It's your own fault you're still single and a virgin. Why do so many anons refuse to admit this?

It's your own fault you're still single and a virgin. Why do so many anons refuse to admit this?

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I do but how does it help things? Then what?

Id be out rn but my gay ass bitch mom wont let me take the car even though im 19, what a whore. If i left my house for even 15 mins i bet i could be banging the hottest chick in my uni. Moral of the story, dont get a gay ass mom

But op, I'm ugly as fuck and retarded and everyone hates me? What am I supposed to do? Why is this my fault, I don't understand?

You can't type comprehensible sentences in a complicated language... You can't be nearly as retarded as I am and I do ok... not with girls but, you know. I make it

What are you even trying to say? This post is about girls, that's the crux of the incel. I don't even like aligning myself with the incel identity and mentality, I just am one because I'm an involuntary celibate. Girls don't like me because I am short, fat, ugly and a useless NEET retard. I am only NEET because I am incompetent and stupid, by the way. There is no way for me to get smarter, and I can't fix my physical shortcomings. I don't know why this is my fault or what I'm going to do.

Idk. How ugly can you be? Are there laws against being ugly? If so I'm offin' myself

I am not ugly but I am short ( 5'9")

It wasn't my fault I was born mentally ill or disabled, user.

I'm really fucking ugly, man. Like, 2/10. There might as well be laws against being ugly, because people hate us and naturally they want us dead. What you have to realize is that people are still just animals, our primitive subconscious brain and instincts still effects us more than we know. People like things that are normal, this tells their subconscious that everything is fine in it's current state, but if you are ugly person, the neurotypical brain recognizes this as a genetic failure and an error, so they are repulsed by you and they subconsciously know that something is wrong. People naturally hate uggos and subconsciously they want us to die. We're fucked, man.

I never understood the rating thing.
>We're fucked, man.
yeah we wish bro.

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how tall are you? If you are at least 6'0" you still have a chance.

Just think of 5 as average, since it's a 10 point rating system and 5 is half of 10. 6 is slightly above average, 7 is decent, 8 is good looking, 9 is handsome, 10 is complete Chad. 4 is slightly below average, 3 is ugly, 2 is repulsive, 1 is hideous and deformed

I'm only 5'8, user. That's kind of a stretch too, I might be only 5'7.5"

Yeah, you are fucked then.

I might be a 2...
5'7", skinny, autism, blonde hair, whack teeth...

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It's my fault in that I was born physically unattractive with a small dick and experienced a life that shaped a personality that's considered very unattractive nowadays, with no talents or skills that would make me at all interesting.

Admitting this changes nothing.

Yup. I don't know if I can live my whole life like this, the loneliness is already driving me insane. I know Newton and Tesla lived their entire lives without women, but they were smart and accomplished, they had something to live for. They had purpose and meaning, I have nothing.

great thread, one punch man sucks though

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get some purpose and meaning you fuckin chump. even ugly people can enjoy lifting, going in nature. of course you're probably genetic trash so maybe misery was natural selection

You can work to make yourself less unattractive.
You can work to change your personality.
You can develop skills.

What you're afraid of is putting in the effort, and if you're going to be that much of a pussy you might as well neck yourself.

I already lift though, it seems pointless if I'm not getting anything out of it. Think, why do most people lift? Most do it for women, females are the selective sex in reproduction and humans are driven by their primary biological function. The only people who I can say truly lift for themselves are bodybuilders, but even they are getting something out of it, they're competing and accomplishing. So what if I'm stronger now, I'm still ugly and my genetics make it impossible for me to even look that big and strong. I do like nature and biology, it gives me some purpose but I'm too stupid to excel and reach the places that I want. Without love in my life, everything just seems like a waste of time, no matter what I do to cope, I just can't escape the empty feelings and the loneliness inside of me. You're right, I am genetic trash and it's evil that I even have to exist. My natural state is misery and torment, and that is fucking evil. Sorry user, I'm not trying to whine or make a sob story, just rambling on like a retard

>You can work to make yourself less unattractive.
You can't fix genetics. At best you wallpaper over it a bit and hope no one notices, but they always do.
>You can work to change your personality.
So literally brainwashing myself into being someone who's not me so people will like me? Might as well fucking die then.
>You can develop skills.
No, I can't. I'm fucking retarded and have no talent at anything.

>What you're afraid of is putting in the effort
Thanks Mr Armchair Psychologist for delving deep into my mind and uncovering the real issues that not even I was aware of, by merely reading a few lines of text.

>and if you're going to be that much of a pussy you might as well neck yourself.
I'd love to die, but more than that I'd love to put a bullet between your eyes before I go. Then I'd kill your faggot family, and everything else you cared about.

This post is fucking based, fuck that ignorant, patronizing faggot.

based, black and murderpilled.

op's more hardcore than he let on

thats fine retard. for me getting stronger is all that matters. i don't care about how i look, only homosexuals and body builders do. strength helps in all areas of my life. i don't get joy out of telling you that your unhappiness is natural but it seems like a lot of people are not able to be helped by the input of others. i believe only you can help yourself, so good luck

How can being strong give meaning to your life though? In what ways does it help you in every aspect of your life? Also, I think saying that caring about your appearance is gay is just completely retarded. How can being attractive to women possibly be gay? You haven't even really gave me any worthy input either, you just said vaguely told me to contrive purpose and meaning in life. Honestly you seem like an even bigger retard than I am, being content with simplicity. Fuck you too, user.

being strong means you can do more than the average loser before tuckering out like a little bitch. every thing i do is improved by being stronger, cutting wood, building shit, kayaking, hunting. as for the appearance, that was regarding exercising for the aesthetic. homosexuals care about how cut they are and shit. insecure idiots care about whether they look attractive to women, too. you've been dealt a hand, so all you can do is play. good luck buddy boy

>I'd love to die, but more than that I'd love to put a bullet between your eyes before I go. Then I'd kill your faggot family, and everything else you cared about.

Christ, just imagine what you'd be like in a relationship.

>Honey, we're out of milk.

He only got one advice right and is trying to make yourself as attractive as possible, yes genetics are fucked but that shouldn't stop you to get fit and looksmax yourself as much as possible. The personality advice is fucking retarded and you shouldn't change yourself for a girl, its pointless and you won't have a connection with them and the girl make call you out for being fake and creepy if she sees through. The skills advice is also retarded cause girls don't care about skills as much or careers unless that person is making bank, it don't matter to em. That guy is a faggot and is horrible at giving advices, just bland shitty advices.

You're a simple man, that's fine. I am insecure too,bobviously. Thanks for the meaningless words user.

cringe, just go back to fagddit will you, he said that shit to you cause you're a obnoxious annoying normalfaggot with no good advice or anything, just fucking go away this like the 100th time you tried to convert "robots" with your garbage.

Nice strawman. Not even that user but you're a fucking little rat and you know what you're doing.