Time once again for arcanines comfiest thread; the robot guitar central. It is my birthday today and I want good vibes in here while I let the fact I am 28 wash over me. If you hadve told me at 14 that at 28 you would not have made a single album I would havent believed you. At least Im working on it this year.
Time once again for arcanines comfiest thread; the robot guitar central...
Other urls found in this thread:
I do quite enjoy the new /gg/ now that it has moved out of Zig Forums
>Guitar thread!!!! Maybe if I incessantly poorly play wonderwall females will finally notice me!!!!!!
>>Guitar thread!!!! Maybe if I incessantly poorly play wonderwall females will finally notice me!!!!!!
Your mum showed me this photo of you. We had a good laugh together.
>At least Im working on it this year.
post what you got
Dang what a shame. Oh well. Guess it was misguided to try use this place to cheer myself up
do any anons know what song this is? :D
happy birthday op!!!
take care and have a good one :)
Happy birthday fren, User your instrument to cheer yourself up instead of relying on a leddit shithole that's hell bent on keeping you down in a cycle of doubt and self loathing. Keep practicing, Keep working on your music, and use your instrument to cheer yourself up, It might need a string change or a retune here and there, But it will never disappoint you.
I'm only interested in playing sonic and dragonforce, any advice?