How did the people you went to highschool with turn out?

How did the people you went to highschool with turn out?
>annoying autistic guy obsessed with atheism became a tranny majoring in CS
>girl i crushed on became an alex jones esque conspiracy theorist who doesn't leave the house
>most of the girls I had classes with became tattoo'd liberal college e-thots with extremely high bodycounts and drug/alcoholism problems and general depression
>knew two gay neckbeards who dated, one became an unironic nazi after dabbling in satanism, other one became an SJW
>chads remained chads and married beautiful girl while majoring in business/finance and became successful
>weird kyles got girls pregnant and became dads pretty quickly and have aged poorly
>best friend became gay and obsessed with male trannies as well as twinks
>i haven't changed except I'm more bitter and have a useless sheet of paper i spent thousands of dollars on

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Most just stayed normies, one became metalhead in his mid-twenties for some reason

>the ugly, brown girls became pregnant, at most, at 22, got shot-gun married and are working in a maquila
>the cute ones became college thots that never had a boyfriend in college, future crazy cat lady feminists that will be bitter towards younger women as they never used their youth to get a man
>many of my male friends became niggers by spirit in the form of joining some gangs and, possibily but I don't believe it, cartels
>best friend became one of the King NIGGERS as he became one of the heads of a gang in the drugs department
>chads had the same fate as your chads; quite succesful but somehow still single, for some reason
>my crush became an engineering major, but she's a woman so she is very likely that will take some job at an engineering journal as I don't believe she is capable of leadership; but hey, at least she didn't became crazy when being single!
>I only became skinnier and smarter with a BA by Spring 2021, as succesful as the chads due to connections and on my pathway to U.S. citizenship, but also single like them; I'm bisexual now also and I DESIRE a femdom gf who will peg me and cuddle with me every single night
And to think that we all went to a private high school in Mexico, though.

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>Old friend of mine dropped out and tried to kill his dad
>girl I use to have a crush on became a guy and got into furry porn and beastality
>a kid in a grade above me was arrested for making a bomb threat at the university he went to.
>a lot of people i know are dropping out of college right now because the quarantine killed their vibe to do work
>a lot of onlyfans thots

>>many of my male friends became niggers by spirit in the form of joining some gangs and, possibily but I don't believe it, cartels
Also, maybe joining a cartel isn't nigger behavior per se given how smart the ones at the top are, but my friends still had that nigger mentality so that's why I don't believe some of them joined them.

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>one of the really hot, popular stacies transitioned into being a man
cute looking guy tho no homo

No idea. How do you keep up with people you knew from high school? I don't talk to any of them

To be honest i don't know. Sometimes i would like to know, but then i remember that i don't give a shit about 90% of my school.
The few people I cared about got steady boring jobs and/or higher education, some others i don't know at the moment.

i like how, when you cut through all the horseshit about >le memes and >le not on time, the only thing they have against yanny is "he is making the game he is making"
they can't outright condemn the game for being the game because people still have vestigial immunity to church lady bullcrap so they instead condemn him for being the kind of guy who would make the game
which is politically smart, one gets to run decap strikes on enemy aesthetic tendencies without looking like the censorious dork one is

fuck this gay culture

Beats me. I don't remember the name of a single person I went to school with. I just remember crowds.

Most of them have kids now and I only graduated a couple years ago lmao

Deleted social media so I have absolutely no idea what most are up to. My mates tell me that the girl I dated for 4 years in highschool is now fat and has a 2 year old to some guy that had a crush on her for years. Good for him I guess.

>chad killed his long time gf in a drunken rampage who was insanely fucking hot
>autistic spergs went to military or became rich lawyers
>Im at uni and have a two year long relationship
everyone else is boring

Your story lines up too perfectly with someone who I think may be your crush. Does she go to uni in the States and, if so, what state?

Quit blaming niggers for your beaner friends joining cartels. Cartels are their own set of fucked up criminals and they learned it from other cartel members.
Now if you said they joined MS13 or something they would be full on niggin.

graduated in 05'
>majority of my friends married women that were bellow average
>half of the class had kids in 10'
>alot of people got addicted to heroin
>many girls fell off hard
>almost everyone lives in the town still

I luckily got the fuck out and moved across the country nad have a great job.

How do you know that many people from high school?
>bestie has a bunch of kids, a crazy wife, a steady job, and a drinking problem
Before nuking social media...
>my sports buddy went full nonbinary, flavor of the week mental illness, non-age-identifying tranny
>one Mormon friend got married at 20, is an antivaxxer now and has a kid who will probably get measles or something
>my religious fanatic friend turned into a communist fanatic and is somehow even more annoying now
Meanwhile I've gone full conspiritard.

I feel like a cunt for saying it but they all (bar one) became massive normies. All (except the aforementioned one) have gfs, wives and mortgages now, one has a kid as well. They are all really nice people and really accommodating of how I tend to disappear for months on end or don't show up to gatherings, but I don't feel like I can relate to them anymore. If I hang with them I have to drink a decent amount to enjoy myself. I'm not resentful and I wish them the best, but we're on different wavelengths.

I need right wing, weightlifting friends.

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>a few antisocial guys went to prison or died from bloody suicides
>obnoxious fuckboi/class clown went off the grid, nobody knows where he is
>dumb shy girls are now single mothers sharing bad memes on fb
>all of my friends went overseas for different reasons, haven't talked to them in years
>edgy pseudointellectuals remain edgy pseudointellectuals, except now they're into politics
>high-achieving girl got an office job away from the city and doesn't seem to socialise any more
>chads went to college and seem to live pretty successful lives but they're too conformist to envy
>boys I thought were dumb losers grew up to be well-adjusted tradesmen who make more money than me
>titcow crush got a bf and seems genuinely happy
>wannabe gangster became a dad at 16 and is now one of the coolest people I know of
>really cute loli became a slut and sells her asshole on tinder for 5 seconds of attention
>shy fat kid went off the grid, I've heard he's been unemployed since hs ended
>super christian chad became a simp for a vietnamese monkey
>hot slutty girls aged like milk and settled for trash men and niggers
>tumblr girls got their first bfs at the age of 21 and seem to be doing ok
>the autist (me) finally got a job and is working on loving himself

>I need right wing, weightlifting friends.

>most people just got entry level jobs at med. sized corps and nothing else other than your typical "I like to hike on weekends"
>by default most of the white girls how live on lower east coast and have 3 kids by now
>social outcasts I associated with either became potheads or now work for military or aerospace
>dumb people I hated I see push carts at safeway or are contractors who live out of their vans
>smart people I hated all became lawyers
>social ones nearly all to all went into teaching
>too stupid for school but weren't absolute fuck ups went military and many have been riding veterans benefits and discounts ever since

>mostly only associated with people I had classes with and we all went onto working for govt., silicon valley tech giants, military, or aerospace
>everyone I didn't associate with past 2nd year either went art degree, unemployed, or went FT on whatever their college job was

Too bad all my coworkers are smart normies who I don't relate with and my friends moved for school and stayed around where they now I entered the cycle of "wake up, go to work, go to gym, go home, go to sleep"

Mostly this. I grew up in a rich suburb of KC. My buddy from bball became a heart surgeon. One hoe married a guy 20 yrs older one year after graduating HS. Lots of people mooching off rich parents doing nothing or working as the boss's kid in the company. Ironically nearly all my close friends became successful, despite being seen as dumb or weird, ended up the with their shit together. Weird thing is how many people are content doing the bare minimum and have no passion or drive in their life.

This is from still living in the same area after HS. If I wouldn't have moved back I wouldn't know a thing about anyone.

i have zero contact with any of them. mostly dont remember their surnames so no idea how i would even look them up online if i was really curious (i'm not)

I have a fake fb account and constantly stalk my old classmates who probably wouldn't even recognise my face. FFS I'm so stuck in the past.

>I need right wing, weightlifting friends.
lol fuck, I got to call my right wing body builder buddy. those are the best people and they've got great taste in music

I have not checked up on any of my classmated or schoolmates since I graduated
the day that I got put in GED, I deleted all of them and blocked some of them, including all but 1 of my school friends

he has changed from a quiet fringe kid to a chad metalhead alt righter. dont know much else about him currently aside from what I get from his shares. He has long hair nowadays.

as far as I know, from occasionally seeing old school mates around town, they're the same annoying normies they were in school, plus drugs, which I only know because my brother does drugs with them and occasionally a name stands out when he talks about them.

> drugs
> alcohol
Are you niggers?

Got bullied so here goes
>annoying, ugly girls who bullied me got married off by their parents with healthy dowries- I'm form a third world country
>sporty jocks have rolls and are chartered accountant slaves
>the weebs majored in a very niche science degree and are all NEET niggers
>Managed to get a good score, finished studying MBBS and im a cardiologist in Australia now

robots fuck everyone from high school. I rub the fact that im a doctor in, every reunion

>Chads got married
>that one smartest girl in class became a leftie and went to study law
>that one religious girl became a political critic and philosopher
>few lazy but rich dudes got into jobs through their family contacts and are making money
>those few ugly, fat, and lazy hoes, got even fatter and found their sugardaddies
>weird asthmatic dude became a heavy smoker and ended up as a hobo
>few gangster-like dudes are making money as debt collectors or through illegal work
>was weird, edgy, awkward, poor, and autistic idiot that was on urge to die or fail no matter what and hated everything
>now about to either graduate or dropout in college, go into a job hunting for some time, and get Zig Forums
>started to live healthy
>still awkward and suck at making friends

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>obnoxious fuckboi/class clown went off the grid, nobody knows where he is
Hahahaha that's me. Nice.

I have no fucking clue. I made a promise after graduating to forget everything of the past and cut off contact with everyone. They could be on the moon for all I care