What would you do with a tiny boy or girl anons?
What would you do with a tiny boy or girl anons?
I would start a Youtube channel where I would make them fight with giant insects and animals in interesting arenas that I would have a lot of fun building.
Would you let them die, or pull them to safety if it looks like they're about to lose?
Idk idiot, i'm not a kiddy toucher..
What would you do with a tiny man or woman then?
I would probably torture them 4 fun. Don't see much things they could do. Is this ur fetish or something faggot?
As a matter of fact yes, it is.
Have you ever seen how deadly predators are?
Why would I bother saving a tiny that's been heavily mauled or poisoned?
I just didn't know the extent of how cruel you were planning on being with them.
i don't see what's so appealing.