Letter thread: helga bf edition

Lets get em posting boiz

Thread for anyone wanting to vent anything, or for saying things to thin air for the sake of it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


To my soulmate

Today has been a good day, made a lot of mental progress. Came to the realisation that although i am in love with you i have nothing to worried about. I wish i had of talked to you like a person and not as a love interest and tried to learn you better. I just assumed you were some normie pleb but you really are just like me. Now i just wanna play mc with you while we call on fb. Im such a bad person and it took you to make me realise this. Im doing my best to change and improve and its all for you. I hope you really do care about me as much as you say because its double with me. I dont wanna be all gushy and cute anymore, i just want my gf back. I gotta learn to just go with the flow with you and not keep forcing it over the fucking intermet lol. I know were gon be ok and i really did need this break from you to understand this. I just wanna talk to you about shit that isnt serious and just live in the moment with you again, no more bullshit futures.

Yours wholeheartedly jc

To olivia,

I wish you would just fuck off, youre such a souless person for trying to fuck with my feelings for 3 y e a r s. You know i hate you, i dont wear your necklace because its ''my home away from home'' i wear it as a symbol to never go back to this shitty town. I dont know why i fucking bothered saving your dogshit friend group that caused me nothing but pain. I burned ypur handwritten letter to me a long time ago. The only reason i still talk to you is bc im lonley and you sending me ig posts is at least some form of human interaction. Fuck you for getting into a relo with s after you said you loved me too and then proceed to cry to me about getting with D after S dumped you when it was yOU who put yourself in that situation. You suck as a person.

From the one you crushed so bad i spent 2 years alone.

To stanley

You physicaly ruined my life you disgusting freak. I should have killed you while i had the chance. I had the whole fucking thing planned out. You sexually assaulted me and procceded to make it a joke that you did in front of litteraly everyone and it caused my friends to exile me. I guess they were never my friends to begin with.

Fuck you you deviant

>still nothing
You should email me. I'm right here. Just send me a message. I know you didn't lose the address.
There is a deadline though, sorry.
So send something today. Now. Even just "hi".

I'm pretty sure I have some kind of disorder. 1. Just wtf me. 2. I don't think you're a real person? 3. You're trying to sling enchantments? Trying to make me think so?
4. No you're the spookiest most ancient of spooks aren't you.
I mean someone in this picture is *fucked up*. It's probably me right?

5. The shit's over anyway.

Dear various groups of lunatics,
Why does it have to be your attention? Why does there have to be something about me that grabs your interest? Why can't it be women's attention and women's interest?

Did i fuck it up?
I emailed
maybe you dont care?
Maybe im too mental?

Either way im going to sleep now as i still haven't done the essay. I hope you reply. Xx

Your class was the most enjoyable by far this semester. It was over a topic I was interested in, the readings were all engaging, and I was able to write about the things I cared about while integrating those ideas with more rigorous frameworks. The final paper I had planned was very interesting, and I'd been doing research from early on in the semester about what I wanted to write. Life got in the way of things and I stopped going to class, though. I stopped doing the readings, I didn't do any of the work, and I fell through the cracks. Anyways, thanks for reaching out via email to check in about why I hadn't turned in my final paper. I could have written it in a sitting or two, bullshitting about a school of thought I'd only done the most cursory of research on. I hate doing that, though. I wasn't going to pretend I knew what I was talking about, so I just gave up. Maybe someday I'll write the paper I was planning on, but you will never read it, and it won't be for a grade.

Dear Faggots,
My name is John, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than "jack off to naked drawn Japanese people"? I also get straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It's me and my bitch
From, John and Stacy

Attached: cash.jpg (600x622, 47.12K)

Your bitch is pretty ugly

>no messages
i wish you were who i've been waiting for but
i guess you're not. unless you got the email wrong but it can't be that

i wish seeing you hold on to her didn't make me feel sick

whats wrong with holding onto something?

!!! if You scared of bees u a pussy

Well someone else is writing a letter to one of their profs/teachers so why not...

You're honestly my favorite professor I've had in college so far. You teach in a way that makes the material easy to understand. I honestly regret not going to more of your classes before the whole pandemic fiasco happened. I plan on taking Linear in the future, so maybe I'll see you then. Making up all of this homework is taxing not going to lie, but it's nice of you for letting me. Hopefully, I can finish it and email it to you by Monday. So far I'm 3/5ths of the way done, so getting there.

to my friends

I hope I have not caused an turmoil, I hope you are bigger than I am, I hope you can forgive me, or at least forget me, I'm so sorry, but it's just too much of a burden for me to bear, please don't let me be broken, I can't do it anymore without being broken, but please don't be angry either, or sad, or concerned, please go on, and be happy, I won't hold you back any longer, you have to kill me, please, you have to remove that memory, because I can't sustain it for you, and I can't be what I wanted to be, and go above and beyond and carry all this on my back in this hot sun, I just can't walk up on the surface there any longer, let me go underground and be forgotten, please, let me be buried, and rot, and turn into something beautiful, please be better than I am and let me do that

I am so sorry that I wasn't what I pretended to be, I'm so sorry

May you blossom into the finest of daffodils.

Dearest (You),
I wish you would send me a message. All you have to do is send me a message. I'm still here.
Yours forever,

Windows in the skies. That is my song for you.

It's dizzying

Forgive me. I hope it's not too much.



The ratking is female.

Together in the space between

I really don't think you're doing anything nice.

Thank God it's so cheap.

Maybe this will help someone: