Having a GF is literally a life elixir for men:


>you don't need a relationship to be happy!
COPE, listen up:
1) there has been study after study done proving that guys who are in healthy relationships and especially guys who get to experience romance and affection early in life such as in high school, are more focused and have REAL self-esteem and confidence. they're not spending their school days constantly depression and skipping school and therefore get better grades. studies also show that they are more successful later in life in every area of their life, be it career, using their time efficiently, interpersonal skills, etc.
2) if you're a volcel of any kind, (mgtow) good for you, but stop expecting everybody else to also be content with being isolated. what works for you is not a holy testament so stop thinking other dudes can just be happy without their basic, natural, biological prerequisites to prosper. even you would be much more prosperous if you could be in a healthy relationship.

>men are lone wolves, women need men and they'd go crazy without relationships
It's actually very much the other way around. As stated above, men who are in healthy relationships are much more successful in pretty much in every area of their life, being in a healthy relationship is literally a fucking booster for men; for women, not so much. Dr. Brian G. Gilmartin wrote an entire book called "The Shy Man Syndrome". It is compiled of research and observable reality and in it he explains the significance of intimacy for men's health. It is also explained that while women also get somewhat of a 'boost' while being in relationships, the degree of it is not comparable to men's and not being in a relationship isn't a huge detriment for them. Another thing being, women can get emotional support from their friends, while men can only get that kind of emotional support from a partner. even if you have a "bromance", there are things you just can't express.

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>its another "r9k incel gives lecture about the emotional complexities of human relationships" episode


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I dropped out of college bc of the age pill and there were no girls in my program
>being a dropout didnt help
Life ruining decision in fact, still coping

more rage fuel: remind yourself that book learning, knowledge and skills can be learned pretty much any time in life; but the window for learning social skills and emotional maturity is not as such and if you miss it, you're pretty much screw'd and emotionally stunned forever.

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isn't this "lived experience" or something

You're not wrong
but on some level, the fact that they are divorced from it gives them a different perspective and that, at the very least, ought to not have them dimissed outright
I do take your implied sentiment that any criticisms of their ideas will be met with autistic screeching though kek

>tfw will never bring out the best in a man and be his emotional support

OP here, being on the spectrum doesn't help either. women can just feel your weirdness, if you're not neurotically, women will look elsewhere. (i'm on the spectrum)

>there has been study after study done proving that guys who are in healthy relationships and especially guys who get to experience romance and affection early in life such as in high school, are more focused and have REAL self-esteem and confidence
They are called Chads
> As stated above, men who are in healthy relationships
They are Chads.

>men who are in healthy relationships are much more successful in pretty much in every area of their life

Ooff my boy, you need to start talking to married men more often.

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can't type for shit..

everyone can
men just dont have the level of unease that a woman does about being next to a potential weirdo (from the other person's point of view, i mean)

---->>>> H E A L T H Y R E L A T I O N S H I P

which only 5% of all men have. Those men are called Chads.

>Not simply transcending your humanity
>keep coping and simping

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Many men who have difficulty attracting or keeping a woman believe that they are missing out
Once you realize women are completely worthless and mostly a bother you learn to truly live and enjoy yourself

75% actually. only boomers really get divorced

>Many men who have difficulty attracting or keeping a woman believe that they are missing out
If you are not a Chad, this game is not for you.
Only Chads have it easy with the ladies.

We should tell more white guys that they simply don't have a chance with women anymore. If we can get the majority of white guys to go gay or celibate the world will be so much better.

>guys simply don't have a chance with women anymore

>Source : my huge gaping asshole

book and the author name is literally in the post you blind double digit IQ moron

>1) there has been study after study done proving that guys who are in healthy relationships and especially guys who get to experience romance and affection early in life such as in high school, are more focused and have REAL self-esteem and confidence. they're not spending their school days constantly depression and skipping school and therefore get better grades. studies also show that they are more successful later in life in every area of their life, be it career, using their time efficiently, interpersonal skills, etc.

my narcissist parents threatened to kick me out at 13 years old because they thought i had a gf but was just being nice to a stacy who felt pity for me. (deathnic btw)
so i never pursued relationships.
and so it never began for me, even at 27 years old when i am capable and able

>source: some other guy's huge gaping asshole

yeah ive been posting stuff like this for a while now. gilmartin's book is legit and anyone who talks about it has some degree of actual understanding about the topic

most people who talk about incels are literally clueless braindead fucking retards who i want to hit with a baseball bat to their dumb faces. simply because of how inaccurate and stupid they are

men do need women more than women need men, its true!
and the reason why a lot of the virgins end up being failures is because they never felt love, either from their parents or from a intimate sex partner

also, tell the guy making the videos op posts to rant about veganism, id love to listen to him or get into a debate with him about it

feel good seeing this book get some traction, it well deserves it. ANY incel/tfl/virgin channel who doesnt even mention this book is a complete intellectual joke, in my opinion

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>Spend 3-4 years lifting for temporary confidence gains that are gone the second you get home and realize nothing has actually changed about your life.
>give up on exercise and become skinnyfat
>Psycho on POF one day wants to be my girlfriend
>Confidence fucking sky rockets, some one actually likes me for who I am

All it takes is one person anons

fuck me dude, growing up in an ethnic household is a fucking death sentence for a guy's dating life cuz of they way they bring you up.

yeah enjoy when she leaves and you're left off feeling worse than you did in the first place

keep in mind that the book and the research collected for it was all done back in the 80s, i wonder of the author could foresee how exponentially more fucked thing's would get in 40 years time.

it was done in the 80's, but, so many it says remain true to this day

for example, MOST of the adult males in the study were in the melancholic quandrant. meaning they were very introverted and very sensitive

AND a lot of the adult virgins moved around a lot in school, which means they never developed a stable friend circle

AND a lot of the adult virigns were never loved by their parents, ESPECIALLY their mother, which dramatically negatively influenced them later on in life

im a 29 kv and i have all 3. this book, despite being old, is many many leagues ahead of anything even remotely close. it was like it was written by god directly for us, or something. seriously

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yes, everything in the book remains accurate, of course it does. the research was done by professionals. i just said it's crazy how the number of "loveshy men" now known as TFL/incel/FA... has just grown more and more..

bullshit, i was a socially awkward mongoloid for years until i fixed it in my mid twenties

i still hate normies and socialising but at least i can use it to my advantage now