I want to be fucked raw when I lose my virginity but I also don't want to risk a pregnancy...

I want to be fucked raw when I lose my virginity but I also don't want to risk a pregnancy. Can he pull out before it's too late?

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Simply wait until marriage. If you get pregnant, your life will already be in a supportive context and you won't have to worry.
Inb4 degeneracy

>I want to be fucked raw when I lose my virginity but I also don't want to risk a pregnancy.

The answer to your problem is A N A L

You'll be fine. Just tell him he has to pull out, if he is any better than an absolute retard he'll be able to manage. If not, plan B. The guy I lost my virginity to didn't even have the good decency to cum.

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Isn't there medication for that?
I think there's pills that you can take before sex and those you can take after that will prevent pregnancy for as long as it's in effect.
Not sure if you can get those for free or a lower price, depends on the country and your level of healthcare.
Shouldn't you know this from sex ed?
t. man

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choose a species that can't produce offspring with humans

Don't worry OP, males can't get pregnant

is that the horned principal loli? i got to reread that.

Is birth control not available to you? Part of the appeal of raw sex is the feeling of cumming inside and not ruining the rhythm by having to pull out. If the guy does pull out it's pretty effective but not 100% guaranteed no pregnancy. Make sure you're also not at your most fertile time of the month.
Finally there's the plan B pill and worst case an abortion. If you do it in the first few weeks it's not degenerate, IMHO.

I started off always using a condom having sex with my girlfriend and then later in the relationship we would start spontaneously and raw and then put on a condom when I started to feel like I was getting close. Now I just pull out every single time. I've been doing that for probably two years now.

I asked her if we should start using condoms again and she said she can't go back.

>Can he pull out before it's too late?
Technically, the moment he's in, there's a chance you might get pregnant. Pulling out can reduce the chance, but you can still get pregnant.

Let me make it clear:
Irresponsible people who risk having children of a quick coom deserve the bullet

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This, having your first time with your husband will also give you a stronger emotional connection as well


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>muh dopamine rush

>>muh dopamine rush
seethe harder

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Don't let a dude infect you with the babies. Lots of alternatives to getting mediocre men out of your life! You can get a vibrator, go lesbian or just masturbate like guys do. If you have to have the guy, for who knows why since women seem to hate men anyways and can just get simps to hand them money with a twitch stream without even having to show anything beyond cleavage, than probably do the IUD thing or the day after.

Yes, I am mansplaining and no, I don't care that I am.

why do you not want my baby, baby?

Eh, our patriarchy is a shitty system. Fucking transgender and gays have better relationships than the Heterosexuals who bought into the penis means die in war, vagina means be sex slave meme for like 5 thousand years because farming's a bitch and no one wants to do it so some people wanted to use war to conquer other people and force other people to do it while also cucking them since it's funny.

Eh, one sided pregnancies are irrelevant. Your baby daddy could hate you and go no contact but you will always have his baby. Just do it

you're not gonna get pregnant for fucking once or twice sis

In farm times men had the better sword swinging arms, but nowadays even 5 year olds can kill anybody with a gun so it's like, gender roles are just follow because there's Heteros who love that stupid 50's aesthetic and their big SUVs with 5 kids crying for happy meal toys still.

thats all it is without reproduction, a neurochemical reaction. you'll spit memes in response, because you know it is true. enjoy your thirties, tranny

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Really it's why Trump will win again, he is the big rich guy who bought all the happy meals for his trophy wives, Biden meanwhile reminds the heterosexuals of the creepy stranger in the park with the freaky grin. Only reasons trannies like him is because he's so clueless he'd grope and sniff them too and that validates them

Eh, there's women in their thirties or even forties who are still pretty attractive. The pedo mentality of patriarchy is only because creepy old men be creepy and it's who are allowed to run the countries.

Nigger, what patriarchy? Can I have what you're smoking?

Patriarchy is like, when you let aging old pedophiles run the country. We've been doing that for millennia and have no reason to stop now.

There are two methods that will almost guarantee you wont get babies : birth control pills and emergency pills in case he is retarded and comes into you. The second ones can be bought without any prescription.
As for the question if he can pull out. If he is not a fucking incel virgin he probably already has experience with raw sex and this is not going to be a problem. What is going to be a problems is aids. And remember: the aids analysis reports should be fresh and after at least three month(preferably half a year) after he had previous partner. Men lie in relationships anyways and 100% of times so don't trust him unless you have kept him close and on watch personally, and preferably locked up in a basement, for this three months. Alternatively you may choose an incel virgin, but then there is no guarantee he can actually pull out on time.
But honestly, for you as I woman there will be not much difference between sex with and without condom. If anything, it is more pleasurable when he actually comes inside and you can feel the pulsation. So the best choice is birth control and let him come. But thats IMHO. They are not that expensive whatsoever, even children can save up 6 dollars for months package.

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Or. Or. Or. Use birth control you idiot.

this desu

originally with knot or spikes or strange shape all works