Do fembots realize all they need to do for a perfect bf is post tits and ass in this thread?

Do fembots realize all they need to do for a perfect bf is post tits and ass in this thread?

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I would never date someone who posted their tits and ass on Zig Forums.

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You're not a perfect bf stupid. You're just a creepy virgin.

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Begging for nudes from random people is far more creepy.

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This is the most petty bait i have seen.

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A perfect bf wouldn't want a girl who posts her shit all over the internet. Perfect bf only wants a perfect gf. None of us will ever fit those bills so why not just eat a bullet so the rest of us don't have to see this low quality post again.

A perfect bf would not be here.

But I am not perfect either.

Still wont post tits.

my perfect bf is far too specific to be real

Just post tits! Why post at all if not to post tits?

I already have a boyfriend though I actually found him on Zig Forums just not on this board

Your supposed to be mentally unstable and post them for a slight bit of validation to replace the love your parents never gave you.

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Absolute fucking brainlet.

Oh heck off it's not going to kill anyone if I make a typo.

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i posted once and someone said i was too skinny which validated my ed but i know too many people who browse this board now sorry

Are you the person who was 170 and going to like 130?

More for us then, fag.

which original board??

no i'm already like 126 i want to be 110 to 115 but i keep binging like a fat fuck

Your mom having to look after your retarded ass is killing her.

no mine r ugly

/ck/ he talked shit on something I posted and I was like "WELL IF YOU WERE IN ______ I'D FORCE YOU TO EAT YOUR WORDS" then he was like "I AM IN _________ AND I'LL EAT MY FUCKING WORDS" then we met and he was like "Oh you aren't what I was expecting"

How tall are you tho??
Cuz you sound like a when snck right now

Plz stop I was just trying to be nice.

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There's no perfect boyfriend or girlfriend in this thread, there's only damaged human beings. Perfection itself is an illusion. I'd argue the people who post on r9k are probably the furthest from perfection, they're riddled with mental disorders and self-hatred with some of them being long-term hikikomori incapable of even the most basic skills to survive. Why would a femanon want a hikikomori partner who almost never goes outside and will most likely make them miserable? In a similar light, why would any user want a femanon who's most likely BPD and will hurt you in the long run? The only logical answer is loneliness. Being lonely is better then subjecting yourself to protracted misery, if you want tits go google big bonkers on Google and wank you monkey.

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Sorry user, I hold lots of pent up rage inside me so I release it on random Zig Forums users.

But please not on me, why not the guy who wants you to show your tits?

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I like him because he's trying to get a woman to show us her tits. I have no tits to show so it doesn't make sense for me to show them or for me to be mad about him asking.

im 5'8'' originally

Your BMI is 19.2 tho. You're at a good weight. You probably look good you're just a little self concious or sumthing.
>Mfw thinking of you thinking such thoughts

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Come on fat boi, you know you have tits siting around on Zig Forums and playing vidya all day. Show em big girls off.

Is this some kind of projection or something? I don't have tits, retard. I'm not a fat peasant.

I'm not a perfect bf but I'm not a bad one. I would say I place above average but not enough to stand out in any meaningful way. If that makes sense

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