Tfw you look just like this wojak

>tfw you look just like this wojak
id sell my left lung for naturally straight hair :(

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>sell my left lung for naturally straight hair
Sounds a bad idea with the facefucks you would receive. Kidneys sell better anyway afaik

how shallow of you

I like when poofy hair is up

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ngl you are cute

Curly hair on black wo(men) is hot. Just own it.

Look on the bright side a least your not ugly.

you actually look like my dream girl type

my hairs curlier than this though, id be happy with even her hair texture :////

your hair looks like the hair on my balls lmao

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gib choccy milk

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please be my gf plz

you are so cute.
i have wavy hair and honestly I wish they were very very curly.

alright user enough of the teasing, I need a queen gf

You could just shave it, it saves you money on hair products and stuff. I've always had a thing for black women who shave their heads.

I ain't even thirsty
but holy shit you are an easy 8-9/10

Unfortunetely shes not gonna fuck us, stop giving women attention when you know for a fact shes got Chad and Tyrone in her Snap dms

that poster is another person? im op and thats not me

well what r u waiting for? post black tits


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>hair that's long enough to tie
Consider yourself lucky, OP. I've been team natural for years but my hair. won't grow for shit. I get mistaken for a man from a distance.

>tfw wore a face mask to the shops the other day
>tfw made a mistake while using the self-checkout
>"if you want to do blah blah blah then you have to press this button, sir!"

ehh its not like any of you would unironically date a black girl loll

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but i did
she was awful
i want a better one

Black chicks with straight hair look horrible, don't do it please you look good with your natural hair

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>doesn't even post with timestamp
u w0t m8

I wish black girls weren't so naturally insecure and jealous. They literally attack any girl that makes them feel insecure

These don't exist, black women can only be obese

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>robots will still tell us that black fembots don't exist
lolll we are the most discriminated against

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>that attitude
>making a show of implied confidence
>that smile
quit larping as some black girl from social media faggot

being insecure doesnt mean ill automatically attack people that im jealous of, user

can't post your face on Zig Forums, newshit