3D people are ugly as fuck, I want to have sex with anime girls and guys

3D people are ugly as fuck, I want to have sex with anime girls and guys

Anybody else feel the same way?

Attached: tumblr_pf7ibrhync1xgd2eho1_500.jpg (500x545, 97.95K)

how are people not embarrassed to post this shit even anonymously. Like you still have to look at yourself in the mirror and know you posted this.

yes user, the 2d pill is great
neurotypical alert

I'm taking this as a complement I guess

Go back to instagram faggot

3d people are indeed inferior to 2d people in all aspects except reality. Which fucking sucks, I seethe so hard a night because if I want love I HAVE to play by reality's rules.

None of the romance I love reading in VNs/books, or watching in movies/TV fucking exists. It so shit how everything in real life just FUCKING SUCKS ASS.

>neurotypical alert
We're apparently not autistic enough to see the immense value this post has

>And guys
Can't say I feel the same way, bud

2d is pretty much real life without any of the imperfections.

People weirded out by 2d have 0 experience in the medium, I bet they don't even have a favorite piece of art.

Remain narrow minded user.

I meant to reply to OP goddamnit I can't do anything right

>posts shitty western tumblrshit

just kys, you're actually braindead

I don't think you belong here, and i don't mean it as insult.
Leave and never return.

Girls coaxing guys into gay sex is one of my fetishes and there's surprisingly little out there in terms of content

Not trying to beef you 2d niggas but personally I think 2d looks retarded. The faces just don't look human and the bodies are usually too extreme with their proportions. I think some artists give their 2d girls pretty sexy bodies though, I have nutted anime before but usually it just isn't for me. I like 3d better, I like all the unique faces and body types

'being weirded out by 2D' =/= finding '3D people ugly as fuck' and 'wanting to have sex with anime girls and guys'

2d is perfection, literally. everyday i wish for a cute anime wife but it will not happen in this mortal plain user, oh no.
also why are you posting western tumblr shit go fuck yourself

Attached: Shimamura.Uzuki.full.1927603.jpg (766x1070, 719.17K)

Do you think wanting to fuck 2d is weird or preferring 2d fucking to 3d fucking is weird?

I mean you wouldnt really know but imagine if you could get your fantasy gf since 2d can pretty much deny reality. That's how I'd imagine it.

both but more the latter. why do you want to deny reality so bad? you don't see how maybe that isn't healthy or normal?

if a man enters your 8' personal space bubble or meets your gaze, you break out in hives and yet you're calling US a bunch of human-averse autists

human averse autistic is one thing (and not really what I was saying), finding all real humans 'ugly as fuck' and wanting to fuck a cartoon character is another

OP image would be better with the genders reversed.

Mostly because reality is pretty shit in almost every every regard. A majority of life is just incredibly unremarkable and plain.

Everything is so soul crushingly mundane compared to stories, games, music, movies, television, art, etc. that it's really really easy to deny reality.

Also the appeal of a customizable gf hot

women are disgusted by like 80% of guys and yet you begrudge us this

cruel, cruel, cruel

we aren't but I can't be bothered to have this debate. Enjoy your cartoons

I actually try to keep a good balance between fapping to 2D and 3D.
As you might expect, 2D is usually hotter because it plays well with your imagination but there is some 3D porn that makes me rock fucking hard.

because believe it or not, the real world isnt exactly as you like it like in drawings that people can customize to their exact specifications

to get caught up in this way of thinking is so mentally damaging because you're rejecting your only opportunity to reproduce

>rejecting your only opportunity to reproduce
better die virgin than have sex with disgusting pieces of meat imo

3D humans are NOT cute

you literally just proved my point

Attached: 1580580578617.jpg (600x600, 24.14K)

Eugenics exist you spastic.

Just a thought but isn't it up to you to break the mold and make things exciting?

Isn't it a bit dumb to expect others to do it for you?

Isn't it pathetic that in a world with countless possibilities you chose to stay put and follow the mundane instead of branching out and finding a new angle on life?!

I'll answer these for you
Yes ti all three
Because giving up is easy, simple and you can get lost in a world that's not going to acknowledge your existence ever.

I think i am now unable to actually cum to 3d.
The feeling after 3d is one of disgust over everything and the one after 2d is either neutral or happy. Also 2d removes all the parts you may not like