Having children is wrong! Fuck Breeders!

Having children is wrong! Fuck Breeders!

You can't prove me wrong!

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I'd nut in a pussy raw with no regrets if she was cute, I'm 27 so it should be about time, not like I have a choice anyway cuz I'm an incel

You seem like a retarded normie to me.
You want to have a child because
>its about time and that is what people do

There is no justification and it is immoral. Adopt if you want a kid so bad

Having kids is the single most based thing you can do as a human being. You can't prove me wrong.

It's only bad if it's mix breeding, being uggo and or drinking and smoking whilst pregnant.

hey op, do you eat meat? you a vegan?

OP is a faggot/tranny

>the single most based thing
Never marrying and getting a vasectomy sounds way more based than doing smth what every idiot does. You don't "make" children. You coom in a pussy and biology does the rest. You place an innocent being into this world and subject it to all the suffering that it entails. But idiots don't think or care about such things. Because you are a mindless automaton. A little bug.
The ethics of such and enormous aren't even conceived.
>Oooga booga based heee huwhite children polzzsrtggrrt

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It is only slightly more bad than having children in general. Mixed kids have identity issues in my experience.
Been vegan since I'm 16
nice argument fag

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You're probably a jew, or a faggot. The actual problem is the people who have like 5 to 6 kids, fuck those roaches.

Creating more humans is the only hope for the alleviation of wild animal suffering through new technologies.

creating a wholesome family life is the most based thing ever, but youre too worthless to ever do it yourself.

Oh I see, you are just a contrarian who thinks they are smarter than others because "lmao me do the opposite, me smart". I suggest you also stop breathing, because everyone else is doing it.
>subject it to all the suffering that it entails
Oh and an edgy pseudophilosopher too. CRAAAAWLIIING IIIN MY SKIIIIIIN

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Zig Forums shouldn't have kids, thats completely agreed by me

Antinatalism is a pretty based philosophy. Suffering outweighs pleasure. You can have permanent chronic suffering but can't have pleasure. For example if you have some disease you will be in constant torment and pain, whereas eating chocolates will taste good for a few minutes but will eventually fade and your mind will be restored to a neutral state (same goes for any other hedonistic activity such as sex, drugs, video games etc). Life is a hedonic treadmill where suffering is an evolutionary mechanism designed to keep the animal motivated. Even if your rich and have all your "needs" satisfied your happiness levels will return to a neutral state of wanting more and more (desire will never end). Not to mention being rich doesn't prevent you from cancer, disease, rape, murder, stress, depression, lonely, toxic relationship, addictive vices etc.

life has been, is, and always will be struggle

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i unironically enjoyed the breakfast club

>wanting to wake up at 2 am to change literal shit
Based OP

I mean even if you're right, if I had the opportunity to breed with prime Aly Sheedy I'd capitalize on it until my nuts tried to unionize.

If you actually believed this, you would have already killed yourself. Also you are incredibly wrong, our minds are wired to hold on to good things more than bad, that's why most people treasure their past, like childhood, because time fades away the bad memories more than the good. Just because there's a potential for things to go wring doesn't mean you should hold failure as certainty. Just because you are broken doesn't mean everyone else is. Most people on this earth enjoy their existence, and things are progressing towards better by the day on most metrics. You are just too fucked to see it.

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Yes, that's their point. Stop perpetuating it.

I'm not depressed nor suicidal. I'm just discussing a few points of the philosophy. I have a good set of friends, family and am studying at a prestigious university, so objectively my life is actually pretty good. The only reason I support antinatalism is because i believe instead of bringing new sentient beings into consciousness, more people should think of adoption or reducing suffering for the people already in this world. Activities like working for a charity, donating to the poor, making a business startup etc.

well, if he's such an edgy pseudo philosopher then you won't have any trouble debunking that particular line of thought instead of just insulting it no?

There are too many people in the world. Job shortage, low wages, congested traffic, humans are a swarm and we need a lot less of them for a multitude of reasons. People need to stop letting their biology make their choices for them.

Oops, looks like OP triggered a normie.

>those who do not wish to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live
>somehow perpetuating anti-natalism

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In addition I think you should read the following book regarding the human condition.


I watch him on you tube

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you're likely genetic garbage, so i support you not reproducing. however, the glut of overpopulation comes from india, africa, and china. you're a fucking idiot if you think the western nations cutting off their reproduction will stop the trend of growth.

No you're perpetuating natalism

refer to pic related to escape this "perpetual suffering" eh?

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back to pol nigger, you obviosly can't think for yourself
What the fuck are you talking about? Literally the opposite.
If you are talking about meat through synthetic cell lines then you are wrong because we wouldn't have this problem if a species that bred and killed billions of animals every year for taste pleasure didn't exist at all.
I literally cringed reading this.
Contrarianism? Are you retarded or did you just want to use a new word you learned.
Stop trying so hard. I hope you are underage
You shouldn't have kids in general. But I agree, most of those who roam image boards are especially unfit to care for children..
>Even if your rich and have all your "needs" satisfied your happiness levels will return to a neutral state
Exactly. People somehow can't grasp that suffering is SUBEJECTIVE and not OBJECTIVE.
Material wealth, comfort, technology etc. all does little difference at a certain point.
That is rather an observation than a statement.
Yes nature is cruel.
Hitler himself didn't have children and ended his suffering with a bullet to the skull.
So don't misquote your senpai poltard
Watched it in school. Was pretty comfy

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hitler's body was never conclusively found. i am of the belief that he had a large family in argentina, but that is irrelevant. nature is not cruel, she is just. you pussies think this world we live in is full of suffering, you would not survive childbirth in the good day. exit the world swiftly

I hope you loose your legs in an accident.
I hope that a dog mauls genitals of while you repeatedly have to say
"nature is just nature ist JUST. JUST STRONK WIN WEAK LOOSE OOGA BOOGA"
No you would cry like a bitch and kill yourself without your meatro9d to jack off with

in also a bit of an anti natalist but the truth is that there aren't too many people on earth. it's the billionaires hoarding the resources that is truly at play. there is enough for everyone. some of us just don't want to share. and this anti natural line of thought is only distracting us from class war

>If you actually believed this, you would have already killed yourself.
You have a natural attachement to this world. A person that doesn't yet exist doesn't so the decision is easy. Killing yourself would also cause additional suffering to your family and friends. Just don't have kids there is nothing morally wrong with NOT bringing them into existance.
And no not most people are happy.