Board has been slow slow as fuck and filled with boring gay shit all day. Let's talk about something cool...

Board has been slow slow as fuck and filled with boring gay shit all day. Let's talk about something cool, what do you guys think of the new UFO release?

Is it a false flag, project blue beam type of operation which is has the goal of manipulating the masses into putting all of our trust into our leaders out of fear and panic, pushing for a global government?

Is it a distraction for something else going on in the world? Possibly related to the pandemic? Bill Gates rolling out his microchip vaccinations?

Is it actual aliens, or perhaps some kind of ancient civilization, break away humans or even humanity from the future? Surely the government wouldn't openly release the fact that we are technologically inferior to any other countries, right? So how can it be secret black budget aircraft from another power?

What do you guys think?

Video and article here:

Another interesting article:

Attached: 1578923041579.jpg (550x550, 32.04K)

>Is it a false flag, project blue beam type of operation which is has the goal of manipulating the masses into putting all of our trust into our leaders out of fear and panic, pushing for a global government?

i dont mess with Sky Chads

I'm honestly very intrigued. I know that whatever the objects in the videos are, it's VERY LIKELY that they're not actually aliens. But I do deeply want to believe that they are. I don't personally feel that they're a distraction because I've hardly seen anyone talking about them.

>Is it a distraction for something else going on in the world? Possibly related to the pandemic? Bill Gates rolling out his microchip vaccinations?
This. They need a convenient distraction from the disaster this virus policy has been and something else maybe even more sinister under the table. Government skepticism is at an all time high and they're trying to drive the people that will dig up the evidence away from the other stuff and to the aliens. It's like lighting an explosion next to a fire to put the other one out.

>It's like lighting an explosion next to a fire to put the other one out.
Unironically great analogy

What makes you believe this, user? I think it is likely too.
I want it to be real aliens too. Surely they must be benevolent if they haven't completely obliterated us yet (playing into the belief they are aliens). The way the craft flys is insane, like it isn't affected by gravity at all. If they are aliens, maybe we're just like a zoo to them, or a study. A lower lifeform to observe out of interest, the way we study animals on earth.

when the government is trying to rile up some bullshit it is actually NOT worth looking at or talking about, at all.

Bump, this thread is superior

Personally I adore the idea that we could just be some kind of zoo exhibit for aliens. Not an incredible way to think about our existence, but the idea that some higher form of life could be so interested in our society/customs/etc amazes me. Maybe we're some sort of research project.

aliens are our creators

I refuse to let this thread die
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What are they doing? Observing F-18 training excersizes or watching 15 year old ships sail around? Why wouldnt aliens just get an internet connection and gather all the information we put out there for free?

Probably interested in our comparatively primitive technology? it's almost impossible to pin down what their motives really are.

Thread go bump

Could be, surely the universe is far too vast for us to be alone. Life might not even exist in the way we think it does, and it may not need the minerals and conditions that we do. I think it's foolish to think that life could only form with earth-like conditions, and could only exist on rocky planets in the goldilocks zone. That's the thing, we're completely limited in perception, we can't even truly imagine or comprehend what alien life might be like. Perhaps they just choose to hide from us or make themselves observable? But then why show themselves now if that's the case. Maybe we're like a pet for them, they admire us and let us do our own thing but every now and then they need to intervene and nudge us in the right direction. I think they would be benevolent if these things are aliens because like I said, they haven't destroyed us yet.

Sorry for slow responses, my internet is shitty and captcha is being gay

Oh, no worries! But I agree. What humans do best is applying their own measure of what is possible/what is right. I believe alien life could resemble something unimaginable to us. And the universe is insanely large. It's pure arrogance to deny the existence of alien life.

As for us being a "pet" to them, I also love the idea of. The idea that we could have an overwhelmingly advanced protector gives me peace of mind. Maybe we're in our own sectioned off portion of the galaxy. Like an endangered species of elephant on a nature preserve. Sorry if some of what I'm saying does not make sense, but these are just my thoughts on the subject.

>it's almost impossible to pin down what their motives really are.
I think we can get a good estimate. They arent trying to make contact. They arent trying to destroy us. They leave quickly when aircraft go to investigate them. But they arent outright avoiding us and get close enought for us to spot them. Why cant they observe us from afar? I think it shows that these objects are not actually that far advanced from us or there are physical limitations that prevent progressing past a certain point. Maybe its not possible to observe from afar without building a big telescope and gathering info over time the way we do. Or maybe they have these limitations because it is from our planet.

It's not new. One of the vids leaked in 2007 the other in 2014. The navy confirmed they were authentic last year. The only 'news' is now the DoD is saying what the navy said. The videos do show strange unidentified phenomena, but occam's razor is a bitch. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. There's nothing in any of the videos that suggests advanced extra terrestrial technology, it's just a mystery and humans can't really deal with mysteries they have to come up with explanations.

aliens have always been here. why do they choose to reveal themselves now? perhaps they want to be worshipped by their earthly children

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the DoD never had a solid explanation for these objects?

Nope. They can't positively explain any of them. But going from "unexplained" to "aliens" is a big leap.

But aliens is the fun explanation

Bump again
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No, I get what you're saying. For all we know life could be extremely rare in the universe, if this is the case then it would make sense that an advanced civilization would want to protect us and keep us safe so that they can continue to observe us. For all we know we can be their experiment like you said, they could have implanted life on earth and put us in a quarantine zone to keep us safe from other unknown threats. For all we know there could be some sort of galactic federation which is benevolent and they could have their malevolent counter parts, there could be space politics and everything. It's fun to talk about and imagine.
I know it's not new, what's new is that the government is finally acknowledging this phenomena and is admitting that they don't know what the hell it is. That's why I'm suspicious, the government would never allow the public to know that we are technologically inferior to an enemy nation, such a thing we be heavily classified. That is why I think there is some alternative motive here, they are doing this now for a reason.

Here I go bumping again

Earth is either an intergalactic zoo display, or we are a science experiment from some teenage 4th dimensional being.

Kind of like when you were told to grow bacteria for your science project.

Attached: 1584657651388.png (572x486, 9.92K)

Exactly. Though I know it will not happen in my lifetime, If we are in fact, being watched by an advanced civilization. I hope that one day, they'll send an envoy to explain themselves. Or maybe we'll stumble upon a research craft of some kind and have proof of their existence.

Though odd, alien-craft touching down in different Earth capitals is a fantasy of mine.

I may be wrong, but from what I saw the released footage wasn't new at all. I had seen them years prior. So, I suspect its some sort of political move.

Same shit as area51 because that shit "didnt exist" until obama released some document regognising the airbase.
all in all who the fuck cares, its most likley some american/russian/chinese jet or drone. My money is that its some american stealth jet.

Both see this , the only possibility would be a black budget US aircraft series that they're slowly releasing the the public. There's no way in hell the government would let the citizens know that we're behind in technological advancement, especially to China or Russia. Having said that, the only reason why they would release their secret aircraft and then claim that they don't know what it is would be to distract or manipulate. Think about it, if this was their aircraft, then China and Russia know's of its existence now. Maybe they already did, or maybe they have similar aircraft already too, can't say with certainty.