/r/obots, I'm simply not caring about life any longer

/r/obots, I'm simply not caring about life any longer.

What do you think are the most reliable and painless ways to end ones own life?

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Have you tried church?
Bringing meaning to your life in one way or another?
Have you thought about exiting your life in a different way?

What I mean by exiting your life in a different way is this

accept your suicidal reality and push on fren, there is no end to this shit so why not just try make it to the end anyway.

Thank you for the response.

>Have you tried church?
Well, yes. It got me laid but I didn't find any spiritual comforts there. I still don't think of myself as a spritual person.

>Bringing meaning to your life in one way or another?
I'm getting old now and I don't see the good in life any longer. I'm in constant pain and it gets worse as I get older. I can see my mental capacity degrading, with a familial history of dementia and Alheimers this frightens me.

>Have you thought about exiting your life in a different way?
I have tried to start anew more than once. I guess I just have shitty luck.

That doesn't interest me. No new place or situation will help.

I have. I came here to ask for opinions on that.

I can understand where you're coming from
No. If I'm being honest I can't
I want you to get away with it
I want you to have one last victory
An escape where you visit Thailand or Vietnam or something, with some rainy day money you managed to get, by hook or by crook.
As you still have your memories, put them down on some spread sheet, and find some care taker or friend to help you when you're over seas. Write down music or songs that are meaningful, photos or memories you want to hold onto. You may frustrate whoever you live with, but if you give them medical power of attorney, and write them into the will, they can make sure your life ends in a way that makes sense

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I'm simply not interested. Moving on...

I understand
I won't push any further.

I would suggest doing some estate planning. Where you want your body buried or cremated.
I understand you may not care about it now, but this can have a lasting effect on the people around you, for however long they're around

>I would suggest doing some estate planning. Where you want your body buried or cremated.
>I understand you may not care about it now, but this can have a lasting effect on the people around you, for however long they're around
Duly noted. I have already some of this in place but it needs to be updated.

thread the needle and live life on the edge more often. Live between life and death.

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Like driving a motorcycle?

Okay then
Where do you want to die? At home or somewhere else?
Do you want your body to be discovered by strangers? A neighbor?

Yes. If you really want to die. Whats stopping yourself from pushing the yourself to the edge? Piss of everyone you know, drive a motorcycle, join a gang, whatever

How old are you OP? If you're mentally declining I mean. 80?

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>Where do you want to die? At home or somewhere else?
>Do you want your body to be discovered by strangers? A neighbor?
I'd prefer to prearrange discovery by professionals. Location does not matter.

Not near to 80 yet.

That's possible then
You can always leave a phone plugged in or something, with a prescheduled email from a neighbor, saying they smelt something and hadn't seen you leave the house for days.

Not one reply with helpful suggestions pertaining to my original question.

That came out mumbled
Have Gmail schedule an email 8 hours your estimated time of death saying oh I am a neighbor of *your address* and he hasn't left his apartment in a week and there's starting to be a smell. That email will be a lie but get them to show up and discover your body.

I don't want you to die. I won't give you advice on how to hurt yourself

Carbon monoxide poisoning is the most painless and effective way to kill yourself and though I see death as a release from suffering I dont support suicide because it robs you of all opportunity for happiness

Instead of killing yourself try to do something amazing or like something you would only do if you knew you were going to die and then afterwards you might feel different idk

>Have Gmail schedule an email
I can code and have server hardware. I don't need any kind of external applications.

I do appreciate the suggestion.

Place your head on the train tracks and wait for decapitation. Had this on my mind for a while. And yes I am selfish.

I think you have every right to kill yourself if you want but I think most people probably come to regret it right before they die

Imagine jumping off a bridge and deciding you want to live on the way down

>Carbon monoxide
Interesting. How to generate this?

>Place your head on the train tracks and wait for
Some poor slob driving a train for living to deal with that?

I suppose I have agree that is selfish. Not a good way for me, though.

You sound like an intelligent guy OP
Surely you have enough self awareness to understand the pandemic is exasperating existing feelings and driving you farther than you would otherwise.
If you survive the Corona pandemic, you'll be glad for not having killed yourself during it, because life will have returned to normal in some degree. You'll stop feeling so alone from the world. You're acting irrationally. instead of a overwhelming anger clouding your judgement it's despair.
You're retroactively justifying a course of action you wouldn't have considered if not for this crisis. And it will pass.

I was going to say exitbag. But the fucking helium jews made that shit impossible.

The pandemic did not change my life very much. I wear a mask and gloves when out, but I don't go out very often.

If don't care about life, then why end it ? If truly don't care, can't you just live the rest of your life without care of day to day woes, and die when the time comes

Pain and mental degradation are not appealing.

Car exhaust

You attach a hose to the exhaust pipe and run the other end through the window and leave the car running in a garage preferably

Some dude murdered his wife child by leaving a leaky exercise ball filled with carbon monoxide in the back seat before they two of them went for a drive

Once again I dont believe killing yourself is a good idea but if you were going to do it this the way

Your body remains intact for a proper funeral and youre not likely to survive with brain damage so long as nobody happens upon you within fuck idk half hour or so idk how long it takes exactly

So yeah better than pills or self inflicted gunshot wound to the head or cutting yourself but with all of those you might survive and many people who survive their attempts at suicide will decide to go on living

Deciding to end your life would be a mistake which you can neither undo nor recover from and because it would be the most important decision of your life you ought to treat it as such and think long and hard before deciding that you want to go through with it
Whatever decision youve ever made that you spent the most time deciding on you ought to spend even more time than that asking yourself if its really what you want

Please go on living
If you have the courage to die try to have the courage to live
Death will come for you soon enough
Theres no sense in chasing after it