Why don't you guys just try talking to girls?

Why don't you guys just try talking to girls?

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i don't go out because of virus and before it i only went to school. no one came to talk to me at school, and i don't see a reason to go bother anyone else either. if a girl wanted to talk to me, sure, but they don't seem to. not even online.

this. even if you do talk to someone, you still think your a nuance so you give it up all together because it's obvious that you can't be compatible. it's overwhelming when you have a lot of shit to do from school that you can't find time for social interactions.

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>putting in effort to get pussy

I wish I would.

I do talk to girls. I'm the best at talking to girls.

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I have approached around 30 women on my campus this year. You can probably guess how well it all went.
It should have been a bit more but shit closed at the start of March and I've been NEETing it up since.
Anyways, I think I'm going to give up trying on campus. I don't want to build a reputation as a creeper since I still have 2 years to go before I get my master's degree.

>I have approached around 30 women on my campus this year.

did you approach them from behind while breathing heavily

>did you approach them from behind while breathing heavily
No, I tried to start a conversation with them.

About what tho?

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another bait thread topkek
Either you are borderline ignorant/mentally challenged or you are just ignorant OP,

im a construction worker and live in a village full of old people.

Usually about the context at hand.
If I was at the bus stop I'd ask her how often the bus comes and try to kick off a conversation from there. If I was at the local fast food I'd ask her about something that's on the menu. Stuff like this, basically.
I've seen normals kick off conversations like this so I thought I'd give it a try too.

talk to old women to get some pactice

Or, why don't girls just try talking to guys? Something about the whole "the fucking great plague is happening" has made me suddenly very aware that I don't have an SO to protect me with steel and lead if things go bad. This disturbs me, I need to rectify this. Once I can properly get back to work and socialize again I'm going to take measures.

I have at least one good prospect, he's tall and has broad shoulders and while he's overweight and doesn't have gorgeous blue eyes, he's obviously really strong. And I've overheard him talking about "d20" with other men, so I know we have some common interests. When I get the chance I'm going to approach him about nerd games and try to make him interested in me. It's not bad that he's fat, that means he likes eating things, and I'm a boss with an air fryer and my instant pot. I will entrap this man, and get him stronger by making him teach me how to lift weights, and if he doesn't already have a longgun to protect me with, I will buy him one. I have money put aside in a Navy Federal Credit Union account for just such a purpose, daddy set up the account for me and I've been putting $5 or $10 in it ever month for like three years now.

I will get a husband. I will. I will get a husband to give me babies and use his rifle to keep me safe and not judge me for wearing an Irish walking cloak around the house. I swear it. I will get a grognard man who tolerates my autism because I cook good and I'm basically agreeable, even if I'm chubby and weird. He'll like sitting back to back and reading books by candlelight. Shit will be so cash. I can do it.

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You do sound quite autistic, how old are you femanon?

And say what? No, really. What the fuck am I supposed to say to them?

>And say what? No, really. What the fuck am I supposed to say to them?


lmao as if you spineless creatures would try and talk to a girl. Constantly lived up in your own head and bogged down by the web of talk.

Because every time I did I either got rejected or friendzoned?

And then what? Come on man, I have no idea what the hell to do when it comes to talking with women. Not like there's a class for this shit.

i'd rather die before i come in last

I can talk to women fine, I just can't find that gear shift between friendly banter and dick in vagina.

I don't know why you're asking me that, I think I might be running into a trap you set. But, I'm 26. Closer to 30 than I am to 20, and still single. I fucked up pretty bad, not the usual way girls fuck up by riding the cock carousel, but like a dude fucks up, playing vidya, playing with Legos, hiding myself away and listening to Fleetwood Mac and Blondie and Blue Oyster Cult instead of approaching guys. I also kind of drink a lot. I'm Irish. Irish-German, anyway.

I haven't done a great job at life, and it makes me sad. But I can do better. I know I can. And I will, God as my witness, I will.

>And then what

"would you have sex with a stranger to prevent a mass shooting? If your answer is YES then now's your chance "

You sounded cute, that's why I asked. I'm tall, broad shoulders, reasonably fit, blue eyes and I like to imagine myself getting a girlfriend through imageboards when I see posts like yours. It's mildly delusional, I'm a few years younger then you as well.

someones a simp

>no girls at work
>shit social circle
>suck at talking in group settings
>cold approach is such a bullshit meme
My biggest obstacle right now is finding eligible women socially acceptable to talk to. If i up and approach randoms its gonna be 100% weird, especially where i live.

kek mildly delusional is putting it nicely nigger boy. you ought to adopt the mindset of all posts are done by men and don't say such gay shit in the future

>start talking to a cutie coworker
>it become effortless and easy
>can tell she likes me
>only downside is she has plenty of male friends and hangs out with them on the reg
What are my chances she is a slut? She has talked about places about having sex but didn't confirm it was her.

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being kind, 66.6666666666667%

Okay, then. So it's like I said, I've got this one good prospect who I know also throws around the polyhedrals, right here, local to me. I know his address because I found his Ford Bronco parked in front of his house on Google Streetview, and you can't mistake it for anything. It's not like I'm stalking him of anything, but I am totally stalking him.

And when I seduce him, he'll love it. He'll eat my delicious food and we'll play games together and he'll keep me safe, he's not Zig Forums fit, but he's a very imposing version of bear-mode. He's perfect, as far I'm concerned. I'm pretty sure I can cinch this.

But if you want to drop a kik or discord, you can, I'll save it in notepad, in case my cunning succubus plan falls through.

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