Anyone else here appreciate a nice roastie?

anyone else here appreciate a nice roastie?

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vaginas are absolutely disgusting
every time I cum I remember that but then I forget again

>her flaps are all singed, and gangrenous looking from grinding and rubbing them so much

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absolutely nothing wrong with roasties, all i want is to be loved by them ; - ;

Only if she has a nice big black cock inside of her

>oh no not the poor peanut paste preferring pupperino!

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She looks about 20 years too old, yuck.
Probably smells like blue cheese down there.

They're fine. It's the woman it's attached to that matters.

She deserves to go to the BBC breeding farm

>it's the woman it's attached to that matters.
post your fat diseased vagina or gtfo

I... don't have a vagina, dude.

I can appreaciate pretty much any healthy pussy. I suspect anyone that can't is pornsick or deep in the closet.

That doesn't look like too much of a roastie to me. I wouldn't be bothered by one of this level at all.

then you're from reddit or california or whatever
same thing you pussy nigger

Roasties are genetic.
A virgin can have a roastue pussy.

Taking a higher number of different dicks doesn't do shit any more than taking one dick multiple times.
Women pop out babies out of their vaginas.

Basically, it's a stupid meme.

You people literally just aren't into women. Why can't you admit that to yourselves?

Foid detected

>I have a blown out roastie and chad won't settle for me
the posts

Yes it does. Those dicks are very likely to be of different size/shape. The same dick all the time won't cause the same damage as a variety.

Nah, I just think it's a better term than le ebin wojak meme

A better term than what?

>le ebin
>porn sick
>defending roasties
post your tits or drink aquarium cleaner reddit cunt


Coomer. It's been overused to hell and back. And it's a shitty wojak meme

If it's in a different position, it will be stretched in a different way. There is NO research in existence indicating that number of sex partners influences labia size. All that exists are fake graphs made in paint.

That is stronger than any evidence suggesting there's no correlation, and it's intuitive that there would be one.

Stop watching porn or get out of the closet, bitch boy. Make your choice.

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You can "intuit" that many things are true, it doesn't mean they are.

yes, those are my options
I'll take the word and life advice of some walking bleeding gash
out out, non tit poster

it isn't even 'intuitively' true if you have a 6th grade understanding of biology...

There's nothing you can do about me staying here for as long as I want. And at the same time bumping all the threads you hate oh so much. Time for you to stop crying and move to wizchan

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I'm from the South and Reddit is a shithole, I just respect women

Has anyone ever seen a roastie vag with an intact hymen? No? Hmm. Really makes you think.

>if you're not willing to eat literal dogshit you're clearly not really hungry

made my mouth water desu

This is now a BBC thread, since girls like that don't want anything else

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You're right, being repulsed by average female genitalia to the point of coming into a r9k forum to talk about how disgusting you find it is very normal heterosexual male behaviour. I wish I could find a manly chad like you