What games do you enjoy playing, robots?

What games do you enjoy playing, robots?

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nothing, i have never found myself saying i enjoy what i'm doing with my time, i just play them mindlessly until i feel the need to sleep.

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Stalker soc(shame on you for playing anomisery OP)
Dark souls 1
and morrowind when I'm feeling like a true nerd

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Right now my main game is chess. It's ok. It's funny when I try to do it when I'm feeling bad and I play so terribly. Besides that replaying deus ex right now for obvious reasons. Mordhau is fun. When a new poe league comes out I'll act least clear the acts.

Anomaly is the best for sandbox type shit so I usually start it up whenever I feel like messing around or whatever. I'm mostly into the mainline games though, favorite being SoC.

Been replaying the witcher 3 since I got the dlc on sale. It's pretty gud desu.

Thief because it simulates what it's like to go places and explore interesting environments in an isolated way.

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Half-Life, Portal, basically any good fps

Ghost Recon Wildlands funnest game ever. Before that though The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt was the funnest game ever.

Does Thief run well on modern systems?

WoW... lots and lots of WoW

I tried to play WoW but that shit is just so boring. Standing there watching a shitty animation until the enemy's number goes down. Sometimes you use a skill. Fucking ass

I like playing halo wars 2 and halo reach. I also like playing civs and gmod TTT, I like rdming people and getting away with it.

What kind of fucking question is that? The game was made in the 90s of course it runs on a modern rig.

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played r6s lately, but it's not really fun unless you have friends to communicate with and a mouse+keyboard to aim
i also liked tf2, but my laptop is somehow not good enough to run it at a decent fps
video games are not very good, but it's all i have
and yet im no good at a single one

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CS Source, I like the mature audience that plays. The way they act reminds me of early internet days where people weren't soft faggots.
At most like 2 hours a week though... Video games are boring as fuck, I do it mostly for the socializing

Yeah it's fine if you use TFix, which updates it for modern systems. T2Fix for the sequel.

i already beat bannerlord :D

console or pc?

not him but deductive reasoning would suggest he plays on console, mentions KB+M as being something special and that his laptop cant even run a game much older and less demanding than siege.

I've been enjoying Realm Royale, Kenshi and Smite. I want to get in an MMO but I can't seem to find one that's satisfying.

I've started playing Fallout 1 and I'm loving it.
I got stole the water chip from Necropolis cause fuck ghouls idc.
Now I'm just making money and getting better supplies doing jobs for Decker in the Hub. It's a fun game.

Otherwise I'm playing CSGO, BF4, poker or some oId Xbox games.

I spend far more time thinking about playing games than actually playing games. Then when I finally decide to play something I'll often end up talking myself out of it, and then going back to thinking about playing something.

I don't know, nothing's really enjoyable anymore.

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SOMA, Insurgency Sandstorm and Stalker series are my favorites.

I play rocket league very terribly...

this is me with most things. I've never been a gamer desu, just kinda try something out for a while then stop. it's rare that I ever beat a game. I can't even bring myself to download or play the games I own. I don't read anymore, don't watch basketball anymore, don't write anymore, don't do anything anymore. just go back and forth between my bed and desk, passing time. not getting too involved with something, just doing everything passively. and then it's the next day...

>cuck gamer here
i stopped playing them myself. i just watch someone else playing them.

Yeah, the Jews at valve ruined the performance by adding as
all those ugly unusuals.

Mount And Blade:Napoleonic Wars

I haven't played vidya in 3 weeks, they're not enjoyable anymore.

Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne back to back
Getting tired of the grim dark atmosphere but i can't enjoy anything else.