more dates . com
No, that makes no sense. What are you talking about?
Plz go away Derek
i know who it is. Is he god?
Well there isn;t fruading going on if they are forthright about it, you fucking spastic. girls dont wear heels to trick us into thinking they are taller. kys rn srs you fucking spastic ass cunt
BAHAHAHAHA holy shit you can see the outline of his feet these are like 5" fucking lifts LMAO
>t. 5'9", would never wear these even if they were guaranteed pussy.
>user, we're at the beach, why are you wearing giant boots?
>he's not 6'2" from birth
Wearing these calls more attention to your height than your actual height since most women would believe you're 6' if you told them (as long as you're ~5'8"+).