How did quarantine affect your sex life?

How did quarantine affect your sex life?

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I got knocked up

>stop watching porn they said

Didn't affect, still masturbating like I always did

What sex life? I think this is the wrong place to ask.

daam can i get some drumsticks

I became a coomer, again, i can't even nofap for 3 days at this point

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The only thing Im mad about is that Tinder locked me out of their system. I paid for their year term too, which I regret. I wasn't getting puss, but I had gotten more replies than usual.

Other than that, Im just fappin'.

kys (totally original comment fuck off Zig Forums mute)

Broke up with my gf right before quarantine. I'm in grad school though so I'm too busy and wouldnt get to see her anyway.

somehow it helped my realize my sex addiction. it probably isn't only because of quarantine this has been a long time coming.
also I got rid of my useless fuckbuddy and it feels good

>havent see my partner for a solid month
i mostly just want to cuddle.

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same, in April I fell off bad, May will be different though.

I live a block away from my gf so not in the least

Fuckin' Normies LEAVE MY BOARD!

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I bang my girl once sometimes twice a day. Sometimes during lunch break.

The war is lost, its not what it was. It hasn't been for a long time. I happened to see your reply while scrolling, best to just ignore these threads

Not at all. Maybe even slightly more sex now.

it really boogles my mind that people just up and have sex

like literally they just talk to another person and they agree to have sex. Absolutely surreal for me

Doesn't happen like that even for normies

My dick hurts, i'm doing quarentine with my girlfriend and she wants to have sex all the time but she's really agressive about it and sometimes forces me

Isn't that literally what tinder is? What Netflix and chill entails? You just download an app, swipe right on 200 girls, and eventually chick like OP's will schedule a dick appointment with you

the struggle is real friend. I'm close to cutting off the internet so I don't become cumbrain

>amount of sex I was having before corona: 0
>amount of sex I was having after corona: 0

Wife and I have be having less sex, and it's been close to 2 months now. I started when she went off birth control. I can't stay hard wearing a condom.

>You just download an app, swipe right on 200 girls, and eventually chick like OP's will schedule a dick appointment with you

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I'm talking about normans, obviously us robots don't stand a chance

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give me one reason not to lose my virginity to an asian hooker as soon as quarantine ends

No sex before, no sex after. I just want love.

not one bit, i've been wanking my cock harder than ever

went from zero to all the time, but it's with mom so a trade off