How much money do you have saved up right now robots?

How much money do you have saved up right now robots?

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i could live 12.5 years without changing my habits
when i reach 20 years i will retire

How much do you earn then


30 bucks, i don't get any money since i'm a neet.

$16k, growing by about 700 per month.

Not him, but for the purposes of early retirement, it almost doesn't matter how much you earn.

What's important is how much as a percentage you save. Probably most people here have seen this link but I'll post it again just in case

Basically, this is the ultimate NEET guide

depends in the last months i lost a lot of money (20000 euros) because i invested money in stocks and corona happened. now i bought a lot of stocks though. now i'm at -1500 euros again and those stocks will go up further as soon as this crisis is over.

Between cash, stocks, and crypto, around 20k.

50 bucks.
Neet life is amazing.

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18k savings, about 4k stocks, 1k crypto

arte you fucking retarded? the amount matters saving a 100% of $200 is nothing
saving 1% of 100 millons does

28, 30k usd. Live in shit europe. Idealy i want to move into a small house because apartment life sucks with noisy neighbors.

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A fat 0 dollar and probably a few cents lying around

about 4k in equities (primarily in a vanguard ftse-100 index ETF), 9k liquid with about 1k in a savings account and the rest in a regular account
no income and basically live off selling some of my stock occasionally and dividends

around 4855 eurolinos

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Get a mortgage user


About 18k in money and stocks.

24 and $10k saved
Would have more but I recently bought a car.

~33K all of which is in crypto.

It would be ~ $40k but I made a pretty shit trade, and also had to pay bills when during the bottom a couple weeks ago

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About 10k USD not counting silver and assets.

about 100$
I'm a big spender

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a bit over 10k just from my excess neetbux payouts.

I suggest you read the article again

About 4 grand in the bank and 5 dollars in my wallet.

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about 200$.

It would be more but my gf was unemployed for like 6 months so it kinda killed my savings.

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About $300 something. I forgot.

The crisis is just beginning retard. Countries are gonna try and open up and then a second wave will hit. That's when the real crisis hits.
I'll enjoy making money off of puts while you lose at least 55% holding

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Nobody is a fortune teller, but eventually the crisis will end and people will go back to business as usual. That may take half a year or two years - who knows, but as long as you don't need that money in that time I would argue keeping those stocks is the way to go. The value of even the fucked industries will rise again.

I felt like I was doing so well when I started working at 20. Relatively, anyway. Despite just working my way up through a crappy retail job, when looking at my peers who lived paycheck to paycheck, I felt like a lord. Splitting bills with family gave me a great "emergency fund" in my bank account and allowed me to contribute to my 401k, IRA, and another index fund every year.

But at 24 I had a genius idea to try ordering drugs online. Because I wouldn't develop a problem, I just wanted to experiment, add a little spice to my drab life of no friends and nothing happening but going to work and watching anime at home.
Oh. Woops. Now I'm 26 and now I do live paycheck to paycheck, haven't made a contribution to my 401k or IRA in years, have cashed in my other investments to pay bills... Well dang I didn't think I could be such a retard I thought only other people had problems. "Hey man your life is going pretty okay right now, sure it's not too exciting, but you're healthy and things are going smoothly and you have all you need and a bit extra. So let's just fuck it all up and spend like ten thousand dollars on shitty research chemicals and you know what, let's stop exercising and only eat junk food too. YOLO breh." Here I thought I could do better than the white trash I've lived around my entire life but now I became white trash too.

I saved up enough money to cover my expenses for a year and then I stopped saving. #YOLO.

2 grand. Not great but not bad desu. I don't spend it on anything anyway since my dad pays most of my bills.

Around 75K GBP, usually put away 1.5K a month. Need to get a house with it though.

Also paying into LISA and a seperate private pension which is a joke because I am probably going to kill myself (or just die) before I am old enough to retire.

$15k which passively increases by about $1000 a month when corona isn't around after monthly expenses. I'm indecisive about what new toys to buy.

Saved - 13k
Invested - 82k

being eastern europe poorfag sucks

I don't have savings. I barely make rent most months and unexpected expenses keep knocking me down. At least I'm not homeless anymore though.

I have 30k usd in stocks and savings.
I get disability for my autism but it is meant for normal people and I autistically don't drink beer/smoke/go to parties/concerts/expensive vacations or buy new when I can buy used so I save half and help my mother with the other half.

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