/r9gay/ - #1009

WOAH! I hope my future bf has one of these! edition

previous thread:

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Quarantine is staring to get to me, I miss seeing my crush in person.

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The only two things I hope my future bf has a pulse and a penis. That's it. I'll take literally anyone. I'm so goddamn lonely I just want someone to hold me and tell me that I matter to them.

Faggots are not welcome on this board. Stick this grenade up your ass.

You have your own board, use it
>Its a blue board
>I dont fit in there
>I dont want too
Stiff shit, not my problem. Fuck off.

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I want to cuddle with a cute guy while we chit chat about nothing and everything

use your own boards fags you have >>>lgbt for a reason

Tell me about him please!

I want to wake up early every morning and be way too enthusiastic waiting for my bf to wake up

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>tfw no annoying twink adhd bf who wakes me up while im still sleepy

I am a big tall manly bear man, but ok

He's tall and extremely socially awkward. I try to talk to him fairly often but it usually devolves into both of us telling bad XD RANDOM type jokes because were both awful socially.

Good stuff. I hope you'll see him again soon.

ok but how does that change anything for me`?

I'm never gonna see my crush again because of quarantine. It's probably for the best, but it still sucks because I'll never meet a person better than him.

The quarantine makes no difference to me. I live out in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, so there are no choices for me either way.

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faggots are degenerates

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Why won't you ever see him again?

By the time this is all done, he'll be going to another city for college, and I don't know where he's gonna go when he's done with that.

Nothing, just wanted to make it clear

w-wow this is what fags like????

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That honesty sucks, I hope that things turn out well for you

I prefer my bf with smol and cute ass plus if it is hard

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I hope sex is banned in heaven

And that webm is supposed to make us straight or what.

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>I hope sex is banned in heaven
It is which is why we gays love hell more :3 sexy demons and incubus!

Actually, stiff shit for you, because you can't do anything about these threads other than complain, retard.

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Not sure how posting porn makes your point.

Pull me oh-so close
'Cause you never know
Just how long our lives will be

>tfw no csgo/insurgency:sandstorm bf

>tfw no bf to go biking with me

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We're gay, not trans