I like really average looking girls and I don't know why...

I like really average looking girls and I don't know why. Something about simple looking girls is just way more appealing than a gorgeous 10/10 model.

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It's because your brain thinks you actually have a chance with them, unlike the 10/10 hot girls

This. A lot of them 10/10 Instagram thots have double-digit or triple-digit body counts, are severely drug-addicted, have little intelligence, and are super conceited. Even if you were to have enough charisma to hit it off with one of these girls, they'd just hold onto you until they find someone else they are interested in and slowly cut you off.

What anime is that screenshot from OP?

U kay bro?

Origiligiligli 75

What do you consider average? Can you post a n example of a 5/10 girl?

no one fucking tell this retard
no one deserves this fucking stupid deserves to know about this series

nah, they just look synthetic.

Cute women tend to monkey branch like faggots back in the 70's gettin AID's an shit. (according to the FBI, fraudulent fuckers)

I agree, the average women are where it's at.

Same, oddly enough I find that a lot of the 10/10 women look weirdly masculine in the face or their bodies are overly fit, I don't get it.

Attack on Titan

Well it is not like you guys can get 10/10 girls anyways

Same. I think it's because you have a low self esteem and/or had a girl turn you down for something she was better at than you. And to prevent a potential partner from letting you down for your looks, you automatically select the ones that aren't much prettier than you, so she couldn't hurt you by calling you ugly since she's not a model herself.

I'm not a psychiatrist or anything, just very sad very often.

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I don't buy it OP I think your brain somehow can see through the haze of social media brainwashing and see good genetic material right in front of you. A lot of model women have really weird fucking features actually.

The sad part of the story is that nowdays even the 6/10 nerdy shy girls often apply to your description of a slutty model girl.

t. In my women hating phase right now

huh, that would explain a lot about my tastes

I don't understand how it can be based on your own insecurities with women, how can the attraction be that deep if it was based on how the 10/10 would reject me, my dick getting rock hard for average girls has to be biological, women are the ones who choose the best partner, men just want to breed and I want to breed the normal girls of the world.

Even 3/10s get pity fucks from Chad and think they deserve a 9.5.

I am fine. I have no complaints about life right now. I just wish the gyms were open right now. I miss going to the Snap Fitness by my apartment.

Agreed, i'm not attracted to model type girls and i don`t get what everyones deal is with those.
>pic related: ideal physique
>gf got that body type
>life is perfect

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If the real-life equivalent is a Remy Lacroix type body then you have some really good taste cause she is delicious.

Yup, that's the body type. Bit bigger tits and wider hips though.

>non-white (makes me, a wigger, feel superior)
>from some shithole (makes me, a proud european, feel superior)
>slutty (if she fucked 100 guys, her standards might not be too high for me)
>underage (makes me feel more experienced, therefore superior)

I'm really afraid I'm fucked in the head bros

I agree, I almost find the really popular bitchy girls repulsive, the only girls I like tend to be ones my friends will see as unattractive, usually slightly chubby and around 5 or 6/10. I see myself as a 2/10 though so I struggle to even talk to them, there was this cute as fuck chubby blonde girl in my German class last semester who I wanted so badly, but I was too much of a pussy to ever even talk to her. Not that she would have given me a chance, I'm a waste of life

Do you mean girIs like this OP?

Attached: 1586939180672.jpg (1125x1500, 284.76K)

Yeah but preferably black or white instead (although Asian girls are cute as well)

attack on titian

>Attack on Titan
well now I do feel stupid, but I haven't seen it yet so hey, might give it a try

Is this really what guys think is average? :/ This girl is very pretty

She's got a very cute smile, I'd definitely go for that

How often do you think these guys see women without makeup?

>Is this really what guys think is average? :/ This girl is very pretty
She's about a 6/10, which is slightly above average technically but she's not necessarily gorgeous.

I'm guessing not at all
I've never said she was gorgeous but she's very clearly above average. She doesn't have facial flaws that can be immediately pointed out. So I guess when guys say they want an average girl, they just mean a pretty girl without makeup and in plain clothing