I love banging prostitutes so fucking much

How safe is a condom? I've seen about 5-6 escorts in my life and I worry if I've caught something. I never go raw. So far my stuff has come back clean when I go to the clinic.

I never used tinder, so that's good to locate? I have a hard time finding one looks decent. My standards are low I just do not want obvious addictions.

>have you tried a club or a party if you're in college
Yeah. I'm able to get normal sex if I actually put in all of the effort but I'm lazy as fuck. Also normal girls also have these diseases so fucking girls for free isn't any safer.

Where do you live? I live in a really big metropolitan area so I get a wider variety of girls who pop up.

If she's not some sort of crackhead, she's not any dirtier than a regular girl. Just keep using condoms. I haven't caught anything yet.