Made a kid take hrt

>made a kid take hrt
His life will get really nice now desu. Have you ever thought about taking hrt, user?

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Not really. Getting test shots has crossed my mind once or twice, but I am not thoroughly enough acquainted with all the health implications to actually consider it. My testosterone is also average anyway, so I guess I wouldn't benefit all that much anyway.

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Stop convincing yourself that you have any influence on anyone's life you idiot. You are just a harmless neet that larps being some sort of mastermind that convinces people to do shit. In reality, you are nobody, you have no power over anyone. You merely wander in on people at a low point of their life and red too much into it, simple as that. But it's not too late, smelly one, you can still make a difference: you can kill yourself. It would be the most delightful present you could give anyone. Face it, your life is truly worthless. You can go for weeks without showering and nobody would even know if you didn't post about it on an imageboard. You have nobody. You are all alone with you mental illnesses. The best thing you could do is to end it all. For once in your life, do the right thing.

I bet you blackmailed him you psycho

Why test shots instead of hrt? Maybe you will be qt desu.
>that larps being some sort of mastermind
Proof? If no proof then nice false accusation.
>that convinces people to do shit
Eeh I it counts as convincing someone when people who say they will never cutu but then start to do it after chatu with me. You are just a mad retard desu.

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If I ever saw you on the street I would punch the hell out of you you delusional cringy piece of shit tranny. Stop writing like a fucking retard "cutu" "chatu"
Just kill yourself you fucking piece of rubbish

>giving this degenerate bumps and not saging
You faggots never seize to impress, you're no different than this pea brain, i hope you know, retards.

Yaya you wouldn't do shitu. Your post is pure cringe.
>calls me pea brain
>announces sage

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This nigga gonna end up commitu sudoku or fuck up some lives for real. Can't we hurry this up I want to see shit happen.

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yeah thinking about running a clen cycle for a bit then blasting test

why bother making some fuckup fuck up more?

I bet you are ugly as fuck boy

Why not take estrogen instead? Maybe you will get qt desu.
I'm actually not uggo.

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How could bigu possibly be ugly?

cos im not a faggot

maybe! but what would be the point of that

this is bad - you should stop!

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t. Pedophile who never saw a pussy in real life

You could wear qt clothes etc. It's really nice.
How is it badu?
I'm not a pedo and your way of thinking is really primitive.

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you know why i think its bad
you are a bad influence!

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don't like the sound of that
think you might benefit from going to a therapist or something, you might have a mental illness


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I have considered micro dosing estrogen. Really I just want to go on test blockers so that I don't masculinize as I age but it seems a little unsafe to me. I just wish I could hurry up and make a decision instead of constantly putting it off.

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Just go ahead and do it if thats what you want. The risks are really negligable

I don't know what you mean desu.
I was in a psych ward for 17 weeksu.
Just do it. You really want it so do it desu.

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>always hangs out and talks to underage kids in discord
>tranny fantasies and delusions
>self harm fetish
>gets super defensive whenever pedo or schizo is mentioned
Could you be more fucking obvious, you schizo kiddy diddler? Just kill yourself already, you know that's what you end up doing anyway.

I take dutasteride that I swear has feminised me.

The risks don't even really bother me, I just always struggle to make decisions so I use the risks as an excuse to avoid thinking about it

If it were that easy I would have done it already. I do want to do it but every time I look at pills I hesitate.

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If I were you I'd just try it for 6 months and if you dont like it you can quit with no lasting consequences


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Nice false accusations. Keep seething.
Do you like being more feminine?
Do you have the pillsu already? If yes just stop thinking and take them. If not buy them without thinking about them and them take them without thinking. You'll get used to taking them after a few times.

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Ive wanted to take HRT for years
But I never pulled the trigger
Right now I'm about to switch insurances so I would have to do it afterwards (September)
Maybe I should DIY

>Nice false accusations. Keep seething.
Kek you can't even bring yourself to deny it. What a loser. How much were you bullied at school? Is that what this all is, some sort of an impotent attempt at revenge for your childhood? You are so pathetic.

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I only have finasteride now, not balding but it seemed like a good place to start. I just don't want to buy the wrong pills and mess up my body or something. I already look good (or so I am told) which is why I haven't been in much of a hurry to do anything. Maybe I'll look at pills later if I feel like it.

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man you really shouldn't push someone towards medication or not, especially a kid
terrible fucking advice, your making life changing decisions that may not be reversible, you shouldn't just take pills without thinking you need to outweigh the benefits and risks and whether or not you feel like this is the correct solution
you shouldn't just mindlessly take pills holy shit your making life altering choices dont be passive about it

stop, dont take estrogen when you have no idea about cycles or hormones
you go to a doctor, he carefully monitors your hormones and your physiology and makes sure you dont fuck up your hormones you dont just mindlessly take estrogen
there are many side effects and risks, dont listen to the fucking retard saying there aren't
you are taking a mind altering drug that can severely affect your hormones , and your doing it during one of the most sensitive times of development

Do you have the monies to get it on other ways? There are always alternative ways to get them and you should consider them before diy. If you can't get it on other ways then do diy.
If you take the pillsu later it could be too late. Just to it now. You really want it so why not do it now? Doing it sooner is so much better.
It's not that risky to do it so you don't really need a doctor.

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in an ideal world you would be flayed alive on stream, but sadly this is not an ideal world, so just go chug some fucking bleach instead. dying by your own hand is a far better fate than what will happen to sickos like you when the world wakes up to your degeneracy

>seize to impress

Where do I get some female-to-male pills? Thinking of picking up exercising more and pumping those muscles up. fiy already on steroids but wanna increase my efficiency.

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