Tfw you never got to experience typical american high school house party

>tfw you never got to experience typical american high school house party

why god why did i have to be born in FUCKING YUROP AAAAAAAH

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Arent there parties over there?
With all the same shit too.
Alcohol, music, people.

yea but op wasnt cool enough to get invited

neither was i though

You would want that? Those slutty drunk parties reassure me on why I'm happy to not be a normfag.

>tfw you were born in America and still didn't get to experience this. It's like I don't belong on this planet

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You have exchange opportunity

>tfw wasn't born in europa

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Hate to tell you, but movies blow this shit out of proportion. Want the "typical America high school house party" rundown?

>party is held at some suburban home
>shitty beer, stale chips, godawful rap music
>hope you like beer pong, because it'll be going on until the sun rises
>males always outnumber the girls and 99% if the girls will have boyfriends nearby at all times
>bored yet? Go smoke a blunt out back by the glass patio table
>yeah, the guys with the weed are cool, but nothing they're wearing was actually made by Gucci
>everyone is drunk
>everyone is obnoxious
>discussions are either about using drugs, selling drugs, or exaggerated tales of sexual conquests
>Snapchat stories make it look like THE BEST NIGHT EVER GUYZ
>the reality is that it was insanely dull

OP is a faggot because nice house party are also a thing in Europe. Still exchange is very rare and clearly not everyone has the opportunity.

>not going to a project x party with edm instead of rap and mdma instead of weed
absolutely incel pilled

user you realise this is a movie right?

reminder that the fat curly hair kid later went on the bang bus.

movies are real life, you DO know that, right?

the actor i mean

It's boring user. Sure you can drink shitty cheap beer and fake dance while wack ass rap music plays, but don't expect anything too crazy other than a fucking retard trying to impress a girl by almost killing himself. Also, the shit about getting a girl at a party is a meme, they all have muscular boyfriends who are probably packing heat as well

you and I are the same people at social gatherings.

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>tfw never got to experience the american high school house parties
>never had a chance to join a japanese high school club
>never sat in a classroom full of european jk hotties
>all you got was suffering through a middle eastern all boy high school sausage fest

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nah, house parties don't really happen here and if they do, really small-scale, normies usually go out to bars/pubs or rented venues while the lower-class ghetto scum go out to the local park or field at night

as for substances, alcohol is popular, coke, ketamine and mdma too, weed is optional but is not the main course

you did at least get an arranged marriage afterward tho right?

Not yet but I can ask my mom to set something up if (when) I completely fail on my own. So I got that going for me.
But the concept of arranged marriage is not what you think. At best it's an arranged date. you ain't marrying anybody if the girl doesn't like you

Do you all really think people jumping up and down screaming loudly as they're drinking alcohol while at the same time there's a whore having a sex in the bedroom above you is fun? This what you're mad at missing out on? I mean it legitimately when I say I'd rather join the Taliban and get killed in an SAS raid than spend a minute in the same suburb as this shit.

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Looking back high school parties were fucking lame and cringe most of the time. Just a bunch of kids trying to live up to the expectation of what a "cool" party is that they act like complete try hard retards for a night. I don't see what's fun about a bunch of drunk and high teenagers trying to act like they're cool. The party itself is boring as hell with the only thing making it seem alive is the loud ass music that stays blasting all night. People only record a single moment of the party and post it as it's the greatest fucking event in the world even though it was a recording of a kid chugging a cup of beer lol.

the main problem is that everybody's goal who is going there is just to get as wasted as possible.
>"I'm gonna drink till I throw up today haha!"
>"Today Ima smoke so much Ill fall asleep on the couch haha"
>"Im gonna wander around after this instead of going home, with a bottle of vodka"

Most of the people are not there to have a good time but are trying to run away from their shitty lifes instead

Yeah this accurately describes all high school parties. The only people having any sort of fun are the ones who are too drunk or high to realize what's going on. Everytime I came back from a party I always wished that I had left it sooner.

well i didnt really miss out on partying cause i went to festivals and clubs and did a lotta drugs

it was deffo fun

enjoy joining the taliban i guess

Enjoy being a useless bitch to society.

are you projecting cause i got a job lol

By your own admission what is typical comes from high-budget media not lived experience. How much do you think comfortable people know about the rest of us? My friends and I went to parties in high school without drinking - not considered a weird thing either. I drank after HS but not during.

People who start drinking younger are at an increased risk of developing alcoholism, maybe thats why dreck Hollywood writers put teenage drinking in their work?

You don't have a job. You're here pissing yourself that you don't live in babylon.

user I'm sorry to inform that we do have house parties in europe too, you just weren't invited

take ur meds taliban wannabe :D

>Everyone who talks back at me wants to be taliban
Yeah nobody likes you so you have to mesh people desperately.