Why are schizophrenics/affectives helpless? They just don't get it

Why are schizophrenics/affectives helpless? They just don't get it.

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Its a thought disorder. You don't make good/sane/rational decisions. Your thinking is effected.

Why can blind people just not see Logic is to prefrontal cortex eyes are to seeing.

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Why don't they just take their meds? Can't even drive legally like wtf.

Do you agree schizo's shouldn't be able to drive according to the DMV?

>Why don't they just take their meds?

The meds make you feel like shit and often feel like they're not doing anything at all. There's no cure for schizophrenia, the medicine just makes you a tired zombie that still hallucinates--just, ideally, less often. On my meds I can easily sleep 20+ hours at a stretch if my sleep is not interrupted, I am ALWAYS tired/groggy, I feel like I have a hangover 24/7. I still see and hear shit, it's just usually less hostile than it is without them.

Irrelevant. Even normal people make bad choices. This is nonsense. Be more specific next time than blaming a boogyman

*affected, actually

Bipolar buddy here
>Get mania
Spend all day planning on how I'm going to change my life by the end of the year
>Forget to take pills too busy planning
>Lol who needs sleep
>No sleep means mania gets worse
>Scene missing
>Singing my lungs out at 6 am to the cowboy Bebop ost while I clean my apartment
>Spend the entire day baking
>Nearly pass out several times
>Sleep 16 hours
>Wake up to more mania
>Pills, what pills?
>Spend all night planning how I'm going to propose marriage to some cute girl I haven't seen in two years
>Go outside, breaking quarantine all day
>Fall asleep crying thinking of that cute girl
>Wake up, forget about the pills again and don't go to sleep
And that's pretty much how I lost an entire week of my life

My haldol hasn't been doing me much favors

Schizophrenia is not just some meme thing like depression, its actual effects on the brain itself. Also like what said people on that level of meds are basically just walking zombies, which is why so many outright avoid them altogether, and rightfully so. Just look at Terry Davis, the reason he was able to do what he did was because he stopped taking the meds which would have ruined his life anyways since they acted like a hard intelligence cap to him. Its a damned if you do damned if you dont situation, but one path allows you to exceed beyond the fabric of reality itself while the other makes you more functionally brain dead.

I actually love mania. It's always such an adventure and so full of life.

I am aware of him, but why did he stop taking his medication? Because of his OS and talking to God?

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The pills just make you stupid and tired enough to not care as much about the hallucinations. Also makes you not care as much about everything else. Come with terrible side effects. Antipsychotics are more dangerous than street drugs. They use them to replace a physical lobotomy.

You have me worried. Should I go off of my meds? I remember crawling on the floor at the psych-ward because I thought miniature people were there for me. Should I go off of my Clozapine and Haldol?

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>why did he stop taking his medication
I literally just explained why he stopped. TempleOS would not have happened had he stayed on it, but at the same time he would have been too mentally fucked to do damn near anything with it. Its a pretty similar situation that tons of other people on those meds experience, albeit not quite to the level of Terry but still. Antipsychotics are basically just legal chemical lobotomies, instead of actually treating or help in dealing with the problem they just make you too apathetic and retarded to actually do anything. Whether it is deliberate or just a flaw of our current understanding of medicine is your decision.

What alternatives do schizoaffectives and schizophrenics have?

Only death. There's no cure at all, nobody knows what to do about it.

I guess suicide isn't as bad as an option as others say. Thanks for the help.

There's actually a 1% percentile of people who are cured of schizophrenia. Now that's just insane.

My uncle is schizophrenic and he's doing fine, he's like 40 and live with his parents but he's surving fine it seems and he doesn't look unhappy, my mom is also a bit weird, not as much as my uncle but she's doing fine as well and she's a good mom.

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what causes schizophrensia?

apparently the type of voices are culturally variable. someone did a study and found that most voices in India and Ghana are playful or friendly (though not always).

Jung keeps on winning

>Clozapine and Haldol
Fuck. Please don't go off of this.

Valproate pretty much saved my life son. Your level of mania is definitely hospital-grade by that point.

They used to call antipsychotics the "major tranquiisers", and they're practically all derived from antihistamines, so they are famous for making you exhausted and drugged up.

Genetic predisposition, growing up in an urbanized environment, lack of weight-lifting exercise, dopaminergic reward system dysregulation (too much stimulation).

ah fuck i check off all of those

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My Schizoaffective didn't come into light until my mid twenties

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Antipsychotic medication works by lowering dopamine.

>Fuck. Please don't go off of this
How come? If it's a chemical lobotomy am I better off without them?


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The moment you realize that there is no free will and your councioisness (however the fuck you spell that word) is an illusion, it will all make sense

So we are all better off taking meds?

Cant you just have a productive Mania? Like ur wired up and shit and just start doing creative shit, like music or painting

I am taking it, my guess is my lithium got really low because I haven't been keeping up with my schedule as far as talking the pills
Last time I got lithium drained I spent days in bed feeling like I was dying

No probably should stay on em, and go off of them once in a while, I honestly dont know lol

You absolutely can but you don't think right when you are experiencing mania
I have spent 3 days drawing non stop and I slept a total of one hour
It's not something you plan for

>lack of weight-lifting exercise
ok Zig Forums
(other reasons are valid)

Schizophrenia is a disease where one of the core symptom is a massive decrease in IQ. If you were smart to begin with you won't be hit as hard, but you will most likely never recover. The decrease in IQ fuels delusions and hallucinations, leading to schizos yelling at people on public transport.