Hey Zig Forums I want a smelly slobby neet gf to bully me with her body odor

Hey Zig Forums I want a smelly slobby neet gf to bully me with her body odor.

Any girls like that here?

If so add me on discord The Beemaster#4536

Attached: b97313187f9f0bea7d10183a3fd1fea0f5ccaa92c21f8ccf2976b03bac56c34b.jpg (894x894, 226.18K)

Anyone? Am I barking up the wrong tree?

Nice trips. Not me, but I know someone who fits this description perfectly. Mutt#8008

I can't help but feel a BIT skeptical about adding a random saying you told me to add them.

You know? They'll think I'm some fuckin retard

god stop posting this fucking disgusting ass image. fuck you.

Checked once again. Well, you're posting on Zig Forums asking for a GF, so you *are* a retard. I assumed you were desperate enough that you were willing to take the risk of coming off a bit needy.

This picture looks exactly like my gf

Don't do it user you only feel disappointment

You make a decent point. I added her regardless

Best of luck. Post results.

can confirm she STINKY