Hey Zig Forums I want a smelly slobby neet gf to bully me with her body odor

Hey Zig Forums I want a smelly slobby neet gf to bully me with her body odor.

Any girls like that here?

If so add me on discord The Beemaster#4536

Attached: b97313187f9f0bea7d10183a3fd1fea0f5ccaa92c21f8ccf2976b03bac56c34b.jpg (894x894, 226.18K)

Anyone? Am I barking up the wrong tree?

Nice trips. Not me, but I know someone who fits this description perfectly. Mutt#8008

I can't help but feel a BIT skeptical about adding a random saying you told me to add them.

You know? They'll think I'm some fuckin retard

god stop posting this fucking disgusting ass image. fuck you.

Checked once again. Well, you're posting on Zig Forums asking for a GF, so you *are* a retard. I assumed you were desperate enough that you were willing to take the risk of coming off a bit needy.

This picture looks exactly like my gf

Don't do it user you only feel disappointment

You make a decent point. I added her regardless

Best of luck. Post results.

can confirm she STINKY

OP.. I'm stinky and slobby, but I have a smol feminine pp. Tried adding your discord but it wouldn't go through. Possibly lucky for you.

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oh boy you are in luck
come to 407
i know just the slime princess for you
shes drugeed out ketamine 24/7 and hasn't showered, shaved, or brushed her teeth since 2004

Hmm try this instead

The Beemaster#4536

She have a discord?

Yeah. Hit me up my @ is Althist empire

to anyone else trying to friend request Mutt#8008, she just changed to Mutt#1488

I hope folks aren't bugging her. She was quite nice.

retard adds me on his main account shared with his full name and location, while talking about his fetish for degeneracy.
leave me out of your shenanigans paypig.

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this is a pretty impressive thread

im not nice. i feel bad for you

Honestly decent advice. I completely forgot my steam was full public.

ok Zig Forums police whats happening in this thread are you guys horsin' around

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fuck you tranny jannie

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im not a JANNIE you goober im da Zig Forums police

hay guise lol wuts goin on in dis thrad

Zig Forums police are you gay

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you talking to me bitch boy?

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Mutt is a MAN and if you add them YOU ARE A FAGGOT

shut up nigga


how fat and how stinky you want me to be baby?
Add me. my discord is neetbird#4640

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everyone who hates camwhoring and hookup posts is my fren

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listen here officer, im a veteran whos served for 17 years. i have 5 bullets lodged inside my skull as we speak and i personally executed 5 sandniggers from ISIS. your bullets wont do shit, afraid to break it to ya. thanks for the fun kid, but i gotta go now. send your mother my regards, shes got a fine pussy

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mutt butt smells like hot summer day swamp juice.
can confirm, i am mutt

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