When did you realise the such a thing as "tradwife" doesn't exist and if it does...

When did you realise the such a thing as "tradwife" doesn't exist and if it does, it just means "a roastie who is ready to settle down"?

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About five years ago.

that's some fine COOM material OP, thanks

There is such a thing.

I hope you find yours user.

They certainly do exist, but for strong good trad guys.

Incels desire a "trad wife" only because they fear getting cheated on, they want a greater feeling of "got her - never gonna lose her".

Most incels don't really want a trad wife, they are just degenerate coomers who project too much onto such women.

>When did you realise the such a thing as "tradwife" doesn't exist
When Zig Forums started to use it, like every buzzwords since the creation of knowyourmeme

I love how butthurt a wojak in a dress made all these pornsick degenerates.

I know they exist.
I know my fembot tradwife is waiting for me.
I'm waiting for her too.
I want her to know we'll be together one day, ad it'll all be worth it.

Wouldn't that make pornsick degenerates happy?

They probably exist, in super-religious communities etc. But the question is why would you ever want to marry one?

On the contrary, i want a latent whore so my marriage won't have a dead sex life

Since forever? You act like we arent all aware the meme WE created is in fact an ironic meme.

Fucking r3dditors seriously.

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>But the question is why would you ever want to marry one?
To have a good wife and good mother to your children?

How about having a stable family with mentally healthy children?

I don't care if they don't exist, there'll always be porn of them among other things.

A good wife would be more adventurous, modern and fun than some prude tradwife. And being a good mother would mean not teaching your kid to be an outdated prude themselves.

go to hell degenerate porn addict

The more I read different philosophies the more I am of the opinion that women should be property.

>wants a wife who won't have much sex with him
imagine being an incel so long that you start to lose interest in sex hahah

Did I ever even mention porn?

Not him, but I would trade my ability to have sex for a wife that won't divorce me.
What is sex anyway? 5 minutes of cardio for 10 seconds of pleasure?
Happiness of having children lasts a lifetime.

Pray tell what kind of philosophies that leads to that conclusion

>Happiness of having children lasts a lifetime
In fairy tales maybe. Not a guarantee
My parents certainly aren't happy with their incel son kek
>Not him, but I would trade my ability to have sex for a wife that won't divorce me.
I understand the sentiment but my point is it's a false choice to think you have to choose between
>wife who won't divorce you but will have sex with you i guess maybe
>wife who will probably divorce you but you will have lots of sex probably
Like a wife who wont' divorce you but you will have lots of sex

So the reason you want a tradwife is to force her not to divorce you no matter what, like a slave?

I realised a year or two ago that decent women mostly don't exist. That I'd never find a love, romance, or even basic loyalty/fidelity like I'd seen on TV and in VNs I'd played. Real life relationships are fucking awful and full of deceit and mind games. Not to mention you get kicked to the curb at the drop of a hat nowadays, just another disposable memory to be used for pity brownie points on social media.

Why would you assume a traditional woman wouldn't want to have a healthy sex life with her husband?

>In fairy tales maybe. Not a guarantee
>My parents certainly aren't happy with their incel son kek
I might have skewed results because I come from a very stable old-school family, where my mom and dad were virgins to each other (back in 1970s-1980s was still normal)

Have you tried asking your parents for help?
At 19 I was a hand-hold-less kiss-less virgin. I asked my mom for help... she understood and set me up with some dates with girls. While I didn't have sex with any of them, it gave me confidence and eventually at 21 I had enough courage to get my own gf and lose virginity.
Ask for help if you want to be helped and admit your weakness to parents - it works!

>no dick version

so I really DO have to do everything myself

My parents aren't those kind of parents
admitting weakness to them results in the boomer meme of you should have done x y z etc - nothing that is understanding and that is productive for going forward
In fact I think i would get what people here call normie advice or "nonadvice" just because it's so vague and general but somehow go work a shitty job kay etc
my dad sucks who would just catalogue my mistakes. he's basically a spergy robot in that respect
can only look backwards and nitpick

Feminist spotted! Have you ever wondered... that marriage... can be a happy arrangement... for BOTH parties?
I don't want her to be a slave - she can do whatever she wants as long as she doesn't cheat and divorce me.
Divorce is the most horrible thing that can ruin a man financially forever.
Tell me, would you go to a casino right now and place all your money and assets on red/black (50% chance of loosing, 0% of gaining something)?
There is no benefit to marriage as long as she can divorce whenever she wants.

All I ask is no divorce and no cheating, but I guess this is viewed as slavery nowadays.

>What is sex anyway? 5 minutes of cardio for 10 seconds of pleasure?
Is this the reason you are paranoid your wife will leave you, user?