This kills the fragile white male ego.
This kills the fragile white male ego
Not gonna lie, I hate niggers but I am scared to death if I managed to get a gf, which seems impossible, some dumb 80 IQ nigger would try to fuck her with his ape penis.
I am disgusted thinking about it.
This kills the pathetic shitskin ego
Have a big dick < Not live in Africa
The choice is simple really
Why do pathetic niggers lie constantly about their dick size and why do pathetic Asian subhumans spam nigger dicks to feel better about white men fucking their women?
Reminder: OP is a Asian and has a 4 inch micropenis
What now yytboii
Having a large penis to body ratio is actually a human thing believe it or not.Out of all other primates humans have the biggest dicks both proportionally and size wise
Keep coping Asian subhuman. Literally everyone knows whites are bigger than Asians. Your women certainly know
Don't bother responding to the pathetic Asian subhuman faggot