I've finally descended here (?)

So I've been feeling like shit lately, to the point where I just want to leave a message in this god forsaken place, out of boredom, catharsis or whatever.

I've always been a normie, or at least struggled to be one with some degree of success, despite my deep love for video games and other autistic shit.

Around 5-6 years ago when I started going to the university to study psychology I felt like the world was there to be taken and nothing would stop me from doing so, but today I feel like I'm just so close to ending up as a NEET, or as any other type of fucker that usually lurks forums like this.

Anyway, back then I considered myself somewhat attractive and was always surrounded by girls (which are a majority in the psychology career). I dated a girl which I very much liked and she left me soon afterwards for some loser dipshit, and I guess I was too clingy and cringed her to the point where she left.

I've always loved music so I also studied a minor in jazz interpretation. I had a band that came to play gigs on an almost weekly basis and managed to get a mild degree of local success. It was around that point where I arbitrarily decided that the psychology major was bullshit and switched to political science (which you might well argue is an even more bullshit degree).

I liked the degree and was kinda easy, but not too fulfilling. I've always wanted to be a teacher/educator like my grand father, and I believed i'd get something to teach from it, since it's generally so encompassing. Meanwhile my band gave me lots of happiness but one day after a gig went wrong the guys in the band kinda plotted against me and kicked me out. This pissed me off greatly as I was a founder and contributed a great deal to it. To add injury to insult, a few days later I was contacted by a music agent who supposedly had worked with a lot of famous musicians and wanted to work with the band. He treated me to a very fancy dinner and all (continuing)

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Other urls found in this thread:


Don't do it, you're gonna miss Jong Un coming back to save us arrogant westerners.


This was at the kind of restaurant where you could casually run into famous people. So after having the fancy dinner I told the guy that I had broken up with the band like a couple days ago and there was nothing. As you can imagine that didn't go exactly right, and the agent guy got super pissed. After that I randomly ran into a friend whom I hadn't seen in years, and one thing led to another and we ended up drunk in a whore house basically.

Anyway, after getting kicked out of the band and all, I started looking for people to create and another band, and must've gone through at least 10 bands, which all failed miserably. At one point a drummer flat out told me that I had the talent but didn't have the level, and that I basically sucked.

Although this wouldn't affect most people, it did me. To the point where I actually started dual majoring in music and taking the music a lot more seriously because I truly wanted to git gud. I studied and practiced intensively on the piano and all.

There was a piano exam in which I managed to pull off some pretty complex pieces and the judges were so impressed that they actually invited me to play in some fancy pianists concert. I was very happy to play there, but I don't know what the hell happenned to my brain. When I had to play I went blank, I forgot everything on the spot and the concert was a complete disaster, an absolute embarrassment of majestic proportions. The audience was filled with music teachers, promising music students, my gf, whom all saw me as a nervous wuss. Nobody laughed but I think that would've made it better.

Anyway, after that I figured I might just actually suck, so I layed back from music for a while. I still practice and all but not as intensively, and I genuinely love playing. I somehow managed to graduate in political science and was very close to getting another degree which was also coursing, in government studies. But then my father passed away (continuing)

Am not reading all that shiet nigga lmao
Nobody cares

Aw man don't do him like that

OP. You're right. You're on a bad trajectory
>Around 5-6 years ago when I started going to the university to study psychology I felt like the world was there to be taken and nothing would stop me from doing so
I was able to recapture this feeling when I was in Japan.
Japan has an endless culture that seems to give what you put into it. There's over a hundred museums in Japan, and most are free or 100 yen. Their jazz scene is great. And they have a distinct style in Osaka Vs Tokyo.
I'll continue with some specifics

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I know this sounds awful but I kinda envy you and all those things you have achieved.

Here's a video on one of Tokyo's many jazz clubs
And an example of the many free museums that seem to defy western logic. Teaches you about animation. The creator of Gundams desk. How to do VA work, and the works and signatures of Japan's many animators. Absolutely free
Its surprisingly affordable. I spent about 30$ a night at my hostel and had a private room. Find picture attached

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Forgot to link the museum
Room is super tiny but you get what you pay for

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My father's passing represents like a second story arc. To give you some context, my father was a politician, and a pretty important one at that, which is part of the reason why I'm so much into politics. But I was very little when he was actually in politics and barely remember that. My mother, my sisters and I basically live off of my dad's pension. We didn't live in over the top luxury or anything, but did live pretty comfortably.

My father had long divorced my mother and married a woman that could basically be my sister (like 10 years older than me though). Although I had a good relationship with her as a kid (at like 12 or something) as I grew up she regularly showed how much of a bitch she was, and our relation grew pretty sour as years went by.

My father got sick in some weird circumstances, and my step mother acted kinda shady about it. He lived in another town (which is an hour away by plane) and he had a stroke exactly in new year's eve. I was spending new year with my mother's family so I wasn't with him, and I spoke to him on the phone mere hours before he had the stroke. However, my lovely stepmother didn't call me or my sisters to inform us until January 2nd. When she finally answered the phone it seemed like she didn't want us to go visit dad at the hospital in the town he was in, and made it seem as if the situation was fine and controlled (it was not).

Then, the only source of income we had was our dad, so me and my sisters had to ask our stepmother to send us money to take plane to go visit dad immediately but she refused. We had to ask an uncle to lend us the money. until we finally managed to travel.

After the funeral and all, my and my sisters were staying at our father's house (and old big house that our grand parents had literally built from the ground up). We were staying there with our dear step mother, who seemed pretty casual about the whole ordeal. She had her friends come in and laugh with her and all. (continuing)

leave here before you drink the incel koolaid
few here get better

Because we didn't have our dad's pension anymore, I started looking for a job and sent many many applications but couldn't find anything. I was still studying but naturally felt pretty bad so my grades went to shit. I was in a kinda harsh spot financially.

Despite not getting a job I managed to earn money by freelance writing about all sorts of shot, from homework for lazy piss babies to journalism and some other academic writings. It was tough but was managing.

One day I suddenly get a notification that I'm being sued, not just me but my sisters and my mom as well. The person suing us was no other than my dear stepmother. Not contempt with having legally inherited the totality of my dad's pension she also wanted to get my dad's house (the one my grandparents built), my mom's house and the equivalent of 80k USD from us.

So now on top of having to pay for my student loan, the houses' expenses, my younger sister's expenses and education, I also had to look for a lawyer.

As it turned out, my dad had done some kinda shady stuff to avoid paying a mortgage. He did some sort of legal maneuver to "buy" the mortgage in the name of my stepmother. Now my stepmother is after my ass, the bank is after my ass and I could lose the house (the one I live in with my sisters and my mom) at literally any moment. To put it kinda bluntly, the only thing I inherited from my dad were a bunch of debts and legal problems. I mean, I'm fine with not inheriting anything, but inheriting a bunch of legal problems feels kinda like shit.

Fastfoward a few months and we get to the present day. The legal problems haven't been solved by any stretch of the imagination, the situation is pretty tight as my mother and my younger sister depend on me and my older sister. I still haven't managed to get my government studies degree or find an actual stable job. Work as a freelance writer becomes more and more scarce. COVID19 makes shit kinda hit the fan. (continuing)

Sounds like you need the nuclear options then

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Keep going I'm reading orginally

(Continuing. Last chapter)

As I'm not able to solve the situation in any way, and thing seem to be always getting worse, I start submerging into depression. I feel like a useless piece of shit for not being able to find a job. I feel like I wasted too much time doing too many useless things.

Now today, I wanted to relax and went on facebook. I was kinda shitting around and trolling in some music shitposting group I'm in when suddenly I get a comment. "Hey weren't you the guy in X band?" (that was the one I was first kicked out of). I shit you not, this was the gut who actually replaced me on the band lmao. He continues "lol you suck bro, there's no wonder they kicked you out of the band, you were holding them back so badly. Don't be so pissed man. Maybe you should just face the fact that you suck, and take it like a man. They kicked you out for a reason, maybe you should just quit".

That was it, I was so utterly enraged and pissed off by this that I actually closed my fb account and came to post this shit here. I feel like and utter piece of shit. And I'm just... sad man.

bla bla bla kill yourself shitbag

If you end up killing yourself you better take that retarded fucker that replaced you out with yourself. I want to beat the shit out of him on your behalf.

Hope this all goes well for you user. What kind of jobs are you applying for? Move forward with your career and life regardless and view all of this as one of lifes many trials, but let it be ancillary. When I have a problem and let it consume my life, I was always end up regretting it afterwards.

ok so i read it all op, sounds pretty rough. i cannot empathize with anything but the dead dad legal problems inheritance kek its fucked up and it never gets better

This desu
the best revenge is to live your life with a modicum of success, self respect, and happiness
They will seethe that they can't continue to remind you of your failure in a way that hurts you

kill yourself you piece of shit normalfag

>kill yourself you piece of shit betterpersonthanme
when incels use compliments as insults because they say it meanly in their heads

im not an incel, incels should get the fuck out of this board too you normalfag piece of garbage
your life is trash, nobody cares about you, nobody loves you and nobody ever will, kill yourself

>your life is trash, nobody cares about you, nobody loves you and nobody ever will, kill yourself
>say the meanest thing he can think of to say to himself, but say it to me instead
I hope your life turns around user

the thing is i know all this and have embraced it, you haven't and thats why you should kill yourself
you came to this place where you don't belong and what the fuck are you expecting?

>embracing it
You shouldn't have. You should have seen this place, did a 360 and walk out desu. Especially when you ignored the soul-sucking nature of this place in favour of the validating aspects
I empathize user

should have, shouldn't have who gives a fuck?

>unreasonably alienating everyone, even when they empathize with you
that's unironically more important for you to do than it is for me
sorry to upset you user

Damn you must really be a shit person, sounds like you started life with plenty of advantages then when easy mode was turned off, you weren't prepared and everything went to shit. I hope you've at least given up on music, if literally everyone tells you that you suck at it, you probably do.

because you don't belong here and i don't need or want normalfag empathy, it's fake.

>it's fake
you are free to believe that
but don't mistake shared anger and vindictiveness against the world from other incels as empathy of any kind

i dont know why you're still going on about incels, is that the new buzzword you just discovered or something? this board doesn't belong to the incels, and i probably hate them more than you do because they ruined my fucking board.