Still getting bullied during quarantine

I'm still somehow getting fucking bullied and harrassed, even during fucking quarantine. Especially when I go outside for a walk, chads, stacies, normies, beckies, you fucking name it, they all bully and harrass me for being short, fat, ugly, balding and autistic. They do it to piss me off and they piss me off everytime ,I fucking hate it and i wanna kill the mall

Pic related is kinda what I look like

Attached: 69e7f7030f42400ab6d28abf8cd984f2.png (774x1032, 1.16M)

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Just open-carry an AK. Free country.

Same here. A few weeks ago I walked into town and some nigger in a white car took a picture of me and laughed and drive off.

>my boy Garfield
>my nigga Tails

Imagine getting bullied as an adult lmao
grow some balls

Attached: 1586725572583 tony soprano.jpg (2000x1277, 555.78K)

I live in the UK
That kinda shit happens to me all the time
I get bullied because I'm a subhuman autist and I live in a small UK shithole in Northern England, so everyone knew eachother for pretty much forever. I just happened to be the most inbred

You deserve what you get then redcoat nigger

Autists are superior
i'm an autist and i don't get bullied because i threaten to beat anyone who annoys me.
i mean i am like a ogre but you can always work out if your a skinny manlet

move away then, you mong

I deserve to be bullied for shit I can't help?
Even if I did workout, I'm still extremely short and I have terrible genes for building muscle, so even people who have never trained in ther lives would beat me in a fight. I even get beaten by girls, even when I was still working out. That's how pathetically weak I am. It's a miracle I haven't been beaten to death yet (although I got close a few times)
I can't, it's quarantine. Even without quarantine, I would never be able to move out because I dropped out of Highschool and I can't get even the shittiest of jobs due to severe 'tism + my general appearance and demenor in general