I don't know if my attraction for older men is a fetish but what I do know is I can only get off to them than guys my...

I don't know if my attraction for older men is a fetish but what I do know is I can only get off to them than guys my age. I feel no sexual attraction towards a younger guy, maybe I can admire his beauty but to me it's like admiring a beautiful woman as a straight female.

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post this on some hive mind sub reddit
fuck off no one gives a shit about you attraction to you dad

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cool. next time you see a guy get monstered for wanting to fuck someone more than ten days younger than him, maybe step in

is it their age number or that they look old?

Both but more leaning towards the latter. I won't be attracted to a 30 year old if he still looks like a freshman college student.
Also they have to have a dadbod, im actually not into muscular or skinny men (which is the body type for most guys my age). Yuck.

Me too. I can't help but treat men that are younger than me like a little brother. Same goes for women who are younger than me.

I wish I could delete the part of me that is attracted to men. I stumbled on a girl's "findom" twitter today, and the amount of men who actually pay her is disgusting. It honestly makes me want to give up.

I don't know if my attraction for older women is a fetish but what I do know is I can only get off to them than girls my age. I feel no sexual attraction towards a younger woman, maybe I can admire her beauty but to me it's like admiring a beautiful guy as a straight boy.

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I don't think you did a good job in your OP but I do agree with your premise. For me it is not a fetish and cannot say I like "dad bods". Its more about how an older man looks and acts than being turned off by younger guys. Its like when I walk into a room I don't even see younger guys and my eyes are immediately drawn to the older men.

It's not a fetish, most of the girls my age (20) are not attracted to us young men

the worst of all is that, when they suck off a 30 year old, the social status that 30 year old gets translates into social influence and later into money, then they close the labor market for us young men and our chances of losing virginity is reduced to zero

I'd commit a mass shooting but then I met a girl who hit the mythical wall at 30 very hard and she wanted to fuck me so badly out of pure desperation and I told her to fuck off

never felt better in my entire life and walk the streets proud with all my 6'6", fuck women and fuck old people and also fuck disabled people, and commies

kys in a few years, you fucking old person to-be

virgins never get old, it's written in our feminine voice, even when I'm 50 I'd still hate old people as much as I do now

i fucking lold
you are a champion user

Pretty sure I fit your requirements. I'm attracted only to teen girls because the thought of dating a 29yr old woman after having kids and fucking countless dudes absolutely disgusts me. I refuse to give oral to any woman my age because it's like.... How many penises have been here.....? I'm putting my mouth where at LEAST 50 other dicks have been. There's been more dick in this pussy than I can imagine and I'm putting my mouth on it? It's like I might as well just be SUCKING a dick at that point, no thanks. Teen girls though? OK, maybe there's been one or two dicks in there, I can deal with that. Plus teen girls usually have nice flat bodies that I prefer. It's even legal in my state. However, I have yet to try anything with one because I don't want to be creepy. The age difference is weird and I know that, but you have the body I want.

Do you have any tips on how to approach a girl like you?

>I refuse to give oral to any woman my age because it's like.... How many penises have been here.....? I'm putting my mouth where at LEAST 50 other dicks have been

So you don't kiss women either?

This is so dumb. By your retarded logic, it's equally gay to eat a pussy that took one dick as it is to eat one that took 50 dicks.

don't forget she came out of her mother's womb, which naturally had her father's cock and semen in it. So her entire body has been rubbed against her father's cock

I know it doesn't make sense because she's showered and cleaned herself but it still messes with me. I know I'm not the only one that thinks there's a difference between a girl that's had sex with 2 guys vs. 100. Every time a woman has sex she gets closer and closer to just being a hole and less of an actual person.

>most of the girls my age (20) are not attracted to us young men
Ok retard.

Have u ever considered fixing your mental illness?

Of course these whores want older men, that way they get a share of inheritance

as a male i completely understand your feelings. I can only jerk off to porn with 60+ men.

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ah btw i cant stop thinking of pic related hes so sexy and so smart. Why cant i have him

Seriously, explain how I'm wrong to think this way. You wouldn't eat a rotten banana, you wouldn't marry a whore, why the fuck would you put your mouth on her cum trap?

Just remember mens chance of giving you autism/schizo babies skyrockets after they are 35 so if you get pregnant make sure its by a young Chad.

This is because you value yourself and have self respect. A man who didn't would be ok with settling for used goods.

Think of it like this: i want to go grocery shopping for some eggs. The shelves have just been stocked so there's no shortage. I pull a carton off the shelf and start checking if any are cracked or irregular, and it just so happens that 2 or 3 of them are fucked. Do I just think "well at least the rest are ok, I should just grab these and go" or do I check another carton and keep going until I find a dozen that aren't spoiled?

why dont you just do what you like instead of posting it here like its some kind of problem

This is incorrect. For women, it's 28 when the decline starts, with 38-40 being the "1 in 20" zone. For men, it's closer to 45.
>t. genetic counselor

This is so mean. Please stop.

Whats so dumb about it roastie

Why would I put my mouth anywhere near where a dick has been

I used to know a girl that liked older guys and it kinda ruined my life
>be 15
>mom's friend brings over daughter the same age
>she's absolutely fucking gorgeous and i know i have no chance with her
>but she sticks to me like glue, flirts with me and rubs her tits on me while we're playing games
>sitting at the computer one time and she says she wants to "show me something"
>its an online chatroom, i think it was called dream chat or something
>she goes on there and starts telling them she's a horny 15 year old girl with a huge rack that wants an older guy to choke her and fuck her brains out
>im basically in shock as she just filters through the hordes of guys messaging her until she finds one she likes that lives close enough by and sets up a date
>i kinda figured she was kidding around but im still immensely weirded out by it
>comes by next week after the supposed date she met up and fucked this dude
>she has pictures from when they fucked and shows them to me
>he's like 50 years old and fat as fuck
>shows me the marks from where he slapped her around and everything
>says he took her anal virginity
>tells me she hopes one of the guys eventually kills her
>this is a regular weekly occurance until she just stops coming over my house anymore
>have had ED ever since

Why do girls at the age of 20+ like guys in their late 20s or early 30s? I'm quite interested.

How on earth did you make what she is doing in her life about you?

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