How can homosexuality be natural when the anus has no mechanism to lubricate or clean itself?

How can homosexuality be natural when the anus has no mechanism to lubricate or clean itself?

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Because the G-spot for men is in the ass.

everything humans do is natural for we are part of nature

a city is as natural as an ant hill

thats why you eat the poop user

If God does not want anal, why did he put the butthole so close to where the pussy is?

thats why god invented poppers

We have free will which separates us from animals.

What are those, user?

>B-but animals do (rarely) have homosexual behaviour s-so it's natural !
Tired of this

not only it doesn't clean itself, but there's is special bacteria to destroy dicks

This is why all anal sex is gay, even with a woman, it's simulating an unholy and biologically wrong sexual act.
The bible said sodomy is wrong, it didn't specify on gender.

This. Using "it's natural/unnatural" as an argument for anything is garbage. We change "nature" all the time to suit our own needs.

gods gift to the gays to make up for AIDS

animals also have free will
they're just less inteligent

just because you're a homo doesn't automatically mean you're into anal, you know

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idrc what the bible says

Doesn't just blowjobs and handjobs get boring?

>We change "nature" all the time to suit our own needs.
That just proves how unnatural our current behavior is.
We haven't been "natural" since the nomadic hunter/gatherer days.

As I recall, the bible only states
" a man shall not lay in bed with another man "
That doesn't mean shit. Stop using your pathetic leather bound book to prove a based point.
also kek.

>because the
*long sigh*
*holds face in hand*
*takes long pull of coffee*
>because the anus is self cleaning.
>did i say it. did i say the meme. did you get what you were after

dey eat da poo poo
originally of course
Free will is an illusion

So don't hesitate to kill yourself sodomite

>idrc what the bible says
That's okay, you'll burn in hell for an eternity to make up for it.

why is nature the best way to run things? just because it was first doesn't mean it was the best

nah bro when i get to heaven ima fuck god up that nigga gonna taste this dick
who tf makes someone gay just so they could send them to hell, gonna teach that nigga what its like to be gay

I agree. God also said that carnal knowledge is verboten, though.

Where exactly do you draw the line on natural vs. unnatural?

i dont care what god said i been lifting bro i dont think god lifts he old as hell
gonna fuck him up

>anus has no mechanism to lubricate

the bible states many other things besides that, even the verse you're alluding to is in more than one place
in any case it would fall under sexual immorality which is always listed before and in conjunction with men who lay with other men when someone in the bible is admonishing various sexual sins
the bible seems relatively cool with lesbian interaction but that's mostly because the people in power at the time definitely had harems of concubines who fucked each other constantly because they were all only "supposed" to fuck one guy

Because our own minds haven't caught up to the current form society has taken, it's why we become increasingly unhappy and suicidal as a whole each year, this trend will hopefully change in the future but the easier solution would be moving back to simpler lives with smaller social circles.

the industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for how much pussy I should get

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