I am ashamed of my heritage. I was born in Germany but my parents are african...

I am ashamed of my heritage. I was born in Germany but my parents are african. I won't specify exactly where they are from but it's none of the northern african countries like Algeria, Egypt etc.

It hurts to say but most of Africa is so way back, compared to the western world they are retarded. Yes, colonialism has stunted modern development but come on. When colonialists arrived with their giant ships in Africa, most of the people were still living in their huts built from dirt.

I was about to write that it is because of the harsh weather conditions, no rain and such, that pretty much repels any human being but Africa has parts that a really green, I am talking about the regions around the equator.

There are no famous scientists. And look at Arabia. Their scientistic "prime time" pretty much laid the foundation of maths as we know it today. And they literally live in the desert.

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Other urls found in this thread:


You are self aware, user. Go back to Africa and make it a better place for your race.

>Yes, colonialism has stunted modern development
No it didn't. All the roads and buildings there were made by colonial powers. And all the cars are imported from another continent. Niggers are pathetic.

I wouldn't insist on OP going back to Africa, but I would suggest that you can be an exemplary black man. Black people need someone else to look up to then tupac and other people that tell them that education is for the weak and that the gangsta life is the only thing people could hope for.
Try to be a good person - like everyone should.

Shut up retard. God I hate you tap dancing niggas so bad. Your ancestors have disowned you. You're white now, go be with the whites and cut off all ties to Africa and the black race in general.

>Black people need someone else to look up to then tupac and other people that tell them that education is for the weak
Nobody says education is for the weak, especially not Tupac. Most rappers these days promote financial literacy and not blowing all of your money on jewelry. There are rap songs about buying real estate. I hate you whites that know nothing about black people yet try and sound like the authority on what goes on in black communities.

lmao this has to be a bait post

>t. white boy telling black person how black people are
Point out one black person who says education is for the weak. You won't find it. You just won't because no one says that. Zig Forums isn't real life.

Even the most ignorant rapper of the 00s, the literal creator of trap music, talks about how he values education

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Ahoo raised on the streets nigga skeet who the fuck you thankin nigga ain't no book but I still be bankin nigga

whatever u say my broski

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OP here. Yes, most rappers say that young kids should get education but be honest with yourself. Is that the image they convey? Most rappers today rap about killing each other and just general gang violence. By saying that young kids should go to school they are just trying to polish their image for parents/teachers/gov. officials.

Do you have anything to say that's not just gibberish?

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The western world is always gonna convince you that technological advancements = good because they're blind to their own self damaging actions. As long as a society is alive, happy, and has a living culture then there is no "better way to live"

dont believe the shit they'll tell you on this website. When white people are slaves to their own technology then all our distant family will be kicking back and laughing from their family-tight communities with their easy going lives, beautiful vibrant cultures, and happy relationships.

ive noticed most euro-centric ideologies revolve around the idea that "muh big building and art and technology! muh iq! muh racial purity!"

it literally doesnt matter as long as they're alive and happy

> as long as they're alive and happy

I don't think most of the people in Africa are happy. The majority live in complete poverty, dying because of lack of food, water and medication. I am 100% positive that technological development would be the cure for all of those problems. GIVEN that the government is working for the people and not working against them just to earn an extra dollar.

white people literally cant comprehend the idea of black people doing the same things as them. They're just sucked into their own egos as white people

I literally can't find a single source for this quote. Most of the non white nationalist websites that have this quote also have "satire" in the name. Either that or it was hosted on iFunny. Someone told you that this woman said this when she did not. Maybe research things before you post them. Zig Forumsfags are so easy to argue with because none of you ever have facts on your side.

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i do agree that there are plenty of societies in africa that are completely awful to live in. Im just saying there there are examples of african societies that i would rather live in than any european country

We all know music is like wrestling. The kids know that rappers are just talking shit. Drake has a new song where he somewhat alludes to shooting people. Everyone knows he's not doing any of that shit, it's just a fucking song with a dance to it.

Rappers go out of their way to tell their fans that the lyrics are just lyrics. You can use your logic for any medium of entertainment. "Arnold Schwarzenegger portrays the image of a killer robot in his movies!!" "Ozzy Osbourne portrays the image of a bat eating devil worshipper in his music!!" We all know rap is fake.

If you didn't type this with your two index fingers, you're high IQ enough to be on par with the average white person. Don't flagellate yourself too much.

I don't listen to hiphop. I don't care if 50 cent or whatever gangsta nigger shit is popular nowadays either. Maybe I've got the wrong impression, but ever since snoop dogg and the likes ended up in the charts and I listened to some of their songs I lost all respect for your kind of music. It just teaches everyone "don't go to school, just smoke and sell weed - that will surely work out" and nobody is appalled by that. Even the "good 80ies hiphop" rarely focuses around anything but people being criminals and thugs - and people wonder why all the low income areas go down the gutter. I don't wonder why.

>It just teaches everyone "don't go to school, just smoke and sell weed - that will surely work out"
It literally doesn't teach you that. You can't find one song that says "don't go to school, stay home and sell weed". You're making shit up.
>Even the "good 80ies hiphop" rarely focuses around anything but people being criminals and thugs
You just sound fucking retarded now. 80s hip hop was mostly party music. Most of the songs were people rapping about how great their DJs were or big asses or how cool they were. You literally have no idea what you're talking about.

Based black person. Real blacks realise this and want to strive for a better black community. You should think about migrating back to your ancestral homeland and building it up with the knowledge acquired from living in a European country.

If you think thats all hip hop is you have tunnel vision when it comes to anything outside of your own life

> everyone knows he's not doing any of that shit

Maybe, but I'll try to draw an analogy to the movie TopGun. When young kids watched TopGun in the 80s I am sure most of the kids knew that they were watching a fictional movie and not a documentary. Yet Air Force enlistments sky rocketed when the movie aired. USAF even had enlistment stands right in the cinemas.

It's not about being credible or not. It's just that they romanticize being a gangster and living for the gang...

I'll have to be honest with you. I am only half african but I wanted to prevent Zig Forumstards here from either telling me, that my western parent is a traitor to his own race or that I should just forget my african heritage. I can't and I won't do that.

I am only half black, therefore I can not really go back to Africa since I am sure that I won't be accpeted culturally and I don't speak the native language.

Ok so what about when kids watched Goodfellas or Scarface or Godfather or Bonnie & Clyde or Black Mass or Reservoir Dogs or any of that shit. There's a whole genre of movies called fucking Crime Drama. White people romanticize criminal life too. But for some reason, it's only bad when black music does it.

You should forget your African heritage. Black people don't want you and you clearly don't want us. Be white.

This is the type of shit that white kids put on the internet. You think white people dont romanticize gang life? Whites have been romanticizing gangs longer than anyone, get the fuck out of here and go watch Peaky Blinders.

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I've only watched Scarface from the movies you listed so I can only talk about that. While the movie romanticized the gangster life they also showed the downsides. Tony had to kill his best friend, his mother abandoned him, his sister died and he lost everything he had including his life.

Rappers on the other hand rap about just having blasted someone and every 100 songs about killing a blood/crip they make a "deep" song.

[I'm that hiphop hater]
On my account those white gangsters should not be romanticized either and I'm quite irritated by it myself, but I guess people are retarded.
Somewhere in a couple of hundreds of years people write romantic novels about the lord of chivalry Pablo Escobar.

Ok, I got it. Whites also romanticized gangs. Still, does it make it right for other people to do the same?

And to your point about kids joining the army over Top Gun. Crime in black communities has been on a decline since gangster rap even became mainstream. Black crime was at its peak in the late 80s, when the most popular black music out was fucking Bobby Brown
Crime is lower than ever all across America, but mainstream rappers casually talk gangster shit in their music more than ever. Trap music is more popular than ever. It's had no impact on crime.

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Yes, that still doesn't exclude the correlation between gangster rap and crime rates. Declining crime rates were a matter of social equality and a general recovery on the black community in the USA.

Yeah, hip hop usually shows the downsides of the gangster life too. It's EXCEEEEEEEEEDINGLY rare for there to be a gangster rapper who doesn't talk about the downsides of the gangster lifestyle. Like it's so incredibly fucking rare.


Even rappers like Future, who barely have any substance to their music, talk about the downsides of drug addiction and how lonely the drug addict life is in their music all the fucking time. You've already admitted that you're not a fan of hip hop, and you brought up 50 Cent and Snoop Dogg as if they're popular for their music in 2020, why do you insist on making these broad generalizations about a genre you know so little about? Is it your European side that makes you think you fucking know everything?

Yes. People can romanticize whatever they like. I'm not the morality police. 2 Live Crew can romanticize sexual degeneracy in their Miami Bass music all they like. Suicidal Tendencies can romanticize being rebellious and getting locked up in mental institutions in their punk music all they like. It's art. It's supposed to be provocative.

Imagine if people only made art that was wholesome and moral by the standards of white Christian Europeans. Art would be fucking awful.

>Yes, that still doesn't exclude the correlation between gangster rap and crime rates
There's literally no correlation at all. The highest crime rates in America came before gangster rap was even a thing, back when it was still an underground subgenre that people outside of LA didn't get. How do you explain the incredibly high crime rates of the 1970s, when hip hop was still "and a hip hop, a hippy, a hippy to the hip hip hop and ya don't stop"? The 70s were the era of Marvin Gaye and shit. What, did "Sexual Healing" make people go out and do drive bys?

I don't know if you mistagged me but you are talking to the wrong person. But anyways.

I took this from futes latest song with drake:

"Who gave you pills? Who gave you that dust? Pluto [Future] sent you on a lick, woo".