He blames his parents for how he turned out

>he blames his parents for how he turned out
Keep clutching that victim card

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the issue is that so many robots don't understand that everyone's parent's fucks them up a bit, that's what they're there for, it's what gives you your gravity, what lets you be independent in a universe of independent things

I don't need your help to make robots insecure about the narrative they've made up to justify their shortcomings, motherfucker
Get the fuck out of my thread

My parents literally prevented me from going out as a child/teen to do normal teen stuff like parties, hanging out with friends, and kept giving me their out-dated boomer advice. Fast forward to now (21), "user why are you so shy" "user, why are you still single?"

I wear a mask around them and pretend I love them but i'm planning to move out soon and just cut them off and wish them the very worst in life

You're supposed to rebel and break or bend the rules you fucking faggot. You could've gone out as a teenager if you just rationally explained that it's your life and you need to live it.
It's your fault for acting like a beta baby bitch

Boomers were all about partying doing drugs and having sex lmao

o no did I hit a nerve there buddy boy?

Pathetic. You could've eventually gone out if they saw you were really interested.
And you don't even tell them what's wrong or communicate it, you just act fake and use them. Go fuck yourself

You're literally assmad.

wtf am i supposed to do about being infertile because my parents had me at 45 after a miscarriage then smoked and drank a fuckton

Robots are mine to bully, you fucking faggot. Begone.

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fuck you, robots need help, not bullying, and if it is bullying then it's bullying with the intention to help

how would you like it if no one gave you a hand even of you were shouting out for it

>you mother drinks during pregnancy
>you end up having fetal alcohol syndrome
>it is your fault

Impeccable logic OP.

>communicating with boomer parents

its more useful to talk with a dog, user

Found the victim

Actually they DID force me to go to the single college and course they wanted me to and there are zero jobs for that in my country. I was 16 and my other alternative would have been leave home and become a gang member to be shot dead by the police at 17.
So yes, it is their fault and maybe their plot all along was actually to have me unemployed living at their home depending on them 'til they die and I become a beggar.

>he can't overcome his shortcomings
always the victim, eh

You are an upper middle class ponce who made it in private school you trust fund bitch.

>Implying your child being a disappoinment doesn't mean you failed as a parent

>tfw my parents unironically gave me brain damage at birth

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>he says this while having internet access

Maybe if they don't want me blaming them they shouldn't have lost all our money and gotten divorced
Fuck my father for being a drug addict and fuck my mother for being a weak-willed depression machine

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this is some pretty firm projection, jesus christ
this is why I made the thread, this shit right here.
You being a disappointment is your fault. You can't blame mommy and daddy forever

>ways i will get back at my parents for losing money and hurting me:
>I will blame them and keep living a bad life
>That's it.

I'm studying and have good grades. I'll move far away.

op's got a point.
there are groups of people who played the victim card too often, so the main association with those people is: victim
i don't think this association helps you in the long run. people build up barriers / don't know how to interact you because they don't want to treat you as a victim, but thats whats on their mind the hole time they are interacting with you

The OP is an actual fucking moron it's official

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Nut up or shut up

Well it is official.

You were adopted.

How's that projection? You are so stupid it hurts. I blame you for not getting yourself killed. I should rape you.

Huff my nuts. Failure to present a counter argument means I get to treat you like my bitch, so bend the fuck over
You applied several labels to me without a shred of context or evidence, meaning you took everything you're insecure about in yourself and slapped it on someone else

>Huff my nuts. Failure to present a counter argument means I get to treat you like my bitch, so bend the fuck over
Mister Pepe meme picture has decided to get serious

Glad you think i'm rich dumbass.