Please, be honest... What makes you happy?

Please, be honest... What makes you happy?

Attached: gondola.jpg (1625x1117, 438.95K)

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I get very happy when I am able to encryptively defraud Anons on Zig Forums.

Creating music. It brings me some kind of sanity in life. My mind has caused me a lot of pain but the music is simply my output. I don't see the music as just music but as something else.

Being at peace. If I feel I am in combat with anybody I am having a bad time.

driving my bike through the nature
(especially when i don't see or meet another person for the hole trip)

walks in the early morning while listening to music

Nightwalks through campus while reading Wikipedia articles on my phone

Funny YouTube videos I suppose. Lots of things make me feel melancholic, but that's not happiness.

What software for creating music do you recommend?


The fact that this is the only thing that really comes to mind probably says something about me. Man, I can't wait for the next time I take amphetamine and then spend 12 straight hours playing video games.