Finasteride and Natty lifting

My hairline has moved 1mm (I measure it every month) despite me using Nizarol so I went to the doctor and told him I wanted a prescription for finasteride and he said I'd have to come back again to discuss options.

Since I'm going to be using pharmacology to keep my hair, should I just throw in the natty towel and just roid? I'll already be using shit to stop myself from going bald and that was my only concern.

Has anyone else been through this dilemma?

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Your thread is retarded, no.
Anyone here actually know what happens if you pin as a finasteride taker?

how does this make any sense?
it's not just DHT killing your hair follicles but also all androgens in your body including testosterone, all androgens bind on the AR's in your scalp

>should I just throw in the natty towel and just roid
definitely, it's the only sensible thing to do in your situation

Jesus thats a pathetic chest for a roidfag

Are you bald?

That whole body is pathetic for roids user.

What makes you think he's roiding, he could easily be natty.

Doesnt this fag literally talk about his cycles and drug use in videos? Ive never seen and dont watch his videos but pretty sure anons have mentioned it.

Yea but in comparison to every other muscle the chest is pathetic

He has done everything under the sun and shits on natty lifting constantly.

Aye, it's actually jimmy neutron on gear

Only DHT does that.
Avoid DHT derived steroid compounds if you want to keep your hair, finasteride won't protect it from Tren etc.
Just do Test

Are you dumb, he's obviously natty on the left. Right is him after multiple blasts.

In my opinion he's natty he's prolly just lying about roiding to be one of the boys.

Imagine being this retarded

Attached: 82e635e69ca5c6fa14bf56aaf11be5c5.jpg (435x435, 28.75K)

What makes his muscular body so ugly? I actually like my own body more than his and I'm skinny fat/average-ish built

>Only DHT does that.
No, testosterone is your main androgenic steroid and it also causes androgenic alopecia which is why post menopausal women lose hair at the same rate as men despite having essentially 0 dht in their blood

where is his chest

His physique overall is above average for a steroid user. It's not a magic potion that makes everyone look god tier
You still need really good genetics and should be working out HARDER than a natty and eating more than a natty

Youre delusional, most natty lifters have bigger chests


nizoral is castrating as well, not many people realise this

His chest is gigantic in the second pic.

nizarol is for dandruff isn't it?

Just like Rich Piana did huh? That's fucking genius

Does nizoral active ingredient ketoconazole go systemic when applied topically to the scalp?

Does topical application lower testosterone?

I know ketoconazole is an anti androgen, and interferes with the synthesis of testosterone from cholesterol. But are there any studies or anecdotal evidence showing a lowering of serum testosterone from topical application?

>Does topical application lower testosterone?
perhaps not testosterone but overall androgenic activity is impacted
even tea tree oil does that and might give people gynecomastia

leave derek alone you faggots. also, poast fizeek.

Take Dutasteride
Apply Minoxidil 2 x per day
RU-58841 1 x per day
Nizoral shampoo twice a week
Dermaneedling 0.25 mm twice a week
1 mm once a month