Why can't girls just say what they want? why is it always some sort of 5D sudokuball game with them...

why can't girls just say what they want? why is it always some sort of 5D sudokuball game with them? they make everything so awkward and complicated

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from our perspective we literally are making things so obvious but guys just seem so oblivious

Girls want to be told what they want, they want a man to take charge and lead them, to make them feel secure.

Obvious how? Describe obvious behavior. Because for men being obvious is saying "hey, I'd like to get to know you a bit better. If you're not seeing anyone, would you like to go out for coffee?" or something.

Unless a woman actually tells me she wants to go out I have no idea if she's just being nice to me or not. Literally all women are nice to me, how the fuck am I supposed to tell which ones actually like me?

I've never been on a single date lmao

i didn't ask for a transfaggot perspective

explain this:
>random girl comes up to me at the store
>starts talking about corona and social distancing, i don't really talk to strangers so i just reply with "uh huh" and "oh yeah" while barely looking at her
>she keeps sort of staring at me, like she's expecting me to do or give her something
>get an uneasy feeling about the whole situation, can't really describe it but it was similar to fight-or-flight, grab my chips and nope tf out

you dumb redditor that's a tranny
go back

but why do you need things spelled out in the least romantic autisticy way:( I would say obvious behaviour is when it goes beyond casual niceness, like asking a lot of questions about the person beyond small talk, telling them personal things about you, touching their arm or something in conversation, idk it's so hard to explain it in this way...I feel like you can just very easily tell when someone likes you but maybe men don't have that. Idk women do all kinds of things, girls I know will even try and like 'create the opportunity' for guys to ask them out like have a private story that only they're added to or posting things trying to bait them to respond.

She wanted an interaction with you and you didn't step up to the plate.
She didn't have any specific goal for the conversation, other than for a conversation to exist, she put the ball in your court for you to steer the convo where you want, so she could get an understanding of your personality, and to allow the back and forth that makes for a conversation.

They're scared of rejection, so they just drop hints and hope that you'll make the move.
It can be more complicated but this is basically it. In reality they'll often lose interest once they see you show interest, if you're too needy or desperate about it. It makes them feel like they can do better than you. The key is to not be attached to them. Want them, but move on in a second if they reject you or hesitate. This is why PUA techniques like negging work.

>you didn't step up to the plate.
>she put the ball in your court
>She wanted an interaction with you

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>She didn't have any specific goal for the conversation, other than for a conversation to exist
what the fuck makes her think everyone just wants to have a conversation with her?
the state of roastie entitlement

Alright let me explain this to you fucks.
There is a big ass difference between men and women. A fundamental difference at their very cores that make them think and act in completely different ways.
Men are creatures of independence. Women are creatures of interconnectedness.

Men want to be disconnected from the world, they want to have an on/off switch to control the world, to look at it from a top-down view. When they want something, they reach out and get it, or ask for it, or work towards it. Men are binary in their thinking. It's either/or.

Women are the opposite. They want to be at the center of it. Nothing must happen without her knowing about it, or being part of it. Women desire nothing more than to be part of everything. Not have it, not control it, just being part of it. Connected to it. Hence why a woman needs feedback. She needs to know the situation and act on it. Women don't k ow what they want, but they sure as hell can use any situation to their advantage.

And so you get the age old confusion of "Why are women so manipulative/scheming/confusing" and "why are men so fucking retarded". They both look and act on the world at a fundamentally different level. If a dude wants to fuck a girl, he would love to just walk up to her and say "let's fuck, you in?". It is the optimal path.
And for a woman, it's not even about fucking. It'sabout the experience, the act, the connection. Hence why she does the tests and the hidden signs and the instinctive manipulation. She subconsciously wants to get feedback from you, and to proceed according to that.

Why you understand this very simple, yet often hidden difference, you wil figure it all out.
You are looking at a woman, and trying to understand her reasoning with a man's thinking.
It doesn't work like that, senpai.

The loss of interest if you're too needy or desperate is because it comes off somewhat scary and controlling and also like the person is going to be codependent, not because we feel we can do better. Negging does not work at all and it is very obvious when someone is doing this to you, it doesn't create some mindfuck where we're so confused and become desperate for their approval it just comes off insecure. Taking advice from PUA isn't a good idea, especially if what you're looking for is a meaningful relationship instead of just a one night stand or something.

how is this entitled? She thought you were interesting in some way and initiated a conversation to learn more about you? What do you people want you're angry if women don't talk to you but still angry when they do?

Think thinks you *might* want to have a conversation, she's testing the waters, if not big deal, she'll talk to someone else.
Normal people generally like to talk to other people.

>how is this entitled? She thought you were interesting in some way and initiated a conversation to learn more about you?
why would i want to share anything about myself to a complete and total stranger? why does she feel entitled to a conversation/interaction with me? i was looking at chips, minding my own business trying to plan for the night and here comes this random bitch thinking i owe her a conversation just because she's a girl
fuck no
fuck you

>Normal people generally like to talk to other people.
(((normal))) people

>projecting this hard
Nigger you have no idea how long i've been on this site. How stupid must one be to assume everyone on the site is a tranny?

Yes but user you forget, for men it's a constant guessing game. Women are nice to men constantly, all the time. Not only that but all of the things you described women also use to manipulate men into THINKING they like them. I've had it happen to me many times where it was so blatantly obvious they were looking for free shit.

Women seem to have an endless list of things to make men THINK that they're into them. But women never actually consider what the other person is thinking, if it worked why do so many women complain about "dumb, oblivious men"? It isn't even that difficult, if a guy is single 9/10 times he will respond positively if a woman just outright says she likes him so I don't know why they don't just save both parties some trouble and outright say it?

there are no girls on the internet you delusional fuck

to weed out undesirable autism genes of aspies who cant into sublety and sarcasm

shut the fuck up hole, you don't know what you want

>omg brad pitt took me out on a date, i'm so lucky, he's soooo needy and desperate but idk he's HOT we are so gonna fuck

just shut the fuck up

R9K is filled with a lot of people with mental disorders. I imagine this post is bait so I'm taking it solely because there's a .001% chance you are being serious.

stop being a schizo retard, even if you're pretending it's pretty pathetic

I honestly sympathise with you to some extent about the guessing thing, but I don't think the idea that the majority of women do these things to lead men on or get things out of them is true. I've never done any of those things with someone I didn't genuinely really like because it would just make me feel guilty and uncomfortable. I'm honestly surprised if this has happened to you 'many' times and it kind of makes me feel like you may be attracting a particular kind of woman for some reason.

We do consider what the other person is thinking but I think the societal expectation that men make the first move just makes a lot of women feel like they shouldn't, like you feel like if he liked you he would say something because that's the way it's 'supposed' to be which is obviously stupid but I do think the majority of women think that way.

Why don't women ever get the fuck out of the way? Do you think I'd get into trouble if I just picked them up under the arms like a child and moved them to the side? It pisses me off at work when I'm trying to get through a corridor and some fucking holes are standing there gossiping while I just loom over them with a blank expression waiting for them to let me pass. They act abashed too. You knew you were in the damn road, you knew I was standing there for a good 5 or 6 seconds while you talked shit about another coworker. Move. MOVE!

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>there are no girls on the internet

dumb faggot

unironically wouldn't date Brad Pitt even if he wasn't needy and desperate. you people have no concept of what women find attractive or anything about women at all.

>unironically wouldn't date Brad Pitt

bitch shut the fuck up, you need to get thrown down a flight of stairs with this bullshit

Well fair enough, I get that men are expected to make first moves and it makes sense biologically. As for the times women tried that it was a few times, I never usually get far enough for them to actually take advantage but as an example I used to have a co-worker who I talked to quite frequently, and she was a nice enough person. However she would constantly give me stories about how on the weekends she goes out to bars and gets men to pay for her drinks and even gets them to pay to dance with her. This wasn't all; she lived with her grandparents and had 3 kids with an ex husband whom she was trying to draw child support from despite him being jobless. All of this information I knew because she openly shared it with me almost bragging about it and calling him a loser while she did so. Naturally she also complained about her car payments, and would often do a lot of the behavioral things you described earlier (especially the touching). Also mentioning to me how she was single and looking for a decent guy, etc etc.

Another co-worker of mine was in an "open relationship" with a bartender which she described to me once, we talked a lot and I actually liked her until that point. She said she mostly was in a relationship with him because he pays for her phone and some other shit, I don't remember the full convo. I guess I'm ranting at this point and I have more, but I won't bore you with any more stories. For men, unless you are incredibly good looking there is a lot of trial and error to even get a single girlfriend. Many men get spat on, insulted often, drinks thrown in their face, laughed at and openly mocked in public by women for something as simple as walking up and saying hello.

There are good women out there, hell they're probably the majority. But for guys that aren't very good on the social uptake they might as well not even exist.

>They want to be at the center of it. Nothing must happen without her knowing about it, or being part of it.

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Women aren't men you retard, they don't place physical beauty at the peak of attraction.

The stories are interesting honestly, and obviously I don't disagree with your evaluation of these women's intentions but I do find it hard to fathom the jump someone would make from these extreme examples of obviously unhinged women to all or even the majority of women being like that?

With what you said about men getting insulted, spat on etc I am doubtful that this is a thing that happens to 'many' men, but my only advice is to remember that 'many' women have experienced a lot of sexual harassment or terrifying situations in their life and are usually starting from being very young and are usually able to not generalise it to all men. I also think cold approaching people is always a bad idea without exception, It is genuinely always scary (I know people say we only find it creepy if the person is unattractive blah blah but it's honestly untrue, you can take my word for it or not). I just don't want to talk to a stranger when I'm out alone who obviously is only interested in me physically as they know nothing about me, you have to try and be in situation where you can meet women and form an actual connection with them in an environment that feels safe.

There are a lot of women who are also not good on the social uptake, but I get that a lot of peoples circumstance here makes it hard for them to meet women or people in general.

Not that user but I am very thankful for this in women, because my looks at 5/10 at best on a good day.

Now I just need to talk to some

stop sticking up for this hole you fucking cuck, you don't know shit either

Well I'm glad to be getting some honest feedback actually, it gives me some more perspective to consider. I personally have never been a fan of the idea of cold approaching either, for many men the idea of cold approaching is seen as the majority of how men meet women. I can't really speak for other men only really myself but while the idea of having sex is appealing to me I am mostly interested in finding an actual partner in life long term, never been a fan of the hookup culture and it disgusts me if I'm being honest.

Would you say the majority of women are turned off by men who "cold approach" or is it mostly a personal idea? What are some good ways a man could hint at being interested in a woman without coming off as creepy? And in what setting are these things more appropriate?

>angry virgin thinks he knows anything