B-but I got 170 on an online IQ test

>b-but I got 170 on an online IQ test

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good if you got that you're a genius, leave this place and do something of it.

>was an articulate, studious, well read kid
>spent the past ten years addicted to screens and cultivating no hobbies or interests outside of the internet
>now a slow dull husk of wasted potential and neglected opportunities

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I thought I was smart in the past, but if normalfags were able to get friends and girlfriends and wives as NPCs, I must be extremely depeived of mental capabilities

it doesn't matter how dumb you might actually be

we all just gotta iq max with what genetics we have been given

170? Nigga you need to do something with that. Only reason you feel like that is because you have the aptitude to learn and you squander it doing nothing. Why you feel so shitty. 131 here and I am killing it in school transferring to my uni if this damn virus lets up. if not pick up some hobbies that mean something. I am gardening vegetables and taking up hard surface modeling for and plan on using that for 3d printing objects for repairs and housing for projects and weird bits and bobs I just can't buy anywhere else.

Fixed your picture, that text is unnecessary and makes it look really stupid

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you fucking retard it's a parody of this. the soulless is a play on clueless in the comic. what the fuck is with newfags these days you really know absolutely nothing about the culture of this website but you shit up threads with your dumb fucking posts anyway. just fucking lurk more you faggot.

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I don't have that problem since I took an actual test and got 145. My thought process is actually too deep for normalfags.

>you fucking retard it's a parody of this. the soulless is a play on clueless in the comic. what the fuck is with newfags these days you really know absolutely nothing about the culture of this website but you shit up threads with your dumb fucking posts anyway. just fucking lurk more you faggot.
not that user nor new (here since 2016) but there is no need to bully him .......

>not that user nor new (here since 2016)
>not new

>not that user nor new (here since 2016)
everyone who came here in 2016 and after are considered an eternal newfag. that was the year this site had an explosion in traffic the people that came were entirely ignorant of the site's culture and they outnumbered the other users by a lot. that's when this site really stopped being Zig Forums and turned into something else entirely. i mean, if you came here after even moot was gone do you honestly think you aren't a newfag?

what is your problem ..! why do you bully everyone

newfags need to be hazed you wimp

>due to childhood of being called retarded, stupid, idiot, etc by normies and parents for being in special ed class, genuinely believe i am retarded
>special ed class makes me take IQ test in 7th grade during period of drug abuse and alcohol abuse
>push it off and make all these excuses that IQ tests are unreliable
>later on go psychotic because schizo genes
>graduate GED with above average to high test scores
>push it off like GED is easier to get high scores in
>get invited to local community college because high scores
>push it off like they'd invite everyone
>read my IEP special ed papers
>peppered with "student is intelligent, student argues intelligently, student has extremely high math/science/reading comprehension"
>push it off by saying schizo has lowered my intelligence
>start engaging with society after successful recovery from schizo
>"wow, you seem like you're going somewhere in life" "you're smart, but not in a bad way, you're not annoying about it"

I feel painfully mediocre and the fact that I am apparently smart only makes me feel like everyone I have talked to who says I am smart is coincidentally below average intelligence.

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i feel for you user i feel stupid all the time but then i talk to someone and i remember how dumb the average person really is.

I got a 137 on an online IQ test so in reality I'm probably borderline retarded

I'm not borderline retarded by yeah I'm like 115 IQ max although being in isolation for many years and selectively watching videos of morons convince you you're some sort of avant-garde genius

>after moot was gone

My brother is like this? He was always kind of clever but when he dropped out of life after uni and became a neet, he constantly tries to one up me at everything. That cope,

It feels unfair to remind him that I'm in uni, have a long term partner and are generally doing better than him at life despite being younger, but it shuts any retarded, indoctrinated, brainwashed, dumbass incel rhetoric he tries to vomit up.

Sorry, he dropped out of life after *high school.

One upping is a sign of a failed man. What kinda stuff does he even try to tout as accomplishments?

Good on you for leading a good life, Champ.

That's me a few years down the line. Fuck, I hate being told I'm talented and that I have potential.

Yeah same. Is there hope for us?



Isn't the internet better than real life in that aspect though, people will never be honest and attack your views in real life out of fear of repercussions of conflict, on the internet, as soon as you say something wrong you're eaten alive.

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At least I think of myself as extremely stupid, so the rare times I do something clever it's like a consolation

I was in the psych ward several times this year and talking to not just the other patients but also the nurses and doctors helped me realize just how much more knowledgeable than the average person, I was a terrible student when in a school setting but being free to learn what I I want, when I want and how I want during the last eight years of NEETdom has allowed me to accrue a significant amount of knowledge on a wide variety of subjects.

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Zig Forums is full of people dumber than reddit lole. Never met anyone from here not room temperature IQ.

At least we have better self-assessment than gaydittors and havent our fucking head up our asses

reddit is full of dumb people that think they're smart
Zig Forums is full of smart people that think they're dumb

>freshman English
>everyone's given books to read along with the class
>either don't read it or read it all the first day
>everyone has to pick a few different forms of poetry to pick in their poetry packet
>do all of them
>teacher forced to retire after making fun of a student
>hands me a note on his last day
>it says I could be a writer if I didn't slack off so much
>sophomore computer lit
>do the whole week's work on the first day
>do the work of the kids next to me, too
>tutor them how to do everything
>highest WPM in the class, pissing off the studious tryhard girl
>spend half the day playing InkLink
>junior pre-calculus
>teacher hands out homework at the end of the day
>everyone points out he skipped me for some reason
>"user? he doesn't do homework, are you kidding"
>he doesn't grade homework, anyways
>miss 14 days that semester
>spend my days there sleeping or listening to music or talking to the teacher about life
>still get the best grades
>angry kids force him to start grading homework because I'm making them look so bad
>semester ends
>have to apologize to the absence committee for my 14 absences
>math teacher's on the committee
>tell them I'll stop missing so much school
>he vouches for me
That was my last day. If I ever met him in public, I don't know what I'd say.

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everyone I meet tells me i'm smart. Im starting to think that im actually retarded and they tell me that to make me feel special