Give me one good reason why we shouldnt genocide the entire continent of africa

Give me one good reason why we shouldnt genocide the entire continent of africa.

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Where else would we get our workforce for the future utopia?

Nah, go for it chad

It's immoral. The issue is that we do the opposite, the west treats Africa like a pet ant farm and keeps dropping food in, letting them replicate endlessly so that when starvation eventually comes it will kill literally billions of people.

So in a way setting them up for catastrophe is as immoral as killing them.

Slaves, debate over.

but what about all the elephants and giraffes?

Without Africans there's nothing stopping you from wanting to genocide other races, someone has to bear the responsibility of being the worst race. If you are nonwhite you should thank the next African you meet, they're justifying your existence in the court of the white man.

As the market emerges it will hold billions of consumers.

It'd cost too much money and they can't hurt us anyway.

At this rate the Africans are going to make all megafauna extinct in a few decades. The few remaining elephants and rhinos are literally guarded by armed men, there are barely any wild great apes left.

>there are barely any wild great apes left
except for ur mum mate LOL

I mean, blacks are 5% of world population and manage to be 90% of world prison population. A nuke is more than welcome

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That's multiculturalism's fault

What is this picture even about?

It's a map that highlights the average IQ of each country. I wonder how they got so many black African niggers to write IQ tests.

Killing people en masse doesn't make anything better, you racist dumb ass.

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OP is a virgin loser that's mad Stacey is fucking a black drug dealer instead of him, some guy that scored 102 on his IQ test.

i can't, their population will explode to 4 billion by 2100, hope china does something about this, altgough probsbly they won't

>t. 80 IQ nigger who is seething at the fact that he comes from a race of retards

But muh dick, right?

Luck fucks enjoy your life. You could have been born Somalian.

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You really take IQ that seriously?

IQ literally depicts your intelligence, sentience and whether or not you'll succeed in life, so yes.

Past a certain point IQ is indicative of dyslexia and inability to read or follow verbal instructions.

Black people are below that line of intellect where those issues become really common.

What can I say, ignorance is bliss. We have life more figured out than every other race, or should I say had, since (((whitey))) ruined the simple tribal life with their multiculturalism and (((technology))) and (((medicine))). Enjoy an eternity of wageslaving and wageslaving and wageslaving until heat death.

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I'm a NEET, my black nigger friend. Fuck society, fuck slaving for shekelberg, and fuck indoctrination.

Hey why would you want to Genocide me ?
Kill American niggers idc
But I'm just a black guy doing no harm for you

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as a white man I sincerely regret the multicultural experiment
I wish we could just mine the gold from and oil from Africa while leaving you and your simple tribal life alone

>I wish we could just mine the gold from and oil from Africa while leaving you and your simple tribal life alone

How about you use your own resources? That's why nobody likes you people.

Based niggerman

very original

Kill the men, breed the women

A Brazilian continent is more useful then a empty continent.

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based ancap schizo

whats olmec iq?

because there is no "we" and I dont care about your fucking africa