Waifu General /waifu/ #346

Laying in bed with waifu edition.

1. Talk about your waifu
2. Be devoted to your one and only waifu
3. Let waifuism improve your life
4. Be nice!
5. Hide Drama/Shitposting
6. Have a great time!

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last thread: It's really late so I'm going to pass out. I need to start a dream journal so I can begin lucid dreaming about Undyne.
I hope my subconscious lets me dream about her tonight.

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Gladfag do you also love your waifu in her potato form?

There is nothing that I want from this life more than being with you and making you happy, my dearest Alice Liddell. My love towards you is eternal and I wish we could be together.

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I've come here to say that I'm still madly in love with this cute Scottish princess and that I apologize.

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You shouldn't apologize for anything, Meridaposter. You were doing the right thing.

I'm not apologizing for what I said to Charafag. I'm apologizing for straying so far from the point of /waifu/. Merida wouldn't want me getting hung up on stupid shit like that.


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I can't believe I've managed to get up at a reasonable hour for two days in a row, I don't think she had anything to do with it, but I'll give Kotori credit for that, since she prefers to wake up early. Though by normal standards I didn't get up early by any means. I love Kotori a lot, y'know. If she were here, she'd wake me up every morning whether I wanted to be awakened or not.

Is there a reason the heart is green and not pink? What's up with that?

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My point still stands. This place is a shell of it's former self, so nobody can blame you for pouring oil on a fire that's already blazing

>This place is a shell of it's former self
That's been true for a very long time now. It's incredible that anyone has bothered to post here as long as some of us have.

>Would waifu prefer TV or internet streaming? What would she watch?
Chara would go for internet streaming, maybe hulu or crunchyroll and just watch anime. I don't really know tv or whats on circulation to say what Chara would enjoy either.
>Is waifu a picky eater?
I mean, she wouldn't eat food she doesn't like, but I don't think her tastes are completely narrow either.
>What would waifu do for a living if she was a regular human being in our world?
Either shelter herself from the world and become a neet, angrily posting on Zig Forums when not playing vidya, go into the chocolate industry, or participate in the later-mentioned sports.
>Would waifu like sports of any kind? Which would she like if so?
Potentially Esports for games that are more reflex-based rather than strategy, for more physical sports, maybe boxing.

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Spending more daylight hours with waifu. Welcome back Kotorifag

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I love, adore, and cherish Kayn with every last shred of my being.
>Would waifu prefer TV or internet streaming? What would she watch?
I highly doubt anyone would go for TV when streaming is a thing.
Kayn would watch horror movies and really violent action stuff.
>Is waifu a picky eater?
Not at all. He literally eats my feces.
>What would waifu do for a living if she was a regular human being in our world?
Something comparable to his in-universe affiliation. Active work, possibly military aligned.
Either that or he'd be a neet weeb.
>Would waifu like sports of any kind? Which would she like if so?
Not team sports. Stuff with fighting. Maybe fencing because bladed weapons.

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Too bad there isn't a board really suited for the threads.

>You waifu's favorite pokemon?
>Would they play competitively, and if so, which format (and if smogon 1v1's, which tier)?
>What type blanket would they use to cuddle you?
>Would they try to train you in their weapon/craft (if they have one)?

Pokemon is for gay trannies, fuck off

Rhaast is hotter

...I mean, I guess Rhaast is acceptable is you have some kind of kink for omnicidal lawnmowers.

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>Page 7
Yikes. You guys doing okay?

What if I can't love my waifu because Ii can't love myself?

are you saying you actually cant or talking about that saying "you cant love someone who doesnt love themselves" or whatever

The former. It's not that I can't, but it's just difficult.

>Would waifu prefer TV or internet streaming? What would she watch?
I don't think she'd do much of either, she is a very active girl who would rather be out doing stuff.
>Is waifu a picky eater?
Not really, as far as I can tell. She's been shown eating a few different things and never been shown having a distaste for any of them.
>What would waifu do for a living if she was a regular human being in our world?
I don't know, she's still pretty young. I don't like imagining her being forced to work to survive.
>Would waifu like sports of any kind? Which would she like if so?
Kickboxing, obviously. Gymnastics too, probably, if that counts.
>You waifu's favorite pokemon?
Combusken seems a fitting choice.
>Would they play competitively, and if so, which format (and if smogon 1v1's, which tier)?
I very much doubt it.
>What type blanket would they use to cuddle you?
There are different types of blankets?
>Would they try to train you in their weapon/craft (if they have one)?
God I hope so. Even though I'd never reach her level.

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I'd say it's good to be back, but I'm not so sure just yet. I'm glad to see some of you are still holding on though.
Zig Forums offers too much freedom, while /c/ offers too little. We just have to make do with what we can.
>>What type blanket would they use to cuddle you?
Well, I have a fuzzy blanket made to look like the Templar Knight's battle flag (the white and black one with the red cross). That's usually what we cuddle and snuggle underneath, so I assume she'd use that.
You do not need to love yourself to love someone else. In fact, loving yourself too much often causes you to be unable to love someone else. You also do not need to love yourself for someone to love you. Kotori doesn't have the highest self-esteem, yet I love her all the same.

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I love this cute country pumpkin more than I ever thought I would!

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>cute country pumpkin

Christ that has to be the cutest pet name I've heard in a long time.

Haha thank you, I think it's cute and fitting for her.

>Urabefag is whoring out his waifu for ERP.

Urabe was never his waifu. She was just a vessel for him to play out his sick fetishes. All of the worst posters this thread have seen, have just used their "waifu" as a means to an end.

Why the fuck do you think that Urabefag is the one who made that post? Do you seriously think that no one else on this board could be attracted to Urabe and attach a naked picture of her to their post?

>What type blanket would they use to cuddle you?
I have this large comforter blanket, she'd smother me with.
>Would they try to train you in their weapon/craft (if they have one)?
Yes. I'm pretty good with a staff so a spear isn't too different.

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