
Hey Anons, hows it going? Would you like to stop by for a drink?

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Is it too much to ask for a dark mead in a wooden mug?

REEEEEEEEEE im such a fuck up, i just cant be casual with her bc i care so much. why am i cursed with love and yet be so toxic

Here ya go user. Anything been bothering you lately?

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Is it love if its toxic?

can you lick my hairy and smelly ass bartender-kun? i can brap 4 u if u want 2

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I really want to make friends and have sex at the age of 23 but I don't even know where to start.

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Sorry we dont allow minors in here

Places at school or work is intimidating but it does work. Or even having an every day routine. You become subtly more close and familiar with the people you routinely see

Do you have coffee?

thanks barkeep,
just worried that I keep to myself a little too much
I bottle up most of my worries and frustrations, ive been told thats a path that can lead to neurosies but I'm short on options
heh, yeah bottle up is right,
i stock UP on BOTTLES
and drink em all back down ehehe

'Course we do. How do you take yours?

Ah, is it really so bad to open up?

2 cream and a lot of sugar.

You sure do like sweets, huh?

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thank you bartender user. Yeah I'm too old for it but, sugar's good.

It's more that I have no one to open up to, just distant family and loose aquaintances who I chat about circumstantial be to
can I get a refill!

*circumstantial BS*

Polynesian Pearl Diver please, rough night.

Refill comin right up.
Here, open up to me right here. Talk about whatever you feel comfortable with and i'll listen

uhh yeah, can i have some whiskey please?
i'm sorta worried that i don't have any real friends, y'know?
hahaha it sounds pathetic, i know.
i was popular at school, the school captain actually haha.
i had people i would consider friends but i would never do anything outside of chatting at lunch times.
i think i'd be happy if i just had a soulmate, i don't need friends outside of her. just run away into the sunset with her i guess.
been a busy night?

i'd love a real drink but i guess feelsbar will have to do
it's a nice thought

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Here you go. Anything else you need?

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I'm all good here now, thanks user, cheers!

I can relate all too well. Ive always had a big sweet tooth

A bit. Buisness is definitely picking up

And here's your drink

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Can I just get a root beer? Too young to drink. (20)

Here at the feelsbar we offer both real drinks and real feels. Come for one, stay for another

We get a few of you youngsters from time to time. Its not a complaint though, its always nice to see a fresh face amongst the older usuals

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I'll just take a beer.
I thought that I would be happy if I finished school and moved out of my parents house and became successful. But I realized over this winter break that nothing would actually change if I were to move out of my parents house and I became depressed again. I'm now failing all of my classes and I have no idea what I want to do with my life anymore. I'm convinced at this point I'll never be happy but I don't have the balls to kill myself. I just don't get how normies are happy it makes no fucking sense I don't know what is missing.

I feel that though.
I'm wanting to but too tired to kill myself.