
unsure if i should have a wank tonight edition

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I wanted to wait until the new thread before sharing the good news from last night.

She said yes lads. :-)
I fucking made it.

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im genuinly worried theyre just trying to get us back to normal so they dont look bad and lose money, not because coronavirus has gone.
people are still dying from it.
and the spanish flu killed more people on the second wave.
i also dont want to have to go back to normality.

Just had a wank to Lucy Verasamy. She's pretty, very lithe and exotic.


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>those hairy fingers

Let's get the good vibes going

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All the best for the future user, don't let love blind you

That's a bIoke mate

Coronavirus is a gimmick. May as well ban cars to eliminate road traffic accident deaths

For me it's Ella

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Her lack of boobs and fanny makes her unappealing to me

>Shut down everything because you're a normie and you want to LARP like you're in a zombie apocolypse.
>Less than 1% of people die from the virus. Of those deaths the people had extreme health conditions or were 200 years old.
>Economy completely goes up the shitter.
>Tell everyone to stay at home.
>People get restless and annoyed.
>Everyone gets fired.
>Economy gets further fucked.
>"Uh another 3 weeks should do it."
>Giant shops only let 3 people in at a time and shout at you for standing too close to other people.
>Statistically you are more likely to die from the regular flu EVERY DAY rather than this meme virus.
Was it worth it?

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Dont care, I'll be buying foreclosed houses like bags of chips by the end of the year

>was it worth it
desu though, I'm glad it's happened, it's showed the state of the west, how greedy, selfish and needy they all are
only care about themselves

How'd you meet your partner user?

Lads! Meet Wilfred Lawrie Nicholas Johnson

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Anyone else develop relationships with unattainable girls in their head to stop themselves from killing themselves? Or just me?

>Was it worth it?
No. We need riots, looting and a coup d'etat. Only then will our minecraft server be enjoyable.

>How'd you meet your partner user?

she looks like she has a really smelly fanny

me too user
used to have imaginary friends
now i have imaginary gfs

She doesn't have one at all

For me it was Kaley Cuoco. No clue why.

She has a pp mate

So it's Crona and Crona's boyfriend?
Well whatever makes you lads happy.

Haven't had a shag in over 7 months

I develop relationships between two girls in my head.

Haven't had a shag in over 4 years

>ywn be anons imaginary gf

I haven't had a shag in 26 years

3 years for me since my last shag

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On vivaldi now lads, pretty cosy, I like how customisable it is.

I haven't had a shag in 2 days

Shagged as a newborn? That's fucked up.

haven't had a shag ever

I'm shagging right now.

>tfw the last shag that happened in your life wasn't even WITHIN your life
>the shag I speak of is your mam & dad, before you as a sperm swam to the egg
more importantly if we fail so much at life, how did we manage to swim to the egg?

Can't stop ripping the skin off my lips lads, it started as a little pick and now I'm literally stripping my bottom lip every other day. It just feels so fucking good.

Thanks, I'm chuffed she's everything I ever wanted.

Dating agency here in London, cost a pretty penny but it was worth it in the end.

Maybe he's in his 50s

its near impossible to aim in this
the mouse input is so fucking broken
its the worst ive ever played

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How old are you both, any kids planned?

Same here but it doesn't stop with the lips. The skin around my fingernails, the inside of my mouth, the pads on my palm, it's all chewed to shit.

Haven't had a shag in 4 years

and that was with a prossie

Responsive devs, too. I don't use it any more but when I did, I'd submit bugs and they'd always fix them in weeks if not days.
Compare that to Chrome which has several known, acknowledged by Google, fixable - and even has the appropriate code written FOR them, bugs which have been around for literal years.

I'm 32, she's 27. We've discussed kids but not until we're married and in our own home, I reckon it'll be about 3 years touch wood.

I lost my virginity to a prozza
Absolute worst experience of my life