Why do you consider suicide but not a shooting?

why do you consider suicide but not a shooting?

leave a goddamn mark on this earth that mistreated you.

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I live in the UK and it's really hard to get a gun.

so do i and its really easy to get a gun

I always thought about it like that op why not just leave something like that better than some facebook post about you by some fag who pretends they knew you

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there you go, user.

dont shit yourself, Zig Forumsfags. i know it turns your memeworld upside down that you can legally own a gun in the UK.

It's too much effort and doesn't gain me anything.
What do I have to gain from harming other people?
Hurting them doesn't fix my problems, it's not their fault that I'm dysfunctional.
Who do I have to blame?
My parents? They have raised me badly but they didn't know any better, they tried their best, and theirs wasn't even close to being good enough. I couldn't choose them and they didn't really choose me to have as their son, so how can I be angry at them when it was out of their hands as well.
Society? It functions well for 99% of people, I'm just an outlier, an outcast. A factory that produces a bolt that is outside specifications for every 100 bolts is still a functioning factory, should the broken bolt take revenge on all the proper bolts because it just had bad luck?
In my life there is one person I would like to take revenge on but I only ever knew him over the internet, don't have dox or anything, thought about a murder suicide very frequently, he gave me significant mental trauma that lasted over 3 years now.

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This and other lies we say on the internet

I get that you are moderately retarded but it's a little bit harder than that unless you're in the middle of nowhere.

you just made some really good points and then ended it by saying there is someone out there you would like to take revenge on

fucking kek

im in a medium sized town in the southwest. all i have to do is get the certificate, go to the hunting shop on the high street and by a lee enfield.

im just gonna assume youre some citycuck in brighton

Yeah, one person. Because they are the only one I know that has actually harmed me in a significant and direct way.
And even then I still have extreme internal conflict about it, he did things to me that a mentally healthy person could just shrug off or get over after some time, it's both his and my fault that it turned into long-term mental trauma.
It's all just invasive thoughts that my sick brain shits out on a daily basis.

Thats bad karma and binds you to the world you hate. The wise man disappears without a trace.

a dead man is a dead man, user

The super ambiguous rule of "Or if they don't think you have a good reason to own or acquire a shotgun", along with incidences of poor mental health.

just rob some of your fellow mudslimes they will have a cache of ak47s and rpgs around somewhere

sweet i pass the mark. ill take the 12 guage and a box of shells thanks.

And give Democrats fuel in the gun control debate? No thanks, I think I'll just kill myself.

go after a journalist or a politican instead, doesnt matter their political views or who they are
leaves a better mark then "another incel retard kills innocents cus he cant get laid"

Budget review coming up, agent?

Only 5 or so people have really mistreated me, back when I was 11 and 12. They basically tortured me and were some 5 years older. If I could I'd force them to dig their own graves then bury them alive.

i gain nothing by killing others. no one does.

if you care about the world you leave behind you aren't really suicidal
faggot retard

If youre going to die only a true coward decides he has to take others with him

Even in death do people still not admit its their fault and try to take others down with them.

If I lived in the States, I unironically would go out killing those who wronged me.

But I live in a cuck nation without gun laws. I can't risk killing with other weapons because I might end up arrested.

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No! We don't do that. It's okay to feel the urge, it'soklay to acquire the accoutrements of the work, if you can. I've got an Olympic Arms PCR with 32 loaded mags on deck, a Bersa Pro 9, a Remington RP45, and two Taurus revolvers, a Model 66 and a Model 605.

I could turn my office building into an abattoir at any time. But I tamp it down, resist the temptation. That's not the mark I want to leave on this world. It's not much of a mark at all, at best you'll be a nine-day wonder, before you're forgotten about by all but the kin of your victims. Only those you've taken from will remember you and hate you, to the rest of the world you'll just be a statistic.

Besides, it turns out the two managers I would've particularly went after aren't such bad guys after all. They've gotten a lot more nicer during the pandemic, they've shown some appreciation for how I show up each day I'm scheduled, and get my tasks done. They've started to overlook my indiscretions. I don't think I really want to put three .38 specials in Domingo's chest and riddle Perry's body with half a clip of greentips, anymore.

You tamp it down. You hold it in check. Being a real man ain't about killing people, it's about avoiding that. It's stopping yourself from degenerating into the Slaughterbeast. It's about temperance, and forbearance, and not tossing a lit road flare at a crowd and yelling "Dynamite" because you know their stupid NPC asses can't know the difference, and then they get bottle-necked at the east exit it will be child's play to mag dump into the crowd and max out your kill-count. It's resisting the temptation, that's the only way to live and really call yourself human.

Control. You have to hold it tight. If you can't control yourself, you're nothing, you're not a person, you're merely an event. You may as well have been a gale, or an earthquake, or a single terrible explosion, for all the agency you had. To be an individual you have to keep the Slaughterbeast subjugated, and never let it overtake you.

the idea of what a "real man" is is a social construct that stopped existing in the 70s. everyones either mentally fucked or a latte sipping puppet of society queer now.

the idea is you die at the end user...

No, my brudduh, You're wrong, you have lost de way. Nothing is a social construct, that's just a buzzword, you are what you make yourself. And you can make yourself a real man. Real men still exist.

Going to visit your grandma and surprising her with a dish of chicken cordon bleu, because you know old people don't eat enough and need nourishment and she'll eat it because you made it for her special.
Inviting your coworker who's 7 years younger'n you over to your apartment complex to try his hand at archery, shooting at stuffed animals you happen to have found dumpster diving and propped in front of foam targets, and then gifting him the recurve bow you never use anymore, because he's a good kid.
Taking the call from the young lady who doesn't have coverage through her progressive policy, quoting her $98 dollars for the service, and then when she hangs up on you calling a few outfits you know do good work and getting a quote of $45 if she pays them directly and calling her back with the money saving quote, because she sounded so despondent and needed a helping hand, what a real pro can provide, and if your boss has a problem with it because you ain't earned your company no money, knowing you can put a .45 hollow point right between his eyes...that's what being a man is about.

It ain't easy, but easy is for assholes. You can absolutely be a real man in this day and age. It takes effort, but you can live life on your own terms and do as much good as you can and kill anybody that tries to stop you. That is manhood.

Did you just argue against killing people then conclude with "kill anyone who gets in your way"?

Based thread.
I never wanted to kill myself but if I had to do it, I would fill my car with explosives and go to a nuclear plant.