How's my routine?

Wake up. Go for a run.


Reading/study time


Reading/study time

Weight lifting

Piano practice/drawing practice/writing (alternates depending on day)




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Its bad you suck and will never find love

This seems like a really good routine honestly I'm going to try and copy it for a week and see how it goes

What's your workout split Zig Forums?


Mornings: Alternate between HIIT and Ab workout, there are no days off.

Afternoon: Follow a Legs, Push, Pull split. Take 1 day of rest after going through all 3. Then repeat.

The same, only the rest day is on Sunday. Was thinking of switching to an upper/lower routine to hit the muscle groups more often.

i hate people who have their shit together

Sounds like you got a good rhythm going user

Seriously, fuck them. He just wanted to shove it in our face, this guys probably a chad

I worked very hard to get my life together desu

you waste 2 hours on eating? I cook faster than you eat

>Wake up
>eat until 6PM
>play vidya
>watch anime
>snack 11PM

Intermediate fasting chads where are you? I'll also lurk r9k throughout the day like now.

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I adjust for the time it takes to cook and clean as well desu

2 hours is still a lot you fucking autist

Two hours for cooking, eating and cleaning wasted in a whole day? No, not really.

then its pretty reasonable
i cook for 3 days ahead usually

I eat my food in less than 15 minutes, but maybe it's because my food is already prepared for me, and i'm an intermediate fasting Chad

Keep it up user!


Wrong ping fuck

How old are you and hoe come you don't need to work?

NEET here. I can't comprehend how people study for hours. it's such a meaningless and menial exercise and your degree will likely never help you get a job

23, I live with my gf who earns enough for both of us

I enjoy learning new things

you're living the dream, damn. Getting supplied by the mommy gf while you train your body and mind and watch kino.

>I live with my gf who earns enough for both of us
How can you be ok with an arrangement like this?
Like, what would you do if you want to buy something but she says no?
Also, does she not demand from you to do the cleaning?

I feel like you have stuck to this for a fortnight at the max

I also have my own money saved up from part time jobs of the past and scholarships, so I have plenty to spend if she doesn't agree with my purchases or it doesn't work out between us

Actually it's been something like 6 months without major deviations so far.

I think it's important to not do too much "self improvement" just for the sake of self improvement, the most important thing is that you're having fun doing it.

I had this idea that I would swim in the ocean every day, even in the winter, but eventually my dad talked me out of it because he said it was just nervous as fuck and that I'd rob myself of enjoying swimming.

I enjoy learning new stuff and the movie nights offset all the hard work I have to do

High-tier NEET routine. Maybe replace the movie with a documentary.

>Wake up. Go for a run.

glad to see a fellow dawnrun chad on r9k. nightwalk is for incels

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so where does "posting your crap on R9K" is ????
it does't fit.
it means you are just a liar. you don't follow this crap. thanks

>autist can't phantom people taking breaks from activities to check their phones
Based retard