This cute thread is now open!

this cute thread is now open!
nice people drop by

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first time posting on one of these cute threads, so hello friend

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how are you today?
im watching girls last tour and not doing much of anything
im still sore from yesterday

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Hi there Cute-thread!
Everyone having a good day?

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i am ok, only woke up an hour ago though so havent really done much today
been thinking of watching girls last tour, would you recommend it?
also why are you sore? if you dont mind me asking

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my day is good so far
how is yours?
dubs say itll be a nice day! i was working yesterday and i guess im not used to it again yet; i found a bunch of bruises on my arms and legs too. Its not a bad soreness particularly but its left me a little lethargic
its really good!
there are a few problems and, well i dont really want to give anything away i dont like the ending but i guess the necessity of needing a proper ending meant something like that was inevitable. If you dont like slow and, arguably, boring things you wont like it but i didnt find it boring at all
for an anime its excellent in my opinion. Like i say, a few flaws here and there but it not egregiously overt except the ending which really is my only serious problem and i like the setting, themes etc.

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I'm doing pretty well myself. Just woke up a little while ago and made some breakfast!

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hello anons how are you all? i haven't slept in about 26 hours and feel horrible but i can't sleep yet at the risk of seriously messing up my sleeping schedule.

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26 hours!? That's rough, I know I've never been able to go that far.

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i woke up much earlier than i thought i would because i was super tired last night
i sleep really well though: one of the benefits of doing physical labour
i hope your breakfast was yummy! what did you have?
oh no! why didnt you sleep?
ganbatte user!
youre lucky. Sometimes my sleeping gets so bad the only way to reset it quickly is by staying up for like 36 hours or so

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Mhm, does help you sleep like a log, I find.
It was very good! I made omelettes with potatoes and sausage. Now that I think about it, I should have added onions too, though.

Ahhh, 36 hours!? That sounds crazy to me.

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Konbanwa, anons! ^_^ How are you all?
Played a bit of counter-strike with Yuianon yesterday, was fun, got ranked up to mg2 thanks to him.

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Playing games together is pretty fun. Not into Counter-Strike myself, but I'm glad to hear you had fun.

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really? i thought it was kind of normal, like nothing too crazy
well my ameri-friend who isn't able to come online much came on and we spent the whole night watching silly videos together and joking a lot, it was a lot of fun : ) im gonna wait until my usual bed time to go to sleep so i dont mess up sleeping schedule too much
it was really fun! that second game was rough though. i still haven't gotten my valorant key, been watching the stream for like 24h straight now : /

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Hmm, well maybe it is. I just like napping and sleeping too much to go that long.

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Hellooooooo~! \(^o^)/
I missed this thread yesterday! But I'm here nowww~! ^w^


Hello to you as well! ( ^_^)/

Yeah! ^o^

T-twenty-six sleepless hours? :O
I hope it gets better! ^_^;

I can't get enough sleep on weekdays, so I have to pay sleep debt on weekends! OwO

Valorant is already out...? :Oc

that sounds super yummy!
i think people usually add onion to stuff like that but im not a big fan of onions. They are ok in hash browns but otherwise i dont like them. I used to be a really picky eater and, while im not anymore, onion is just one of the things i cant stand.
it is! i liked counter strike when i played it casually with people: it was only when they started getting super serious and even falling out because of it that i disliked it. I prefer more mobile games generally i think though
im glad you had fun together! it makes me more glad to have made these threads
it can be hard being friends with people from different timezones. Even a lot of other europeans seem to set their sleeping to match americans, neets at least
i love sleeping in, although i feel a bit like i wasted my day if i do. If i nap though i just cant sleep well at night and then im tired the next day
i dont know what do to with myself now: im always like this when i finish an anime, book or film

ahh oh no ive done this like every day for a week now
hello again!
i never sleep enough on weekdays because i hate going to bed early - i dont get to talk to anyone online if i do.
how are you today?

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user, if you just calm your mind you'll be able to sleep normally. All you're doing is exhausting yourself.

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Good to hear it!

I loooove onions, though I like a lot of foods really. Onion is something I'll add to almost anything, though.

Shooters are actually my favorite kind of game, but I prefer the old style arena shooters. I play a lot of Halo because it's one of the few games with a decent population that still feels a bit like that, though occasionally I get in some game of UT2004 and QIIIA as well.

I get the feeling, but it's so nice to be comfy in bed.
Have anything else you'd like to start? Any games you have your eyes on playing?

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>that second game was rough though.
Indeed, sweaty swedes are the words
>i still haven't gotten my valorant key, been watching the stream for like 24h straight now : /
: (
hope you get it soon ^v^
>Even a lot of other europeans seem to set their sleeping to match americans
Not really, I just mess my sleep schedule sometimes :(

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ive tried all sorts of meme techniques which are supposed to make you fall asleep but they never really work. The only thing which makes me sleep well is if im super physically tired; being mentally tired doesnt even seem to matter
onions are really popular - i wish i liked them because they are added to so many things if you eat out. I dont know why they just taste like sweaty and gross to me. I can eat sprouts, mushrooms, artichokes and stuff but onions just dont work with me
when i finish something i like i always feel almost disrespectful if i just move onto something else straight away plus i still want to kind of think about it. Not really either though: i always struggle to find things to watch or do. Honestly, gears tactics looks appealing to me and i fancy a good tactics game but i really dont want to spend like $60 on a game and i cant be bothered trying to pirate it. I was thinking about re-installing sword of the stars for a comfy space game but i cant be bothered fighting battles.
i might watch some paniponi to take more screenshots because i feel like i reuse the same ones too often
a lot of europeans i know seem to wake up at like 4-5pm and sleep at 8-9am or so because its when the internet is more active. I always end up going to bed a bit later over the weekend or if im free because of it too.

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>ahh oh no ive done this like every day for a week now
Keep it up! UwU

>i never sleep enough on weekdays because i hate going to bed early - i dont get to talk to anyone online if i do.
I'm definitely an evening person, and yeah, there aren't enough hours in a day~! I probably would sleep more too if I stopped talking to others! ;w;

>how are you today
I-I'm fine! ^_^

When I try meditation, I always fall asleep! :3c

I love onions, too~! I think I've always loved them!

Excuse me

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no you dont understand: ive made a post without an image every day for like a week
i dont want to keep it up!
sleeping meds seem appealing sometimes honestly but i would worry about getting dependent on them and i cant imagine theyre really good for you

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Well, how they're cooked can affect the taste a bit, but if you don't like them one way, you probably won't like them most other ways either.
Hmm, I suppose I can understand that, needing some time to digest what you just went through.
I always fall back to some of my old favorites when I don't have anything new I want to do, which for me would be Doom, Blood, and Duke 3D.
Gears Tactics looks really good, I'm considering it, but I'm in the same boat, not wanting to spend $60 on it.

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african friends are welcome!
this is a no politics zone - as long as you are nice you can stay!
haha the games i used to default to were eu4, v2 and stalker but i cant bare to open eu4 or vicky and stalker doesnt like alt tabbing much. I guess i could see what new mods there are
its not like i cant afford it or anything i just really dont want to spend so much on a video game. Maybe its a holdover from when i was a kid and had no money but im loathe to buy full price games; its the reason i havent bought nudoom 2

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Stalker is something I need to play more of, it's such a neat game.
It's a lot to spend on just a video game, I feel. If it's something I've really wanted and looks to have a lot of content, I don't really mind spending the $60, but I don't want to spend that on each and every game that comes out.
Doom Eternal is very easy to pirate, Bethesda accidentally shipped it with the Denuvo-free .exe on their client, so you can just download and play it without dealing with any sort of crack or workaround. Evidently you can even play the MP, but I'd say it's not really worth it anyway.

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stalker is very comfy for me but i know all the maps a bit too well now. I still play it every other year or so though
its not just a matter of having to find somewhere to pirate it - my internet is terrible and i dont doubt doom is like 30+gb which will take me at least all day to download; during which time i wont really be able to stream properly

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The repack by FitGirl isn't quite that big, but it's close, at about 25GB. I suppose it would be a problem when your connection isn't all that great, though. I remember the first time I dealt with a 30+GB game was Max Payne 3 back in 2012, when I still had quite slow internet.

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yuuri bump

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