Tfw when face ruins personality

>be me
>keep trying to use tinder
>what few matches I get never respond
>get a new qt match, she actually responds
>apparently photos didn't load, but she liked my height and bio
>have a good conversation, exchange snapchats
>send her selfie on snap
>she stops responding
>she unmatches me on tinder
>she unfriends me on snapchat
>tfw so ugly no pictures is better than pictures
this one hurt more than ever. To be told that I am good enough on paper, but am unlovable due to my looks. I'm so scared.

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>tfw to ugly to even be a robro

Get some plastic surgery lmao like wtf

maybe it will come to that. Maybe I can get donations. I'll set up an gofundme.

Like what kind of ugly? no jawline? odd proportions? pls tell me

I have the same problem OP except I don't even have height. I can make a girl laugh but that's about it

what do you look like? it cant be thatt bad

When I was younger, I looked like gibby I was told by my peers. I look like an older version of gibby probably then.

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I'm handsome, tinder doesn't work for me either

Oh so you're a fatass. All you have to do is eat less and youll look normal then, just go get Zig Forums

what should I do? Bars don't work(especially with beer flu), I am out of college, online dating has never lead to anything remotely good. I feel my options are only getting worse.

I am a healthy weight for my height. Used to not be for sure though when the comparison was made. I have lost over 30 pounds in recent years

Focus on things that make you happy besides sex and love. I love powerlifting, gaming, and my animals. I play guitar and sing, I draw. Honestly man, I'm thinking of getting into competitive arm wrestling.

You're gonna go crazy pinning all of your happiness and validation on finding a woman and falling in love. I've fucked dozens of girls, it didn't make me more complete. It didn't give me purpose. Girls look at me all the time, but it doesn't mean shit because they don't understand me, and they have no interest in doing so. Too smart and weird to marry a gym thot basic hottie, too Chad that I scare away the cute nerds. Life's absurd user, find a way to be happy from within.

do you have a beard? i think if you look like gibby a beard would be good.

Not that user but for me I have shit beard genetics. It's over if you're a man with a young face, not chinmaxxed, AND nobeard. Only men with decent jawlines can do clean shaven successfully

Dude, explore interests, like niche hobbies, and join social clubs for that in your area. Might increase your chances of finding a girl who likes things that you like. I've seen some smart qts date some real ugly mfs because they had a good personality. Tinder is a waste of any decent persons time dude.

I appreciate the advice, but I have most of my shit figured out. My life on paper should be great. I have hobbies(mostly male of course), I have a good education, I have a good job, but I am alone and I only see if getting worse.
I often ask why do I do the things I do, why do continue with the grind, sometimes I can force my self to stop thinking about it but often I can't. I want someone to share my passions with, I want someone to be with me.

I could only really grow facial hair in the past 2 years or so. I didn't shave until 18 or so. Needless to say it unfortunately looks patchy and awful. I do agree with you though, I wish I could grow a beard, I think it woud look much better. I have even bought those bullshit beard pills lol.

>I literally just started taking bullshit beard pills 2 days ago

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Sounds like me. My sister recently said I looked like I was 16 when I saw her last. I know she didn't mean to hurt me but it did.

Pretty much, I'm 26 and my brother says I look like a high school senior when I shave

it'll make your urine very brown. Besides that I didn't notice anything. Maybe I didn't do it long enough(and buy more right? lol), but maybe it'll work for you.

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maybe it was just a pedophile hoping u didnt post ur face on tinder cus u were a little kid

Hopefully thats not kidney failure lad.

no brown piss yet, but I guess we'll see

Women pedos don't use tinder, they become teachers.

smart guy pedos dont look for little kids using guy accounts

"Get a beard or die trying!"

good point. I am not well versed in the methods of pedophiles to be fair

this shit is just for shallow cunts, what did you expect?

at my ropes end. Would love viable alternatives.