I hate the west for degenerating our women as soon as they come to your countrys

I hate the west for degenerating our women as soon as they come to your countrys.

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We will bimbofy all of your Bulgarian women.

I hate the West to doing it to our own women too. I want to move to the East. I have some idea like South Korea, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Greece, and Argentina.

they only like black men so crackers still lose brother

Do you even speak South Korean or Argentinian


bruh...literally biggest BBC addicts in the world

She has nice traps

I never said I was going tomorrow. Also it's Spanish for Argentina.

Western men aren't doing anything to your women, western men prefer men

anyone who uses the internet is a degenerate

bruh u actually think the women here in Russia are trad? HAHAHAHAHAHA

you never been in a nightclub in Berlin

why are they always so THICCC?

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moscow elite aren't. 99.999% are.

also honestly there are plenty of trad girls in the west, you just don't hear about it on TV because it's boring. folk festivals are usually bigger than raves.

to attract the bees

Your ass-backwards muslim countries are the degenerated ones where men fuck goats and boys because that's easier to explain than fucking a woman before marriage.
Or where women get whipped because they're driving a car.

What do muslims even talk to their wives about?

why do westoids have these weird sterotypes about our women being trad

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because we're poor. The fact that e*stern "europeans" are "trad" is the most biggest misconception of the decade. In actuality our "women" are more soulless than western women.

Fortunately they speak very poor English and are not even aware of an internet outside of the Facebook app.

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you mean a googirls set?

keep coping. its more likely to find modest girls in Poland than in USA and smart Americans know it and keep stealing "your" women.

>let me tell you about your women
why are americans so funny

stay mad. i have a qt polish wife since 2012 and she hates ugly polish men.

nice larp lmao, no need to get butthurt just because somebody burst your dreams about trad whore from eastern europe

but I'm not polish and these are not "my" women

polish women hate polish men, they think they are ugly.
If a guy doesnt look polish, he will get laid 24/7

Does anyone got any real incest porn?

Thanks to the western culture, most young polish women are retarded now. AHAHA ecology omg dont cut the trees infestated with bark beetles down, omg dont eat meat, omg user you wanted to date me? Thats so dumb hahhaa, omg i need to buy new phone, this Iphone XDSZDD449 is so old, omg i hate my teacher they want me to learn for exam, omg these fuckboys are so attractive. Fuck you western culture, fuck western capitalism, Im moving out to Ukraine and fight pycckie kupwy

Goodbye newfag, goodbye normalfag

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Its in their nature to degenerate themselfs